Round 12 begins!From 15, let's get down to 10 once again, so 5 will go home.
Please vote for your top 5!
With no more bonus points for Round 5 winners, I've tweaked the points system a bit to give fewer points for Ranks 1-5.
1 - 100
2 - 50
3 - 30
4 - 15
5 - 5
I will post the list of contestants twice - the first is to list the Legionnaires, and a reminder re which Round they made it back in -
the second list only has the Legionnaires' names, please use that one to copy-paste the list/wording exactly, parentheses and spaces and all, this will make it a) easier to identify which version, b) it will make my Excel lookups work
List with round information, for decision-making reference!(5YL) Matter-Eater Lad - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Pre-5YL) Brainiac 5 - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Pre-5YL) Saturn Girl - Round 8 eliminated (Round 11 returnee)
(Pre-5YL) Supergirl - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Pre-5YL) Triplicate Girl / Duo Damsel - Round 7 resurrection winner
(Reboot) Gates - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Reboot) Gear - Round 9 eliminated (Round 11 returnee)
(Reboot) Invisible Kid - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Reboot) Kid Quantum II - Round 10 eliminated (Round 11 returnee)
(Reboot) Kinetix - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Reboot) Monstress - Round 8 eliminated (Round 11 returnee)
(Reboot) Shrinking Violet/ LeViathan II - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Reboot) Spark - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
(Reboot) Triad - Round 9 eliminated (Round 11 returnee)
(Reboot) XS - Round 5 winner with no more +10% bonus
Hope that's not too hard to read... don't worry, there is an easier list below!!!
House Rules 1) Each round will last about 72 hours
2) I'll vote at or near the start of every round to minimize bias on my part.
3) While I don't encourage changing of votes, I won't disallow them either. I'll only tally votes at the end of each round (to make it easier on myself!). I'll post on this thread the minute I start tallying to alert everyone; votes that come in after that will be ignored.
4) In case of errors in the results, I'll post a correction immediately. If anyone's vote was affected by the error, he or she will get a makeup vote next round - +15 points to give a Legionnaire of their choosing (only applicable once we do ranking; for rounds before, will do something else).
5) In case of a tie, I will look at cumulative points through past rounds to break the tie.
Realities remaining on the list - you can use this to search (Ctrl+F) the list of Legionnaires, too! (and if you have questions on the realities, please let me know!)
Please use this list for copy-pasting your voting! Round 12 list!(5YL) Matter-Eater Lad
(Pre-5YL) Brainiac 5
(Pre-5YL) Saturn Girl
(Pre-5YL) Supergirl
(Pre-5YL) Triplicate Girl / Duo Damsel
(Reboot) Gates
(Reboot) Gear
(Reboot) Invisible Kid
(Reboot) Kid Quantum II
(Reboot) Kinetix
(Reboot) Monstress
(Reboot) Shrinking Violet/ LeViathan II
(Reboot) Spark
(Reboot) Triad
(Reboot) XS
Round ends around this time on February 14th, Wednesday - luckily, Mr. Ibby and I don't really celebrate Valentines' Day, so...

what's coming up:
This Round: from 15 to 10.
Round 13: from 10 to 7.
Round 14: from 7 to 5.
Round 15: from 5 to 3
Round 16: choosing a winner!