At the Dallas WW Convention last year there was a question asked about the Legion's reaction to spin-off groups. Mark actually seemed very intrigued by the question and listened as two fans briefly explained the SCA and described a few known groups that were similar or had started by splitting from the mideivalist re-enacters.
He jokingly commented "You guys may have just written Year Two" at which point the guys high fived each other
Cool moment at the Legion panel.
We may have just seen the beginnings of or at least the justification for some splinter groups though. The Brainiac/Cosmic Boy split saw quite a few of the Legionnaires-in-the-plaza heading for other parts and places, a schism in the members and their fans and we very nearly saw the formation of a second Legion due to the ideological split.
If the Legion is to be seen as inspiration then maybe we'll see the Subs or even an adult group of wannabw heroes trying to get themselves out in the public eye.
In the Legion's past we've seen:
The Legion of Substitute Heroes
The Wanderers
The Uncanny Amazers
The Oversight Watch
The Workforce
...and I still want to see a 30th C. JLA
If there are to be new hero groups then are the villians going to be far behind?