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Agreed. I cannot even tell you how SICK I am of Batman. The only thing I ever really enjoyed about Batman was Nightwing. And, seeing as how Nightwing SUCKS these days, I don't really enjoy anything at all. How DC ruined an awesome character like him, i'll never know.
Haven't been following Nightwing or the Titans recently, but I actually agree. Back in the day, I always found Robin/Nightwing more interesting than Batman. And Batman himself was at his most tolerable in a team setting like The Outsiders. Of course, that was back before Miller's Dark Knight became THE sole vision of the character: So before Batman was the ultra-perfect, all powerful Mary Sue who Is Never Wrong About Anything Ever. 
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
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... and who can beat ANYONE as long as he has time to prepare. Sigh.
His (and Superman's) treatment of Wonder Woman after she had killed Maxwell Lord (to save Superman from his mental control!!!), plus Batman's role in creating the OMACs, totally turned me off from his character.
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So DC gets to crap on two sets of fans here! The Legion ends ingloriously, leaving things in a muddled time nightmare of a stew AND those of us who were looking forward to James Robinson's idea of an Earth 2 Infinity, Inc. inspired version of the Legion now know we'll never see it.
I guess there wasn't much likelihood of that seeing print, anyway. Given Robinson's recent departure. Though I suppose II could travel to the past from a more recent future, relatively speaking
I hope any futue creators ignore whatever parts of the last several years they wish when the Legion next appears. Sun Boy alive and well... Phantom Girl back and stable... Star Boy hale...Earth 1, 2, 5, Y or #@$&.
I kind of doubt we'll see a from-the-ground-up new version, but what do I know? I never would've believed Paul Levitz would write such a downer of a conclusion for the team he purpotedly loves. For the second tme!
What a sad, sad day. Appropriate that it's a blue moon.
Still, hope is.
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And then there was steak!
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Agreed. I cannot even tell you how SICK I am of Batman. The only thing I ever really enjoyed about Batman was Nightwing. And, seeing as how Nightwing SUCKS these days, I don't really enjoy anything at all. How DC ruined an awesome character like him, i'll never know.
Haven't been following Nightwing or the Titans recently, but I actually agree. Back in the day, I always found Robin/Nightwing more interesting than Batman. And Batman himself was at his most tolerable in a team setting like The Outsiders. Of course, that was back before Miller's Dark Knight became THE sole vision of the character: So before Batman was the ultra-perfect, all powerful Mary Sue who Is Never Wrong About Anything Ever.  It's absolutely ridiculous what kind of tech Batman can put together. RIDICULOUS. I'm not saying that he shouldn't have some kind of cool technology that's slightly beyond what is currently available, but come on! Some of the tech he has puts the LEGION to shame. Batman needs some limits otherwise he's exactly a Mary Sue.
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And then there was steak!
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AND those of us who were looking forward to James Robinson's idea of an Earth 2 Infinity, Inc. inspired version of the Legion now know we'll never see it.
Not necessarily! I mean, at the end of the issue the Legion is technically disbanded, right? So there's room for them to come back together under different circumstances and different workings, right?
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I flipped through this issue at the store and it looked horribly depressing. What a sorry conclusion for a once-great title.
Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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Earth 2, huh? Wonder how that will work out when Earth 2 is destroyed in some future crisis? Oh, who cares!
Guess there is some logic to it, as the Earth 2 Superman's career is over, so changes to him don't invalidate the Legion. And that's why we probably won't see a Legion again under this creative regime, and why the Legion has struggled since the end of the classic Earth 1 bronze age Superman. That Suoerman had a past, present and future, all of which allowed the Legion to "fit in" with the DCU. Despite Grant Morrison's great work with the future of Superman over the years, it's not at all clear what vision of the future the architects of the new 52 have or want. Legion Lost was an attempt to start that conversation, but it seems like a blind alley now, like so much of the new 52.
