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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/11/25 04:50 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/11/25 04:49 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/11/25 04:49 AM
DC Comics' Absolute Universe
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/10/25 04:53 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/10/25 03:54 PM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/10/25 08:11 AM
What Turns you Off!!!!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/10/25 08:10 AM
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And now the roll...

CLARK KENT: As a bit of a 'romanophile', I appreciate the duds... and the darkened skin is interesting. There had to be a visual way to distinguish Kon from Clark. I wonder what this Clark's fate will be? We're meant to like this Clark, I think. Which makes me suspect that he's a mole/plant.

I wish he hadn't called himself a 'servant of darkness'. That's just too direct a parallel to the first Legion/Darkseid story. I personally see FOUNDATIONS as quite different from the GREAT DARKNESS. Both are epic, yes and both involve Darkseid and hordes of nameless 'victims'. But I wouldn't call this the reboot's Great Darkness story-- though I'm sure others will.

Which will create expectations that may be impossible to meet.

"Since when was I significant?" Perhaps Clark will be a 'double' mole...

FerroLad FERRO: In his brief appearance, Andy still comes across as about a thousand times more assured and valuable a character than his pre-Steeple self.

I liked his aside to Superboy, Andy's century-mate.

InvisibleKid INVISIBLE KID: Notice how Lyle fills out Brainy's explanation to Kid Quantum. Fitting, if tiny, use of the character... though I'm left wondering about last issue's 'big' moment.

ULTRA BOY: Still stays as far from Tinya as he can. Wildfire and Shikari seem more like a couple than do the Nahs.

KID QUANTUM: Maybe these anomalies will inspire KidQ to buckle down and understand how her powers work. That's been a big detriment to the character since DNA introduced her lack of self-knowledge back in LOST.

Art-wise, I appreciated the 'romance' scene. But the dialogue was less than sexy. Combining sexiness with exposition *is* a tall order.

Brainiac5 BRAINIAC 5: I like Batista's Brainy very much. I think he retains Coipel's boyishness (as in boy-genius) that enamored most everyone but me, while making Brainy much more handsome. I notice that Brainy seems to fit in completely now. At least in missions.

Y'know, a very good case could be made that Brainy is the bravest of Legionnaires.

SENSOR, KARATE KID, SPARK, TIMBER WOLF, APPARITION, STAR BOY, DREAMER, TRIAD, GEAR, CHUCK TAINE, SHIKARI and WILDFIRE also appear to varying degrees. I wondered about the expressions on WOLF and STAR BOY's faces when listening to Cos towards the end. Perhaps other Legionnaires are getting tired of his attitude.


The opening and closing sequences were suitably impressive. The intro of Clark Kent... Orion's attack... Superboy's rescue... the Legion playing catch-up... all nicely presented.

I wonder, though, was the tractor-driver an actor employed for verisimilitude? An anachronistic caretaker? An android? Yera?

The closing was epic... hellish red/browns... smoke and smog... wind blowing all the Legionnaires' hair (except Gear, I suppose)... the final pages move from a longshot showing most of the assembled team reacting to emerging machinary to a mid-range group of head-shots to a whirl of Legionnaires battling parademons to the tight close-ups of Brainy and Imra witnessing the eerie and majestic rising of Darkseid.


'Young' Darkseid emerges, clasping his 'elder's' hand.

A cliffhanger in which two living 'cliffs' hang on to each other...

Between the impressive opening and the epic closing is a middle featuring glimpses (never enough, it seems) of several Legionnaires interacting in a pleasing variety.

I'm loving the art of Chris Batista and Chip Wallace. It seems criminal that their work is soon to be replaced... no matter how talented and worthy the replacement.

I fervently wish that DC could find a way to retain this art team on this title. Perhaps they could alternate storylines with Kitson (if that's indeed who the new artist will be...). Or perhaps now *is* the time for a second title. Lord knows there's enough story potential for two titles.


