Neuman impersonating Olsen?! He must be Mad to think he'll get away with it. Not that I'm worrying about it, as Neuman taught me not to.
After travelling to Oa and dealing with Moh-Rih-Sohn, the creature mining Moore scripts from a previous millennium, Bendis' Legion will reveal the real reason Green Lanterns are barred from Earth (possibly just on Mondays)
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
I'd pay to see Adele beat the living poop out of Lindsey Buckingham...oh, wait, he's not in Fleetwood Mac anymore.
Come to think of it, in the 32nd Century, the only original remaining members of Fleetwood Mac would most likely be a zombie John McVie and a cyborg Mick Fleetwood.
Come to think of it, in the 32nd Century, the only original remaining members of Fleetwood Mac would most likely be a zombie John McVie and a cyborg Mick Fleetwood.
In 3154, Jeremy Spencer finally returns from buying groceries/joining a religious cult.
Come to think of it, in the 32nd Century, the only original remaining members of Fleetwood Mac would most likely be a zombie John McVie and a cyborg Mick Fleetwood.
In 3154, Jeremy Spencer finally returns from buying groceries/joining a religious cult.
And through it all, the ghost of Peter Green soars above serenely, like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Beard of Grell has moved on and flourished in the past 1000 years. It currently adorns the chin of Mordru the Merciless!
Rumor also has it that 'Bgtzl' doesn't actually exist (at least not as a world in another dimension), and that names like 'Tinya Wazzo' are completely made-up, so that the residents of the UP won't recognize the 'Bgtzlns' for what they actually are. *Ghosts of the dead, visiting the world of the living!*
Ultra Boy was originally supposed to be a Christmas-themed hero with frost breath, a glow-in-the-dark Rudolph type nose, ultra speed that would let him circumnavigate the world in a single night, and the ability to know each person's greatest desire. Hence the red-and-green costume. But the idea was deemed to be too silly, and so was dropped.