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Kairos stood up and arched her back. She'd just transmitted her coursework to Lolita, and she badly needed to relax. She glanced over at Kinetix. "You done?"
"Almost..." replied the redhead. "This is tougher than I thought it would be."
"Aren't you glad it's your last class before you fully graduate from LMB Basic?"
Kinetix paused as she mouthed her closing sentence, turning it in her head. It didn't sound quite right.
"Better wait for her to finish," Petty Officer Marvin said with a laugh. "She's totally focused as she is. And don't you go complaining again about having more classes than she does; I've seen your syllabus and you only have three more to complete. Paladin took into account the training you got under Officer Ralph, and your proficiency with your powers is already way up there, so be lucky you don’t have to take as many lasses as Reklecto does. Besides, being a Security Officer means you'll get more training here on the ground. "
Kairos smiled as she looked down at her shiny new badge. “So it’s us together again with Angdar, My Whee too. I’m sure Blaze will be joining in. And I think some of the older officers will be showing up, like Arachne and Outdoor Miner and Space Ranger. Now all we’re missing is our leader.”
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he finds out,” chuckled Marvin with just a little bit of schadenfreude. I know him well enough to know he’ll positively flip out.”
Kairos chuckled. “We should throw him a welcome party. I don’t want to miss seeing his reaction to this.”
She pointed to a banner which read, “CONGRATULATIONS, CHIEF INVISIBLE BRAINIAC!”
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/03/13 10:48 PM.
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Angdar felt a little odd. He had had to go through a few tests, but had gotten to bypass all but the basic Legion World class. his training at the Wingmen Academy had gotten him through everything that they had thrown at him. He tested out of all the other classes.
He had applied for and been accepted into the Office of Security, and was finally feeling like he fit in. At least here, he could do what he had trained to do.
He was also really glad that Invisible Brainiac had been appointed Chief. He felt better knowing that someone he knew and trusted was in charge. he had heard a loit about the last two Chiefs and how 'explosive' their time in the position had been.
He saw Kinetix, Karios and Petty Officer Marvin ahead of him. "Hey guys...wait up!"
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Okay, time to get this over with...
<walks into the new Security Office>
Is Invisible Brainiac here?
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Just as soon as the Check Clears!)
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The Green Queen
The Green Queen
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Kinetix replied absent-mindedly from her screen, where Angdar had his arm around her. "Nope. We know he's still off Legion World, but that's it. He and Blaze should be back from their trip soon, though."
"They HAVE been gone a few months," Kairos added. "Sounds like a pretty long time for a pre-wedding tour.
"The kid's a free spirit," Marvin said with a knowing smile. "He'll do his job, but he doesn't like being thrust into positions of responsibility. Oh, this is going to be hilarious!"
Why must power be so elusive?
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Time Trapper
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Office of the LMBP Leader Power Boy read the headline on the LegionWorld Times. "LMBP Leader Power Boy Places Invisible Brainiac in Long Vacant Security Chief Position" A smile played across his lips. "I just drafted Invisible Brainiac. HA!" He was glad he took Lolita's advice to place IB as the new Chief of Security. He needed someone there he could trust ... and someone unsullied by scandal. the Legion needed to be rebuilt as much as the rest of the galaxy. They had to put scandal and corruption behind them and be a symbol for the galaxy as it recovered from the Dark Oval War. IB was young, he had energy too. Just what the Security Office needed to get back on its feet. Now, Power Boy could focus on the criminal networks of the galaxy ... and leave Legion World to IB. Power Boy showed the headline to Lolita "I hope he's not too cross with me for cutting his vacation short." At first Power Boy thought Lolita might be a good person as the Chief of Security but, she preferred working in subterfuge. Power Boy didn't ask her what she did most of the time or how she got her information. He was developing a talent of turning a blind eye to his friends habits. As leader he would be forced to act if they were involved in anything criminal. As regular LMBPer ... Peebs didn't care so much. A relaxed attitude would have to wait for next year. Right now the galaxy needed a Legion they could look up to. Lolita left, to attend to business. Waiting until Lolita left and shut the door behind her, The tall New God Xin, came forward. "My lord, we have two candidates for the task we proposed." Helio the platinum wavy haired New God stood to his side. ![[Linked Image]](http://imageshack.us/a/img688/1493/1090805hiroflies1super.th.jpg) ![[Linked Image]](http://imageshack.us/a/img191/2699/apolloandmidnighterbydu.th.jpg) Xin placed two photos on the table. One was Reflecto ... the other ... ![[Linked Image]](http://imageshack.us/a/img35/6936/524235tell4super.jpg) "Energy Boy" Helio replied. "We have superficially scanned them and performed background checks on both of them. They are both clean and will both be reliable. They are both at the Academy now and will make excellent warriors one day." Power Boy hoped the mental scans they performed were very superficial, he didn't like using telepathy to spy on comrades. "From what I've seen, Reflecto already is an excellent warrior AND scientist. What the frack is she even doing at the Academy!" Helio confused turned to Xin, the dark haired New God. Xin replied ... "She ... LIKES ... it there. She is as much a scholar as warrior. She protects Charltonburg at night, and by day she takes many advanced science courses that the Academy offers. We think that faculty like Rond Vidar are a significant draw for one gifted, for a human, in the scientific arts." ![[Linked Image]](http://imageshack.us/a/img339/7055/66024248.jpg) "Very well" Power Boy said, leaning back in his chair, massive arms behind his head. "approach them." "but no more psi scans. on anyone. without my approval."