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random thoughts:
-- Cos' attitude is getting repetitive, but it's also understandable and makes him more human than the cardboard "ideal leader" type. Dramatically, it's there to reinforce Kon's immaturity and set up his eventual heroism so I don't mind it.
-- Jarth's isolation from the others also seems to be a setup for something, but what exactly isn't as obvious.
-- It was nice to see the team going through the boom tube to Apokolips -- we rarely get to see that many team members at once anymore.
-- Wildfire is again shown to be protective of Shikari. Unlike Dawnstar, Kari doesn't seem to mind it. I wonder if that was in DnA's script or something Batista did? It was also cool to see how the other team members handled that scene (of the erupting machinery)-- their body language and attitudes seemed spot-on
-- The mass suicide of catastrophists diving into the firepits to reignite them is a chilling concept

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I've a distinct feeling that something-- dunno what-- is gonna happen to Violet, Jarth, Superboy and Kid Q while the others are away.

Also, I guess the LeVIathan nonsense is done-- everyone's been calling Salu VIOLET again and I'm thrilled.

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Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
random thoughts:
-- Cos' attitude is getting repetitive, but it's also understandable and makes him more human than the cardboard "ideal leader" type. Dramatically, it's there to reinforce Kon's immaturity and set up his eventual heroism so I don't mind it.
I get the reasoning about Kon's immaturity and its relation to the plot... but I'm finding Cos more and more a stranger. If there were a mitigating thought balloon somewhere indicating that his attitude was deliberate and purposeful, it'd be more tolerable. As it is, it just don't fit what came before. Cognitive dissonance translates to annoyance.

Originally posted by DrakeB3003:

-- Jarth's isolation from the others also seems to be a setup for something, but what exactly isn't as obvious.
Perhaps that's a good thing. We'll see if the setup pays off in DNA's short remaining tenure.

Originally posted by DrakeB3003:

-- It was nice to see the team going through the boom tube to Apokolips -- we rarely get to see that many team members at once anymore.
True. And it *is* quite a sight.

Sometimes it's one I take for granted.

Imagine a group of flying teen-agers each with at least one super-power communicating silently, appearing in the sky out of nowhere.

That big time threat factor ought to be used to advantage. Probably not much of a psychological edge when fighting Darkseid, but most lesser foes should at the least have a moment's doubt when confronted with the Legion emerging from a Floating Triangle... or in this case, a boom tube.

Originally posted by DrakeB3003:

-- Wildfire is again shown to be protective of Shikari. Unlike Dawnstar, Kari doesn't seem to mind it. I wonder if that was in DnA's script or something Batista did?
I wonder that, too. I asked this question last month in regards to the Brainy/Invisible Kid kiss and the Vi cradled in Ayla's palm panel. Does Batista visit here? I haven't seen him post on the DC boards, either- but I don't check in there all that often.

I'd like to know who to credit (or blame) for these moments-- which, after all, are the stuff of Legion fandom... when some of my faves only appear for a panel or two in several issues, I like to make up all sorts of characterization, unseen plotpoints about them. I think that's something that links alot of us longtime Legion fans together like fans of few other comics. Maybe I'm projecting.

I remember that Batista's a longtime fan, which makes his departure even sadder.

Originally posted by DrakeB3003:

It was also cool to see how the other team members handled that scene (of the erupting machinery)-- their body language and attitudes seemed spot-on
Indeed it was-- if I had more energy in this holiday season (I work in retail, and frankly I'm lucky to crank out a CTR at all in Dec or Jan), I'd have gone into detail about the very things you mentioned. I *did* notice and appreciate though.

Originally posted by DrakeB3003:

-- The mass suicide of catastrophists diving into the firepits to reignite them is a chilling concept
Now here's where DNA need to improve... the facelessness of entire groups that are integral to whatever plot is at hand has been consistent. Most recently, the Talokians who decided to withdraw from the UP needed to be given a face and 'voice'. Here, we need to know why the heck a sentient would become a catastrophist and choose to hurl themself into a firepit. Personal reasons, not the general philosophical ones we've been given. Imagine how much more chilling and effective those scenes would be if we knew faces and names and a detail or too about the individuals who make up the catastrophists. It'd only take a handful of panels...

This has been a recurring omission all the way back to the blight. I know the Legion's a huge cast and it takes focus to get many of them in, but the *stories* need a bit more backgroud characterization, IMO.

