I am generally interested in all things Reboot! but I am more of a reader than a listener, so podcasts and videos never held much appeal for me...

I do listen to podcasts. But not comics ones.
I might prefer to be reading comics than listening/watching others. But it's just as likely that I'd like them if I gave it a go.
Thanks for the feedbacks!

I'm honestly on the fence, as I listen to a lot of podcasts (especially now that I'm spending more time in the car or walking) of various stripes, and generally like all three of the Legion podcasts that I know of, but they don't really scratch my itch about the Reboot team. The LOSP group is almost at the reboot, but while they have some interesting content about the backgrounds of the issues they read, I really don't want someone to read me a comic book over the radio; I want to hear people discuss the content. Legion Clubhouse is still in the V2 era, and the Outpost has too many f-bombs to my taste (then again, so did the LOSP recording, mainly from Bendis himself).
I actually have two main issues with doing this myself - a) its impractical to do it in my current residence as I have nowhere to close the door and record, and b) I don't know if I can do this by myself and make it interesting. The best podcasts have at least two people bouncing ideas off each other. And I'm probably in my current house for at least a year, but we'll see.