Last edited by Power Boy; 02/04/13 01:51 PM.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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At a press conference, the original Security Chief and man most associated with the role, gives an enthusiastic endorsement to Invisible Brainiac.
Let me lay it out for you all, reporters and citizens alike. As Legion World Ambassador to the UP, the Legion World founders have asked me to explain the revisions to the Office of Security.
The Office of Security will continue to act as the domestic police force and bureau of investigations on Legion World, with all local law enforcement reporting up to the OoS.
The Chief of Security, Invisible Brainiac, reports directly to the LMB Deputy Leader, who in turn reports to the LMB Leader. So while the office essentially acts independently, there is a clear chain of command.
Each election year, the incoming LMB Leader can reaffirm the Chief of Security or appoint a new one of their choosing.
In order to ensure the OoS does not become purely an LMB office but also represents the best interests of the Legion World citizenry, the OoS will also have a position of Deputy Chief of Security. This office reports directly to the Legion World Founders and acts as their representative. It is not elected nor appointed; it cannot be changed or removed by either the Chief of Security or LMB Leader. This role will be served by Space Ranger, the great hero and co-founder of the OoS in the first place.
Invisible Brainiac has a great staff of young officers and veterans alike. He brings a keen intelligence and unshakeable integrity that will serve you all well.
I look forward to watching him make LW a better place.
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Corners Cobalt after he finishes speaking to the press.
Cobie, have you briefed the kid yet, or are you leaving that to me? And who besides you has the passwords to the Red, Black, and Omega files?
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Just as soon as the Check Clears!)
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Bold Flavors
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No one other than Lolita. You know how much I hate sharing information.
And no, I haven't briefed him yet. He's had a pretty full plate. And, since being dropped into the middle of one shitstorm after another is basically the job description, this should be a great preview of what's to come.
I'm glad you're back in the OoS full time. When things inevitably go wrong...they're gonna need you.
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Hey guys,
I assume you'll attend the upcoming wedding? Any ideas on the security detail? I assume Brit hasn't thought to contact the Security Office about it, but that's what we're here for right?
By the way, Blaze wants in. I guess we'd better not partner up while we're on patrol so he can get to know the rest of the team.
Any meetings going on soon?
By the way, Kairos thought I was the Chief. Hah! Funny isn't it? I told her no, but maybe we should have a meeting to catch the newbies up. I'm not even sure who else is in our roster anymore, I'm sure the new crew will be even more lost. Might be good to get us all together.
See ya soon. Have some postcards from our trip.
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Invisible Brainiac and Blaze walked into the Office of Security meeting room. As Blaze went over to greet Kinetix, Kairos, Marvin, Angdar Fel and Red Arrow, IB went over to some of the older Officers. He greeted Arachne and Outdoor Miner warmly and fist-bumped Super Lad Kid. It had been a long time since they'd really had a chance to talk. He gave them postcards from his and Blaze's trip to Earth.
"Congratulations, honey," Arachne smiled as he handed her a card. "Better you than me," grumbled Outdoor Miner. "I bet you'll have a lot of hotties at your doorstep now," Super Lad Kid added.
"Thanks, guys. Helping Earth was tough,but worth it," IB smiled. He wasn't surprised that word had begun spreading through the LMB of what he and Blaze had started on Earth. "I doubt there'll be a lot of hotties though, they have a long way to travel to get to me!" Super Lad Kid looked slightly confused at that remark.
IB continued on his rounds. Stoopid Cat meowed appreciatively at the gift of some catnip. He moved over to Blockade Boy and matlock, then to My Whee Fem, who eyed him appreciatively. He smiled back at her - he'd always thought she was cute, but was wary of trying anything because he didn't want to be stabbed in the gut by her katana. Each of them congratulated him, and IB smiled while commenting that he'd love to have them along. Hopefully Chief Cobie would agree. He didn't particularly notice the frowns that he got at that. "Maybe they think Cobie isn't interested in rehabilitating Earth," he thought to himself.