Thanks for your thoughts, DrakeB3003

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I've a distinct feeling that something-- dunno what-- is gonna happen to Violet, Jarth, Superboy and Kid Q while the others are away.
I think by reading the solicits, you're right. But I think you stay away from them?-- so I won't go into detail.

I thought maybe that Superboy and Garth-in-Jan would rush off on their own, leaving LW even more vulnerable.

Originally posted by MLLASH:

Also, I guess the LeVIathan nonsense is done-- everyone's been calling Salu VIOLET again and I'm thrilled.
Now, if she'd just get some Clairol #whatever-black-is and get rid of that green streak...


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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I've a distinct feeling that something-- dunno what-- is gonna happen to Violet, Jarth, Superboy and Kid Q while the others are away.
To them and to the new recruits of the Academy!

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Regarding the legionnaires who stayed behind, they were each depicted as silhouettes in Kid Quantum's last episode, weren't they? Excepting Violet. I haven't and won't read the online solicits for next issue, but I have read what it says about the next issue in the back of #28. Because of it and Kid Q, I'd certainly wager the ones still back at Legion World will have more action to come. I just don't know about Violet and that fourth silhouette.

It does say that Smallville site is in outer Metropolis, doesn't it? And, it also says that it's in Kansas, doesn't it? Is Metropolis really so big that it reaches to Kansas?

I like Dark Clark. Should I just take for granted that he's the genuine Clark Kent or should I still be thinking he might be from a pocket universe, and not necessarily related to Superman's continuity?

Yeah, I haven't thought that Jarth has looked like Jan since Issue #25--except for the hair.

I thought it pretty cool that Cosmic Boy could restrain Orion like that, without even looking.

I want to not see Trudy Trusoe for a long long time.

Gravity distorts time? Deep breath... suspension of disbelief intact... must move on...

Nice fight scenes spread amongst the team like that.

And then there was Darkseid. Both new and old could really use a makeover. Queer eye for the evil guy, anybody?

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Since it was Garth's body and not his mind that was charged with lightning back on Korbal, I'm thinking he shouldn't have his lightning powers currently, but he obviously does have Jan's power since he was shown changing that tree to crystal, although it seemed inadvertant.

I don't like having 2 Darkseids in one place at one time. DC has always maintained that that was impossible in its time travel stories, as opposed to Marvel who has often shown mutliple Kangs and multiple Avengers from different time periods existing simultaneously. I like time travel stories, but I think some rules need to apply.

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P.S. What the heck is dark matter?

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It's like white matter, but more fatty...

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I JUST read the issue for the first time, then came and read CTR....

I love how you guys read as much as possible into the art. I am with you, there. With each issue, I become a bigger and bigger fan of Batista's work. He does everything I like to see in my comics. I think he's put an impressive (iconic) group shot or two in each of his issues. His storytelling flows neatly. His action sequences are dynamic, his characters are attractive. His attention to detail is impeccable. Chip is holding his own as inker, too, keeping everything neat and tidy. The colors are well done, enhancing the art, not distracting. I loved all the swirling hair in the Apokolips section. Glad Imra opted against the ponytail today! There is a real care for Legion being put on the page nowadays. It's a pleasure to see. I'm totally looking forward to next issue.

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But why why why are they taking Batista away from us? And when does it happen?

I'm not happy about this development at all.


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Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
random thoughts:
-- Cos' attitude is getting repetitive, but it's also understandable and makes him more human than the cardboard "ideal leader" type. Dramatically, it's there to reinforce Kon's immaturity and set up his eventual heroism so I don't mind it.
I notice DnA have a bad habit of belaboring a point to ad nauseum. Remember Spark insisting to be called Live Wire? Or how many times they were able to get someone to say "Robotica is coming to Earth!" in the issues leading up to that storyline? It's my only complaint about DnA.

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Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:

It does say that Smallville site is in outer Metropolis, doesn't it? And, it also says that it's in Kansas, doesn't it? Is Metropolis really so big that it reaches to Kansas?
I remember in pre-crisis continuity 20th century smallville was just outside the limits of metroplolis.
Also Gothamn and Metropolis were 'twin cities'!

