Lately, it seems to be the power to collect mini-samples of whatever I'm eating or drinking all over my eyeglasses.
This power seems to be at its peak within 5-10 minutes after I've just cleaned the damn things.

I can tell it's a super-power, and a tightly-focused one at that, because I'm not getting food or drink in my hair, down the front of my shirt, stuck to my earrings, etc. It's always just my poor glasses which suffer.
Could whichever of you decided to bestow this super-power on me kindly take it back now? Believe me when I say that while I love you unconditionally, I don't think I'm worthy of using your gift to do good.
In return, I promise to rescind any unwanted, uncalled-for superpowers which I may have bestowed on you while letting the cats chase radioactive bugs around the house, etc.
Thank you.