Super Sacrifice of the Legionnaires: what the hell?
Is it just me or was this the most messed up story ever published in the silver age of comic books?
I like Garth and all but I'm pretty sure, if I was a legionnaire, I wouldn't get me and my friends together for some mass cult suicide to bring him back.
The writer was probably trying to make some sort of message about how, even though such characters as M'onel are much more powerful than Garth, his nobility in sacrificing himself for others made him the most essenital legionnaire. What the hell kinda message is that to send to little children: some people's lives are worth more than others?
No wonder Lightning Lad made such a lousy leader. I imagine his whole term went something like this:
Garth: Gee Sun Boy. That was a pretty lousy job you did on that mission. Way to go accidently wiping out the people of Corvan IV. You're expelled from the team.
Dirk: Gee Garth. Remember that time I was prepared to get electrocuted to death so that your lifeless corpse could be re-animated?
Garth: Uh...come to think of it, I never like the Corvan IV's anyway with those weird dots on their face and all. As you were Star Boy.