...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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That I can say? Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen have ruined one of the best titles of science fiction of last 50 years. The deaths of Sun Boy and Star Boy have been totally unjustified and insulting for these big heroes. They turned Phantom Girl into a ridiculous parody of the brave heroine that always being has demonstrated. And as providing that they close a series, many things stay without explaining... Those who are the legionnaires badly wounded that are in the tanks of treatment ... a silhouette can be Night Girl, but Cosmic Boy does not seem to be worried by she, since he is enjoying of the beach with Imra and Garth. Which was the destiny of Dragonwing and Comet Queen? Does Chemical Kid never enter battle with Fatal Five, why not even has an alone time appears in this final episode? Are all a bad dream, of Dream Girl, like the final season of Dallas? The Earth 2 revelation makes me have the hope of which the real legion is in some place... And I hope that the publishing DC has learned of his mistakes, and for the near time (if it is that there is near time for the Legion) do not change the origins of the heroes, new characters try to create as the horrible Dragonwing, Harmony and Comet Queen that him there have not liked the old fans, Simply that it returns to the basic thing.... The friends of the future of a young Superman.... Farewell Imra, Garth, Rokk, Luornu, Tinya, Kal, Kara, Querl, Gim, Reep, Lyle, Dirk, Thom, Tenzil,Jo, Ayla, Salu, Lydda, Brek, Jam, Chuck, Nura, Andrew, Val, Projectra, Lar, Tasmia, Condo, Brin, Drake, Dawnstar, Troy, Mysa, Jacques, Blok, Ganglios, Pol, Quislet, Yera, Drura, Celeste, Kent, Britta, Laurel, Rond, Sussa, Devlin,Veilmist, Berta, Jedediah ,Zoe, Jenni, Candi, Gates, Jazmin, Shikari, Gear, April, Danielle, Xao and my favotite villain : Sarya. Long Live The Legion!
Last edited by EmeraldEmpress; 08/22/13 08:18 AM.
From UK with glamour.
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It's just sad that the entirety of Phantom Girl's stint as Legion leader has her whining, crying, and running away never to be seen again until the end of the series. It's utterly disrespectful to the character.
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And then there was steak!
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It's just sad that the entirety of Phantom Girl's stint as Legion leader has her whining, crying, and running away never to be seen again until the end of the series. It's utterly disrespectful to the character. Yeah, her character was treated especially badly. I mean, what HAPPENED TO HER?! There is literally no answer. Does Levitz hate her or something?
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Read it. What a beautifully illustrated turd of a story! If this is the earth 2 legion, how did we have a huge green lantern corps arc? Or was that before new 52? Why should I care, now? There's no explaining Paul's treatment of Phantom Girl, a character he wrote fairly well in this pyrrhic run, and a character for whom he has frequently expressed affection. I don't even remember what happened to the newbies. But at this point, why care? The Luorno & Chuck epilogue was beautiful, it brought a tear to my eye, and the stupid earth 2 reference ruined it! BTW, who else thinks this Karate Kid is a Projectra illusion? I sure do. But, who cares? And the founders relaxing on Winath when the universe needs rebuilding? The people who embraced Superman's never ending battle as their own? Character assassination, pure and simple. But, really, at this point, who cares? The Legion will be a beloved childhood memory for me. Perhaps it should stay that way. I'm 46. Time to grow up and love Wolverine and Deadpool like everyone else. Time to set aside the Lightning Lads, the Bouncing Boys, the Duo Damsels, the Timber Wolves, the Wildfires. Farewell my friends, rest in peace, you deserved a better valedictory than this pathetic denouement. But life and comics aren't fair.
