I would LOVE to see "Iron" Mike Grell or James Sherman return to the Legion of Super Heroes. In my opinion, yea I got one!

I think, besides Dave Cockrum, they really created a "look" for the LSH!!
Dave Cockrum updated them and got everyone's attention!
Mike Grell gave them a very graphic look with all the inked cross hatching and tight work along with some cool and not so cool costume updates.
James Sherman (when inked by anyone other than Jack Abel) gave the Legionaires VERY individual bone structure. Dawnstar actually looked "American" Indian, Ultra Boy, stocky and muscular with a strong jaw but puppy dog eyes and Monel look very regal and so forth and so on. James is my all time favorite for the few issues he did do (I think 12 in all) and the ones inked by greats like Bob Wiacek, Joe Rubinstein and Bob McLeod really made his style of story telling
I did actually like Jack Abel inking Mike Nassers stuff, really made it look good but other than that I really didn't care for his inking work to much.
Mike Grell inked by Terry Austin back in the GL - GA days was a real treat. I didn't care for his stuff inked by Vince Colleta, it just looked WRONG to me for some reason. If "Iron" Mike were to return I'd love to see him paired up with Bob Wiacek again, I thought he really strengthened Mikes pencil work tremendously!! Mike's final issues written around the Time Trapper, way back when, was a prime example of a really great artistic pairing!!