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Bold Flavors
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Well, with Salu being called Violet and her recent injury hopefully taking away the "LeViathan" powers, I think she should be on the right track now! I agree that the Legionnaires left behind will probably have a big role in the story, so I hope Vi gets a chance to shine!

And I hope that you're on to something with Cos, Todd. As one my favorites, I don't like thinking that he's just being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. I still feel like the Time Trapper might be involved here, but I may be desperately clinging to my own theory... wink

As always, Calling the Role is what I read immediately after I finish reading my copy of Legion! Thanks for the thoughts Todd and everyone!

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
CLARK KENT: As a bit of a 'romanophile', I appreciate the duds... and the darkened skin is interesting. There had to be a visual way to distinguish Kon from Clark. I wonder what this Clark's fate will be? We're meant to like this Clark, I think. Which makes me suspect that he's a mole/plant.

I hadn't thought about him being a mole, but of course....too busy liking him, I guess. That golden age, noble, humble hero act gets me every time.

SATURN GIRL: Now I didn't read Imra as being all that cold and distant to Garth-in-Jan on the Command Deck. To me, she came across as distracted... and a little condescending.

At least she's not afraid to touch him in this issue, even if it is only a hand on the arm. And I like the way XS immediately looks to Imra when he appears - he's YOUR problem Imra!

I have a feeling that Garth-in-Jan will be joining Superboy in some impuslive heroics soon. I hope Garth-in-Jan sticks to the lightning because I don't think Garth has the skill, restraint or philosophical background to properly use Jan's power, IMO.

Garth went out a hero, it would be awful if he went back to being a sulky hot-head, regardless of his current predicament. I hope that he is the restraining, reasoning force that not only keeps Kon on a short leash, but teaches him some teamwork skills. I hope.

FERRO: In his brief appearance, Andy still comes across as about a thousand times more assured and valuable a character than his pre-Steeple self.

Ferro grows up, nice development and the point is made concisely and believably, without a lot of panel time.

INVISIBLE KID: Notice how Lyle fills out Brainy's explanation to Kid Quantum. Fitting, if tiny, use of the character... though I'm left wondering about last issue's 'big' moment.

I thought it was interesting that, in the big battle scene, Lyle is next to Brainy, clearly protected by his force field. Meanwhile, to the left, Karate Kid is falling through space I'm still holding out for another "big" - or bigger - moment.

In this same scene, Wildfire is grabbing Shikari by the hand - getting her out of danger? So I looked for Jo & Tinya, and, as you point out, they're far apart.

BRAINIAC 5: I like Batista's Brainy very much. I think he retains Coipel's boyishness (as in boy-genius) that enamored most everyone but me, while making Brainy much more handsome. I notice that Brainy seems to fit in completely now. At least in missions.

Batista did a great job on Brainiac 5's depiction. With Coipel, he always looked way too young to me (and like Dennis the Menace or Calvin). B5 seems to be over the angry snit phase, but still capable of some wry sarcasm. Another kid who's growing up?

SENSOR, KARATE KID, SPARK, TIMBER WOLF, APPARITION, STAR BOY, DREAMER, TRIAD, GEAR, CHUCK TAINE, SHIKARI and WILDFIRE also appear to varying degrees. I wondered about the expressions on WOLF and STAR BOY's faces when listening to Cos towards the end. Perhaps other Legionnaires are getting tired of his attitude.

We didn't see much of them ... but another great expression was TImber Wolf going into battle - and SMILING! Nice touch.

I'm loving the art of Chris Batista and Chip Wallace. It seems criminal that their work is soon to be replaced... no matter how talented and worthy the replacement.

I fervently wish that DC could find a way to retain this art team on this title. Perhaps they could alternate storylines with Kitson (if that's indeed who the new artist will be...). Or perhaps now *is* the time for a second title. Lord knows there's enough story potential for two titles.

I'll second that!! Another great calling the Roll, this thread really adds to my enjoyment of each issue!