He finished handing out postcards to the rest of those present, then sat down. Minutes later, Cobalt Kid, Hrun, Space Ranger and Abin Quank also came in and sat down, the first two looking rather hung over. Most likely part of the wedding celebrations, IB thought. They'd have to discuss the Security soon.
He looked at Space Ranger curiously. Why wasn't he starting the meeting? He mentally went through the Security Office roster as he knew it. Paladin was of course busy at the Academy, and Everyday Girl was getting ready for her wedding. Dedman was also busy, but nearly all of the other active Officers had attended, and even many who were taking extended leaves of abscence.
Kairos leaned over to him. "Aren't we going to start yet?"
He whispered back, "I don't know. Space Ranger and Cobie are just sitting there. I'll go talk to them."
IB stood up so fast he didn't even hear Kairos "But...!"
IB zipped over and leaned between Space Ranger and Cobie. "Aren't we going to start yet? I think pretty much everyone's hear."
Cobie groaned slightly and leaned against Hrun, whose head rested against the seat, his mouth half-open. IB cringed. These two could out-drink a moopsball team of triplicated Carggites; their party must have been incredibly intense. Good thing he hadn't joined in. Spcae Ranger turned to IB. "It's the Chief's prerogative when to start the meeting, IB."
"Er, yeah. Are we waiting for anyone else?"
"I don't know. Are we?" Abin asked as he marveled at IB's postcard.
"Um, I thought you would know? You're the Deputy Chief, after all. And isn't Cobie the Chief now, while we're picking a new Chief?"
Space Ranger's eyes widened, then he shot Cobie a dark look. "You were supposed to tell him!" he hissed.
Cobie winced in pain, then shook his head. "I did! Last night, at the party!"
IB frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Hrun belched, then shook as he roused himself. "Noble Cobalt, I do believe then one you thought was Invisible Brainiac was that New God who always follows Power Boy around. Although our young friend is definitely more handsome, I dare say the poor lighting and their physical resemblance confused you."
Cobie blinked again and squinted hard at IB. "Ohhh crap. You're right, Hrun. I'm really sorry, kid."
A confused IB turned back to Space Ranger and Abin, who were eyeing him with a mixture of consternation and amusement. Beside Abin, matlock was also looking at him. IB backed away in horror as he suddenly recalled Kairos asking him about the meeting and thinking he was the Chief.
Cobie propped himself up on the table. "Gee, I'm sorry IB, I was going to tell you that... ooooh."
IB looked up in horror to find the entire room staring at him, drawn by Cobie's and Hrun's loud voices. Besides a confused Blaze, everyone was looking in anticipation.
IB backed away slowly, panicking as he felt for the button on the wall that would open the door. "No, no, no, no..."
Space Ranger stood up and reached a hand out. "Um, IB, maybe we should have a chat first. Abin can handle the meeting..."
"I, uh, I have a headache," IB stammered as he began to frantically push the buttons behind him. Blaze had stood up and was walking towards him.
Suddenly, the screen flashed. Paladin and Everyday Girl both appeared, looking very pleased. Paladin's screen showed some young costumed sentients practicing their powers, while Everyday Girl's showed reams and reams of cloth and flowers.
"Like omygosh Mr. Visibly Brainy! I can't believe it, this is so amazing!"
"I knew you'd get it one day, IB! This calls for a celebration!"
A sweating IB finally got the door to open and turned around to run... smack into Giselle Bonita, matlock's famous secretary who was temporarily helping out the Office's receptionist. She flashed IB a dazzling smile, then held out a stack of omnicoms. "Thought you might need these notes for the meeting, Chief. I'm sure you'll be a great one."
IB's mouth opened, but no sound came out. He turned around again to stare at the room of Security Officers, who were now all staring at him wordlessly.
The last thing he saw before he hit the floor with a loud THUMP was Blaze reaching out to him, and an angry Space Ranger trying to strangle Cobalt Kid.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/15/13 10:27 PM.
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Question Lad walked along the streets of Legionopolis to the Office of Security. The more time he spent away from this city, the more faults he could find in it. He did not like all the bright lights, it reminded him of his hometown at Christmas time. As he walked down the street a cat run away from him, Maybe it doesn't like my newish uniform. What is it that Kinetix called this look? "Vintage"?
