So I recently decided to give the 1987 Giffen-driven Amethyst miniseries (which, for those not in the know, ties into the Legion mythos) a fair chance. As it turned out, I enjoyed it immensely! And I think the main reason why must be Mindy Newell, the co-writer. Because although the old Giffen darkness and cynicism is present and accounted for, it doesn't bother me like it did with most of Giffen's other co-writers.
Which, in turn. prompted me to dust off the Legionnaires 3 miniseries and the Tales of the LSH issues that Newell co-wrote. Again, I was pleasantly surprised!
What a talent she is. And what integrity to stick with the noble profession of nursing during the times she hasn't been involved in comics.
Now I just wish I wasn't at a rare loss for words on WHY she made such a positive difference in those comics. I mean, obviously she writes great dialogue, but there's got to be more to it than that.