Here is mine:
make 5 bold Legion predictions.
1) Thunder will pop up during the next major story arc to save the day at the last possible moment, after the bad guy takes out the rest of the Legion. Naturally, she promptly rejoins.
2) R.J.Brande will be kidnapped or otherwise endangered by the Credo.
3) Tinya's third body shows up, kidnaps her and impersonates her. The real Tinya's disappearance won't be noticed for another year, and when they do find her she will be in a sens-tank.
4) Timber Wolf will kill someone in battle, and will be expelled after a trial which will end in a tie, but will rejoin after rescuing Tinya from the sens-tank.
5) Kinetix will finally be returned to normal, her powers will actually become specific, and DNA will actually make her a core Legionnaire. (I can dream, can't I?)
#2 actually happened in the comics. #1 and #5 happened in my own Legion fic (see signature, sorry for the shameless plug :p)
#3 was actually a tongue-in-cheek entry that pays homage to the Yera-as-Violet storyline in Legion v2.
Ah, memories...