Today I created what I am dubbing "The Ultimate Music Playlist."
During covid and "work from home" I found my playlists were getting repetitive. Even Fleetwood Mac was getting old. Sacrilege! So, I found a CSV file that had every song that has been on the Hot 100 since its inception in 1958. Using Python, I loaded it into a pandas dataframe and trimmed out everything after the year 2000. Then, I used Python and pandas to pick 100 random songs from the remaining list.
The way it works is, a song that was on the Hot 100 37 times will show up 37 times in the playlist. A less successful song that was only on the Hot 100 for one week will only show up once. There are over 200,000 songs in the total playlist.
I generate 100 songs at a time. I use a website called Soundiiz to send the resulting CSV file to my YouTube account, and I can just play the playlist. It's an awesome mix! Everything from Beach Boys to Prince to Beatles to Guns & Roses to BB King. I'm hearing songs that I haven't heard in years, and some that I don't recall ever hearing before. This is bodacious!