The Clone sequence character in DnA's Hypernaturals had a similar build to Darrick's Wolverine. I had thought he was more of an alternate Ultra Boy, but perhaps there was a bit of Brin in there too.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
I agree. Staying away form Psycho claws is a plus. But the chances of DC staying away from the potential sales of having a character like that are close to zero. Actually, since they openly admit that the Terrifcs are based on the FF, the chances of not imitating Marvel here *are* zero.
My personal favourite was around the time he was drawn by Shoemaker or Lightle. When his acrobatic prowess was highlighted, as much as any feral nature.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
I agree. Staying away form Psycho claws is a plus. But the chances of DC staying away from the potential sales of having a character like that are close to zero. Actually, since they openly admit that the Terrifcs are based on the FF, the chances of not imitating Marvel here *are* zero.
My personal favourite was around the time he was drawn by Shoemaker or Lightle. When his acrobatic prowess was highlighted, as much as any feral nature.
Ditto. Long and lean and all dynamic and fast-moving. I don't want Brin to be 'DC's Wolverine,' a character he predates, I'd rather, if anyone, he be more like DC's Spider-Man (or Longshot, Gambit, Nightcrawler, etc.), moving and flipping and jumping around in combat, impossible to hit. Wolverine just bulls through and shrugs off injury. Brin shouldn't be like that. He doesn't regenerate. He doesn't fight like a football player. He avoids getting hit and hurt in the first place.
One of the things I like least about Legion interpretations in recent years is when they poach from Marvel. Imra's not a telekinetic. Brin doesn't heal fast or have claws. Both are great characters, and don't need to ape the successes of some other character to succeed themselves.
(I feel the same way about all the second-rate Superman ripoffs from other companies, including Marvel, like the Sentry. Lame. What the hell is wrong with Thor, or Namor, or Hercules, that you feel the need to have 'a Superman' of your own?)
I was thinking a cross between Captain America and Spider-Man as a better description of TW in Marvel terms, but actually the best character I can think to compare him to is another famous acrobatic DC character, namely Dick Grayson, just with his strength, speed, and agility pushed to superhuman levels.
TW's origin story is really fascinating. His dad basically creates a whole bunch of lab-grown enhanced humanoid slaves in order to mine for Zuunium, and then uses the Zuunium to give his son the same enhanced abilities as the androids.It's a shame that Karth Arn never appeared again, because he's actually a pretty sympathetic character in many ways.
I'm also in favor of Brin's acrobatics being highlighted more than claws and stuff. Though he still had super-strength and speed, at least the acrobatics and agility set him apart from, say, Ultra Boy and Mon-El.
I just figured out how the new Legion can make everyone happy. Change the ethnic makeup of the team to represent more readers, but bring back Earth Man to represent people who feel like there’s not enough white people.
I just figured out how the new Legion can make everyone happy. Change the ethnic makeup of the team to represent more readers...
I'd just like to point out that, should there be any purple, metallic, on fire or green skinned readers out there, that they consider seeking medical attention as a priority over seeking equal ethnic representation in a comic book team.
Originally Posted by Brain-Fall-Out Boy
...there’s not enough white people.
Not enough red headed white people with freckles and a penchant for running into trouble with a giant box of identity changing hats for my liking. Such a simple request, and is it there? It is not. Well, I'm not going to stand for it. I'm going to sit for it instead, with a nice cup of tea and a good comic book to read. So there.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
No matter what I'm sure the new book will be good, and hopefully great! I am going into it with an open mind and few expectations ….. I will be as neutral as I possibly can be.
Sure it will be hard to adjust to dark skinned Garth, Ayla and Salu not to mention a light green Jan, pink Jeckie, purple Tinya, and gold Nura (sigh) BUT I'm sure all these changes will hopefully grown on me over time!
Well, "Doomsday Legion" is a terrible name, so I'm only going to use that if I hate it. "Rebirth Legion" at least sounds decent, even if it's not exactly accurate.
According to what I've heard about today's Doomday Clock issue, the whole Rebirth Legion thread fizzles out in a particularly literal way.
My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.
All issues except 1 and 2 still available in my local shop. I'll give them a light dusting the next time I'm in, they've been there for so long. I peeked at the first couple of pages of the latest issue and flicked ahead to see the Imra part. Well the last bit of it anyway. Glad I wasn't picking any of it up for any Legion build up.
DC spend a huge amount of their resources in continuity navel gazing. It never seems to dawn on them that it's utterly wasted because they never complete anything satisfactorily, resulting in their continuity navel gazing.
As far as Doomsday Clock goes, it seems that Johns has been pushed aside for Bendis much as the Waid/Shooter run was pushed aside by Johns. Starlin's New Gods series being dumped on by Morrison's Final Crisis and so on.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
Rockhopper Lad: The Rookery Holiday party is in progress! Pop by!
Ann Hebistand: I am so going to attend! Thanks, Rocky!
Nightcrawler: Updated us to version 8.0 of the software. Everything resets to the default settings. I'll be restoring things back to normal as I have time.
Nightcrawler: Sorry. Didn't realize the solution I had for the old PHP would screw up the new board.