...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Time Trapper
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I was waiting for that moment in the issue that would make me just start bawling, but it never happened. Closest to doing it was the Chuck/Lu epilogue. If I were a writer with such an epic association with the Legion coming to an end, I would've just made it as warm and emotional as possible. Bring the Lost crew back. Have Tinya show up and jump into Jo's arms. Have Thom and/or Dirk show up alive. Hell, why not reflect our times and end it with Vi and Ayla getting married? And why leave Brainy so alone and distraught with the weight of the U.P. on his shoulders? His last scene was almost like the ending of "Shane" with Brainy calling out to the others to come back. Lu gave him a little tough love, but otherwise, this just paints Brainy as being irredeemably self-centered in a way that even Threeboot Brainy wasn't. Yes, it's consistent with how Paul has written him since Paul took over the Retroboot, but it's damned hurtful to those of us who loved the character in his previous incarnations. This wasn't a tearful farewell; it was a solemn ending with little or no hope for the future. Many of us (not me) have given Paul somewhat of a pass, citing that maybe he was so hamstrung by DC editorial that he couldn't write the book as passionately as he had in the past. Subscribers to that theory may cite his choices to leave virtually all of his dangling plots unresolved and to end on such a total downer as being proof positive, confirmation to the fans that this was indeed the case. Frankly, I almost hope it was the case because I was expecting a lot more fan-service in his farewell than we actually got. Oddly enough, though, this was still ironically one of the best issues of the past two volumes under Levitz. If you subtract the lack of fan service, it served as a suitable epilogue tale to both the story that preceded it and of the Retroboot Legion's two volumes, such as they were. The tone of the story matched the bulk of the run, and we certainly got closure of sorts. If that sounds like a backhanded compliment, well, it is. But it is true, I feel, that it is one of the better issues overall. Kevin Maguire's art was appreciated. It wasn't his best work, but it was very much in line with some of Portela's better work on the series. A few times, those trademark Maguire facial expressions shone through and hit the mark, but otherwise his work looked a lot like Portela's, which, admittedly, was one of the brighter sides of Retroboot. I'm certainly thankful we got him instead of a return for Kolins or any number of fill-in artists. Wow! With this issue I've now possibly bought my last new comic set in the (or "a") DC Universe! This and Dial H were my last two holdouts, and both ended their runs this very month. If this is it for the characters therein whom I grew up with, then I leave with no regrets. No matter what I think of the state of DC now, I will leave with great memories that will last a lifetime. Many more great memories than poor ones, certainly. And whatever the future, the Legion will Live Long in this fan's heart! 
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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And then there was steak!
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Wow! With this issue I've now possibly bought my last new comic set in the (or "a") DC Universe! This and Dial H were my last two holdouts, and both ended their runs this very month. If this is it for the characters therein whom I grew up with, then I leave with no regrets. No matter what I think of the state of DC now, I will leave with great memories that will last a lifetime. Many more great memories than poor ones, certainly. And whatever the future, the Legion will Live Long in this fan's heart!  *sniffle* I think this has me more emotional than anything i've read in the past two weeks. Including the last issue. Long live the Legion!
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Frustrating that the Legion just takes it and doesn't fight the decision or go rogue or SOMETHING. They all just give up. Sad. Also quite a bizarre revelation that this Legion is actually I guess that opens a lot of doors, or maybe perhaps only gives Justice League 3000 a future without the Legion to worry about. Still a strange thing to just throw out there at the very end. aww come on ... an Earth 2 Legion has such great potential "Infinity Inc." indeed If that was going to be the case ...this could have been interesting .... I think they just threw that in at the end and didn't plan it that way!
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My store didn't have it today ... not sure if it sold out or is delayed.
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I for one would like to find out how much editorial interference there was during Paul's run as writer this time around.
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Farewell Imra, Garth, Rokk, Luornu, Tinya, Kal, Kara, Querl, Gim, Reep, Lyle, Dirk, Thom, Tenzil,Jo, Ayla, Salu, Lydda, Brek, Jam, Chuck, Nura, Andrew, Val, Projectra, Lar, Tasmia, Condo, Brin, Drake, Dawnstar, Troy, Mysa, Jacques, Blok, Ganglios, Pol, Quislet, Celeste, Kent, Britta, Laurel, Rond, Sussa, Devlin,Veilmist, Zoe, Jenni, Candi, Gates, Jazmin, Gear, April, Danielle, Xao and my favotite villain : Sarya. Long Live To The Legion! Not farewell, but until we meet again. Long Live the Legion! (Let's add Shikari, Berta, Yera, and Drura too!)
