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Legionnaire Mastermind
by stile86 - 01/07/25 09:14 PM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by stile86 - 01/07/25 09:12 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 01/07/25 09:08 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by stile86 - 01/07/25 09:08 PM
What's the worst part of being a "Super" hero?
by rickshaw1 - 01/07/25 05:50 PM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:13 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:31 AM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:29 AM
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What would it be like?

I'm thinking that you set it fifteen to twenty years after the 5YL stories, which makes it about twenty to twenty-five years after the Great Collapse. In that time, partially as a response to the GC, society becomes increasingly regimented to be something kind of like we see in the WaK Legion.

As Pol Jath Krinn, Lauren Gand, and the younger Ranzz twins hit their teen years, they become the leaders of a large scale movement to recover the ideals that their parents seem to have lost.

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Meh, I'd want the originals back.

Which is unfair to the "kids" but its the way I feel.

Of course, I fully believe these ARE the originals and that they simply have had their memories tampered with by Zero Hour.

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I would love this personally. I really thought the Legion would've benefitted from a drastic revision. ohwell.

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Would this version have a Brainy clone or ten in there? And how many robots of girls he fell for? Robots don't exactly age, ya know?

And how many shape-shifters/illusionists/etc. could sneak into the new kids' legion?

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I don't think I'd be as attached to the kids as to the originals of any boot.
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Originally posted by Neemers:
Would this version have a Brainy clone or ten in there?
I'm not 100% sure about this, but aren't Coluans extremely long-lived?

If the meek shall inherit inherit the Earth, then I at least want Baffin Island - and a property manager to work for me who is made of sterner stuff than I.
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Originally posted by Arachne:
I don't think I'd be as attached to the kids as to the originals of any boot.
I tend to agree with you.

People would also complain about the treatment of the parents, especially if they supported the current system.

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I'm currently running a table top role playing game with this premise. According to my timeline, the Legion of Superheroes formed in 2963 or so, 1000 years from the release date of the comics first appearance. It is now 3007. The player characters are the grandchildren of the original Legionnaires mixed with some brand new (non-legacy) members.

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I whipped up a Legion Legacies setting for Mutants & Masterminds 2E.

Team members included;

Brainiac Six (a clone of Brainiac 5, with some other genes mixed in)

Electrode (Graym Ranzz, who can control his own internal bioelectricity to boost his strength, speed, healing rate, and take control of the nervous system of someone else he touches, or just shock them.)

Shift X (Wileza Wazoo, daughter of Jo and Tinya, able to shift her ultra-energy to an 'energized' form that is strong, tough and fast, or a 'ultra-energy' form that is incorporeal, flies at light speed and burns like fire.)

Rampage (Garm Ranzz, son of Brin and Ayla, able to manipulate the effects of gravity regarding his own body. He can jump for miles, float like a butterfly and hit like a cargo ship.)

Zen (Wilhemina Shen Voxv, daughter of Val and Projectra, a gifted martial artist with limited illusion powers, allowing her to 'strike faster than the eye can see' or inflict blows that *feel* cripplingly potent.)

Shadowblade (Lamn Mallor, son of Lar / Mon and Tasmia, able to call up the shadow-force of Talok VIII to wreath himself in armor and weapons of indestructible 'nightstone.' Surrounded by his dark power, he's almost on par with his dad.)

Quanta (no other name, sexless energy creature formed after some 'experimentation' with Shikari in another dimension led to *Wildfire* becoming pregnant. The energy-life-form is a globe of fiery plasma, flies fast and can form teleportation portals.)

Astral (Jema Nal, daughter of Thom and Nura, studied on the Sorcerer's World to control her gifts, which have the semblance of 'super-astrology.' She can predict people's fates, or 'curse' them, or 'bless' them, through a combination of gravitational forces tapped from the stars ('cursed' people tend to fall down, or have heavy things drop on them), native precognitive talents and sorcery.)

Twisted (Jer Allon, son of Gim and Yera, a form-shifter, able to stretch, enlarge (a bit), shrink (a bit) and appear as other humanoids.)

Legion (Matt Taine, eldest son of Chuck and Luornu, able to replicate himself many times, and be a 'one-man Legion.')

Nightfire (Meph Krinn-Cullen, son of Rokk and Jasmin, able to greenish-gold 'nuclear fire' that reinforces matter, which he can use to heal or repair, or structurally strengthen items or people.)

Brightflame (Peta Cullen-Krinn, Meph's twin sister, able to generate a purple-black 'nuclear fire' that tears matter apart on a molecular level, which she can use to disintegrate objects, or people.)

Elemental (daughter of Jan and Shvaugn, able to transform her own body into any pure element, and move around in those forms.)

Elu (may or may not be the 'Elu' who was a 20th century Vegan Omega Man.)

