Legion Diversity Over The Last Sixty-Two Years (and by "human" I mean, 'of Terran descent")
Characters who were represented as other than caucasian Dawnstar Dragonmage Dragonwing Ferro Lad (original concept, never appeared) Gear Harmonia Invisible Kid II Ivy Karate Kid (at least one version) Karate Kid II Kid Quantum I Kid Quantum II Mwindaji Timber Wolf (some people said he looked hispanic) Tyroc XS
I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. Probably several someones.
Otaki from the Retroboot and Monica Sade from 5YL are the only ones I can think of.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Legion Diversity Over The Last Sixty-Two Years (and by "human" I mean, 'of Terran descent")
Characters who were represented as other than caucasian Dawnstar Dragonmage Dragonwing Ferro Lad (original concept, never appeared) Gear Harmonia Invisible Kid II Ivy Karate Kid (at least one version) Karate Kid II Kid Quantum I Kid Quantum II Mwindaji Timber Wolf (some people said he looked hispanic) Tyroc XS
I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. Probably several someones.
Otaki from the Retroboot and Monica Sade from 5YL are the only ones I can think of.
Computo (Danielle) too.
If we're including Academy students, shall we also consider other teams: Particon and Blast-Off of the Reboot Workforce.
rsookart In my mail today, on stands next week!! Hope you guys dig it! @brianmbendis wrote a great lead up to what’s coming in Legion number one and @whoajordie did an amazing coloring job! Not to mention art by Nicola Scott, Jim Cheung, and Jeff Dekal!! dccomics #longlivethelegion
Sneak peek at Sook's Legion: Millennium and Legion of Super-Heroes art.
So if we want a particular storyline or character, we just have to get a message to his kid.
Nice article, very enthusiastic indeed. I didn't know that artist he mentioned, John Berkeley (think it must be John Berkey based on a search, lots of sci fi art, book covers). He's setting a high bar for the new Legion.
Another Bendis interview, he calls Dr Fate "she" which is interesting.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Another Bendis interview, he calls Dr Fate "she" which is interesting.
Female Dr. Fate has been done before, and I welcome this. Better than having all the new characters be male. Well, Green Skull Kid could be female too, but Monster BOY is male and Gold Lantern seems male too.
Mostly about Superman coming out as Clark Kent to the world and other conversations. Legion begins at 1:08. Ultra Boy is featured in LSH #1. Cosmic Boy romantically linked with Shadow Lass? Sounds like he may turn Mon-El into more of the Supergirl CW version. The name tags we've been seeing in the last few years of the Legion will now be apart of their world and will be how Jon keeps track of who's who.
I also saw an image with the "Legion of Super-Heroes Brian Michael Bendis Ryan Sook" at the top, followed by a message written in Interlac in the middle that apparently says "The future of the 21st century begins in the 31st century !" and "on sale in two days" written in English at the Bottom.