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Rokk was this much a jerk before when he was working behind the scenes for the Chu sting with the espionage peeps. I'm thinking he has his reason, though I will go on to say that if he's being a jerk because he sees Kon as a letdown, then he should know better! If I'm not mistaken, he's belief lies in Superman, not Superboy. Unless Rokk knows Kon will take over the role of Man of Steel in the future, I still don't see why he should be so snarky with Kon.

re: Rusty's comment about ad nauseum Spark-Live Wire-Spark

I found it annoying too at first, but a subsequent issue (or was it the same issue?) where Jaz talks Ayla out of using "Live Wire" was a nice moment for 2 people who have (or in Jaz's case, had) a Legionnaire sibling, a distinction only those 2 share, methinks...

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... to a certain extent, I can unerstand why Cos is being so hard on Superboy - maybe he IS a disappointment to him, but come on, SB's hardly a rookie at this and doesn't really deserve all the criticism directed his way. Are you telling me that the Legion hot-heads get told off by Cos? When was the last time you saw Wildfire or Jo sitting twiddling their thumbs because they were a liability?
Cos needs to relax a little bit and realise that SuperMAN and SuperBOY are two different people.

Garth in Jan's uniform - you'd think that they would have gotten him some different clothes... it's just a bit creepy wearing Jan's uniform, and probably isn't doing Garth any good psychologically either.

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Rokk is acting pretty much the same way towards Kon as he did in the SB issue he took Kon's flight ring back for breaching rules.

And come on - Kon isn't being a team player here, and his boneheaded costume move got people KILLED. Rokk's within his rights.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Gravity distorts time? Deep breath... suspension of disbelief intact... must move on...
Actually, it does. Or, more accurately, mass distorts space-time and gravity's an expression of this distortion. (For instance, time slows down inside a gravity well.)

It seems to me that DnA are remarkably conscientious--as superhero comic writers go--about sticking some actual science into their writing. I loved the botanical references Brainy made during the Blight arc.

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Originally posted by SiliconDream:
[QUOTE] It seems to me that DnA are remarkably conscientious--as superhero comic writers go--about sticking some actual science into their writing.
Oh, I don't agree with that at all!! Their treatment of evolution in the Ra's al-Ghul story still makes me shudder!

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OK, that was pretty silly. But what's left to preserve of evolution in the DC universe?

We've got cosmic beings and impersonal forces and hyperadvanced aliens all meddling with evolution, ancient colonists from other planets, a "metagene" that seems to do whatever's required of it to make a good story. Not much room for poor old Darwin...

Heck, Legion even has Evolvo, who can turn into an ape or a little guy with a big head. So what's a few "Terrorforms" and "hypertaxis energies," in the grand scheme of scientific miseducation?

Although "Terrorform" is one of the worst names I've read in a comic in the last year, I must admit.

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"LIVEWIRE: Does anyone else think that Garth-in-Jan is looking more like Garth than like Jan this issue? Facially, I mean."

Am I mistaken, or did he look taller, too?

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Originally posted by SiliconDream:
OK, that was pretty silly. But what's left to preserve of evolution in the DC universe?

We've got cosmic beings and impersonal forces and hyperadvanced aliens all meddling with evolution, ancient colonists from other planets, a "metagene" that seems to do whatever's required of it to make a good story. Not much room for poor old Darwin...

Heck, Legion even has Evolvo, who can turn into an ape or a little guy with a big head. So what's a few "Terrorforms" and "hypertaxis energies," in the grand scheme of scientific miseducation?

Although "Terrorform" is one of the worst names I've read in a comic in the last year, I must admit.
I'll give you the gravity distorting time--I don't even want to learn more about that--but Juan's right on target with the evolution. That arc made me think we were watching a mid-season episode of Star Trek.

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Originally posted by SiliconDream:
Gravity distorts time? Deep breath... suspension of disbelief intact... must move on...
Actually, it does. Or, more accurately, mass distorts space-time and gravity's an expression of this distortion. (For instance, time slows down inside a gravity well.)
True - what it will not do is rip up causality, no matter how much extra mass you add. As it stands here, the Legion/DCU has effects which don't have causes.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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