Hardware (a sentient machine created by Life Lass of Lallor, it is constantly 'upgrading' itself by incorporating new technology.)

Focus (son of Lazon, of the League of Super-Assassins and an unknown mother, can turn into a beam of laser-intensity light.)

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To answer the original question.

At its most basic then, a series using the children or even grandchildren might be a fantastic comic but its not “the Legion of Super Heroes”

To me Superman is Clark Kent, an orphan rocketed to Earth from Krypton and fostered by the Kents. Batman is Bruce Wayne who saw his parents killed and swore to avenge them and protect others.

So by that reasoning the Legion has to remain Rokk, Garth and Irma as founders of a Legion, (and ideally inspired by Superboy) tease

And whilst I might (make that would) buy and enjoy such a series a lot would depend on the stories and artwork. After all it could end up another Wanderers, Science Police or Inferno type series

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Wow Set...Our campaigns must be set on parallel Earths lol. They sound very similar. The gist of my campaign is that every comic book character in DC appeared in the year their comic book first appeared. So Superman I is the Golden Age Superman. He is never Superboy during the 20th Century - only in the future (similar to the animated series). Most of the Legion's adventures with Superboy are with his son, the Silver Age Superman (Superman II). Etc, etc.

My Brainiac 6 is the grandson of Brainy and Supergirl (I). His mother is the green-skinned Supergirl character seen in Kingdom Come.

I have some illustrations of a few of the characters if anyone is interested...

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Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
At its most basic then, a series using the children or even grandchildren might be a fantastic comic but its not “the Legion of Super Heroes”
Yeah, it's the Justice Society, and it is fantastic. smile
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Set, I really like the LEGION character (I like the very idea of a character named that in the LSH for some reason), and Val and Jeckie's daughter. The whole "illusion of delivering a cripplingly potent blow" thing sounds so cool.

EDIT: Just GOTTA mention how much I *love* the idea of the sentient Life Lass creation... WOW!

So... going back to EDE's original question... I would certainly have given it a chance to impress me.

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I think it could make a GREAT Elseworlds TPB

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Originally posted by Andorian Lantern:
I have some illustrations of a few of the characters if anyone is interested...
I would love to see the sketches A.L.

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My Brainiac 6 is the grandson of Brainy and Supergirl (I). His mother is the green-skinned Supergirl character seen in Kingdom Come.
From a storytelling balance perspective, I just couldn't work with a Brainy / Supergirl kid. The rest of the team would never get to do anything. smile

Although I did give Brainiac Six another power, as a result of the 'other genetic factors' in his make-up. None of his team-mates know that he can turn invisible, and if they ever catch him doing so, he'll turn the technobabble up to 11 and claim that his force field belt can be calibrated to warp light around his location.

'Cause really, it's not anyone's business how Lyle's DNA got into his gene-build.

I have some illustrations of a few of the characters if anyone is interested...
Oh definitely. I'd love to see your 2nd generation Legionnaire notions!

I've always been a fan of perpetuating a comic continuity, rather than constantly resetting it to make the main characters younger and have to go through their origin stories every 10 years.

Set, I really like the LEGION character (I like the very idea of a character named that in the LSH for some reason), and Val and Jeckie's daughter. The whole "illusion of delivering a cripplingly potent blow" thing sounds so cool.
Being the firstborn of Chuck and Lu, it made sense that Matt Taine would have grown up at the Academy and running around the halls of Legion HQ, even more so than Graym, who at least had time living on his parents home-worlds during their occasional 'retired' phases. In my envisioning, he's the most firmly rooted in the whole Legion worldview, having grown up on the inside.

EDIT: Just GOTTA mention how much I *love* the idea of the sentient Life Lass creation... WOW!
Yeah, I didn't flesh that one out on my website, like the others, but the short, short version is that Life Lass was testing the limits of her powers (trying to see if she could create a permanent animation) and 'burned them out' creating Hardware. She (and he as well) suspects that she could concentrate really hard and pull the animatory life-energy back out of Hardware and regain her powers, but he's sentient, and she refuses to kill him just so that she can play super-hero once again. So, having accidentally 'given her powers away,' she's retired. He's effectively her child.

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Technically I guess you could say my Legion is 3rd Generation. ^_^

I was able to work in almost every Legionnaire as a result, so characters who came later such as Gear and XS (though I've always disliked her name and she's called XL in my universe) appear in the 2nd gen group for the most part.

The Brainy/Supergirl child idea would result in a pretty powerful character but I had to do it since it seemed a natural extension of Legion history and tapped Kingdom Come.

I'll post some artwork soon. I'm not the best artist, often modifying or redrawing other artists work for my RPG campaign but I am pretty good at uniform/costume design and coloring in Photoshop. Mixed with some original art and drawn-in changes I think you'll all enjoy what we've done (my players and I).

"In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my...antennae."

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