It was upon reading the last issue of LOSH (and thinking about how badly Tinya had been written in it) that he crossed my mind. Jeff Mitchell (of Baltimore, MD) was a name I saw often in my youth when I would read the Omnicomments section of Legionnaires. He had a great love of Tinya, and was often present in the letters column whenever an issue would highlight her. He was devastated after Legionnaires Annual #2, and was overjoyed upon her return from the dead.
Strange as it may sound, I sort of felt like I knew him as a fan.
In total, Jeff Mitchell appeared 13 times in the Omnicomments, spanning from issue 22-62, before mysteriously vanishing. I always wondered what happened to him. Did he stop liking the Legion? Did the book get too bad for him and he gave it up? Did he die? Did he simply get tired of writing letters?
There were others who were prominent in the letters column back in those days. Jim Kelly was present for 10 issues in the early reboot before never being seen again. Bill Tucker and Neil Ahlquist remained loyal fans to the very end of the series. I even saw one fan (nicknamed MLLASH) in Legion Lost #6's letters.
I think this is some of what's missing from modern comics. This odd, fun, long reaching connection we have to other fans, even though we may never meet them.
I wonder if Jeff Mitchell is still around...
Last edited by Conjure Lass; 08/28/13 03:09 PM.