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in hiding
in hiding
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I for one would like to find out how much editorial interference there was during Paul's run as writer this time around. I'd be willing to bet a LOT, right up to the end. The "Earth 2" thing, for instance, has no in-story relevance whatsoever, but has definite implications within the DCFU (DC 52 Universe). If editorial had nothing to do with it, why put it in at all?
First comic books ever bought: A DC four-for-47-cents grab bag that included Adventure #331. The rest is history.
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Not to mention the fact that the reference is, in fact, wrong. In Earth 2 #1, it's not Superman who gets speared by Steppenwolf, it's Wonder Woman. Supes is looking on in horror, only to be killed moments later by the explosion of the pack of parademons grappling him...
Okay, so maybe Bouncing Boy is misremembering his history, but if so, how do they have the Superman shirt that was "speared" as Chuck says?
Last edited by Knightsfyre; 08/22/13 06:23 AM.
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I hate to admit it but Levitz let me down with this ending. Why would the UP want the Legion disbanded after everything came undone? The team doesn't even ask but just complies?!? There were some nice bits with DD & BB but it doesn't make up for the rest. On a side note I also figured KK was going to end up being Projectra illusion. Glad at least that didn't happen.
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Joined: Dec 2003
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Farewell Imra, Garth, Rokk, Luornu, Tinya, Kal, Kara, Querl, Gim, Reep, Lyle, Dirk, Thom, Tenzil,Jo, Ayla, Salu, Lydda, Brek, Jam, Chuck, Nura, Andrew, Val, Projectra, Lar, Tasmia, Condo, Brin, Drake, Dawnstar, Troy, Mysa, Jacques, Blok, Ganglios, Pol, Quislet, Celeste, Kent, Britta, Laurel, Rond, Sussa, Devlin,Veilmist, Zoe, Jenni, Candi, Gates, Jazmin, Gear, April, Danielle, Xao and my favotite villain : Sarya. Long Live To The Legion! Not farewell, but until we meet again. Long Live the Legion! (Let's add Shikari, Berta, Yera, and Drura too!) Poor Dyrk. I'll never forget you.
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... the DCFU (DC 52 Universe) LOVE IT! STEALING IT!
Last edited by Blacula; 08/22/13 08:08 AM.
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it was a solemn ending with little or no hope for the future I am mournfully afraid that this is actually the case.
Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Farewell Imra, Garth, Rokk, Luornu, Tinya, Kal, Kara, Querl, Gim, Reep, Lyle, Dirk, Thom, Tenzil,Jo, Ayla, Salu, Lydda, Brek, Jam, Chuck, Nura, Andrew, Val, Projectra, Lar, Tasmia, Condo, Brin, Drake, Dawnstar, Troy, Mysa, Jacques, Blok, Ganglios, Pol, Quislet, Celeste, Kent, Britta, Laurel, Rond, Sussa, Devlin,Veilmist, Zoe, Jenni, Candi, Gates, Jazmin, Gear, April, Danielle, Xao and my favotite villain : Sarya. Long Live To The Legion! Not farewell, but until we meet again. Long Live the Legion! (Let's add Shikari, Berta, Yera, and Drura too!) Poor Dyrk. I'll never forget you. Oops. I THOUGHT Dyrk was already there! 
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I hate to admit it but Levitz let me down with this ending. Why would the UP want the Legion disbanded after everything came undone? The team doesn't even ask but just complies?!? There were some nice bits with DD & BB but it doesn't make up for the rest. On a side note I also figured KK was going to end up being Projectra illusion. Glad at least that didn't happen. You're not misreading anything. it is simply that this issue, like many before it of late is POORLY WRITTEN!!!!! And the Earth-2 thing is contrived and seemingly only thrown in so as to make JLA3000 the default future team rather than the Legion. One wonders what will happen when JLA3000 falls flat on it's face.
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