He quietly entered the Office of Security with ease; after all he had ordered up most of the security systems himself after the defeat of the Red Bee. He arrived just in time to see Cobalt Kid and Space Ranger locked in combat. Abin Quank was attempting to use his power-ring to break them up with a fence, while many of the other officers stood back. There attention was diverted when the door opened.
Abin Quank asked, "Who is this?" He released the construct, and the social situation forced the two heroes to stop fighting.
"Question Lad," Kinetix answered. "I admit the black domino mask was a bit risky, but it looks good in combination with the yellow. Very few people can pull off yellow."
"Thanks, but I didn't come here for the party. Tonight I apprehended a Verde gang member, and she had some valuable information on a wanted murderer. Captain White wanted me to give you this," He passed a briefcase into Invisible Brainiac's hands.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Bold Flavors
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< Cobalt smiled to himself after his ruse was over >
(So many of them still don't realize that I don't get hangovers because of my healing power. But it was worth the deception.
I love IB like a brother, but this intro to being security chief will teach him a lesson time and time again. This job is like being in the center of a shitstorm and s shine expects you to clean it up.
Something else else tells me he'll be the best Chief we've ever had).
< he turned, and took one last look and smiled >
So long OoS. You're in great hands.
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A shaky Invisible Brainiac put the briefcase by his side, then stared at the assembled Security Officers.
What the heck was he supposed to do?
He quickly turned to Space Ranger. "I've been off-world for quite a bit, so would you be so kind as to chair this meeting first? I'm not updated." His heart stopped pounding a little less at Space Ranger's nod.
IB quickly took out his Omnicom and began taking notes while Space Ranger spoke. He had get on top of things FAST.
IB pecked Blaze on the cheek as he watched the latter, accompanied by Kinetix and Kairos, zip off to the Academy for training. Kinetix and Kairos were "graduating" from LMB basic and IB was confident Blaze would follow soon.
He turned to his Omnicom and sighed at his long to-do list.
1) Briefing with Space Ranger and Abin Quank (invite Cobie and Paladin too) 2) Review of Question Lad briefcase with QL and Red Arrow 2a) READ the briefcase contents 3) Coffee with every Security Officer 4) Review of open case files 5) Review of OoS org. structure, manpower and assignments 6) Meeting with Power Boy 7) Meeting with the LW Founders 8) Buy something for EDG's wedding 9) Security detail at the wedding
That #9 was more important than anyone who managed to glimpse his list thought. He had a hunch about Sam Pureheart...
He sat down and placed his hands on the side of his head to try and concentrate. So many things to do... Thankfully, the OoS Secretary could handle the appointment scheduling. He zipped off a dozen messages and copied her so she could keep track of the schedules. "By the way, feel free to schedule simultaneous meetings for me," he added. "I do have 7 bodies, after all."
He also asked her to prioritize the meeting with Sebastian and Emily.
He closed his eyes and reviewed the events of the day. Giselle Bonita was being asked to help - why? Were they shorthanded? he made a mental note to check - he loved having her here, but it wouldn't do to keep leeching off Matlock.
Question Lad had apparently sprung for most of the systems; IB would need to get him a gift as thanks, and not from the OoS budget. Luckily, his own investments were giving him a lot of passive income. He made another note NOT to trade for the time being, as his new position might put him in a conflict of interest.
His mind reeling, he picked up one more detail that didn't quite sit right... When he, Cobie, Condo, Pol and SLK used to be the Festive Five, IB was always the first one drunk. But as he'd learned to handle his liquor, he stayed awake long enough to know that Cobie had always been the last one standing.
He dialed him.
"Cobie, thanks for the endorsement. Hey, you busy? Listen, I just remembered that the last time I've seen you drunk was, well, never..."
As he listened to Cobie's explanation, he burst out laughing.
"Way to throw me into the deep end! What a prank! Yeah, I am glad I figured it out after, but if I'm gonna be Chief I can't be that slow. Listen, I'm gonna be meeting up with Ranger and Abin soon, you wanna join in? I'll ask Paladin too. I could use all the advice I can get. Yeah, I'll shoot you a message. Sorry, been juggling a half-dozen appointments..."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/15/13 10:32 PM.
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A while later, Angdar was returning from some personal business and headed for the Chief's Office.
"Good Afternoon Chief," he said grinning just a little. "You got anything I can do to help out? My daily assignments start tomorrow, so I have today free to help out in any way I can."
Last edited by Angdar Fel; 02/15/13 10:43 PM.
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Question Lad and Red Arrow were walking into a small room in the Office of Security. Question Lad walked over to one of the cabinets and noticed a thin layer of dust. This won't do at all, he thought. Red Arrow pressed a couple of buttons which revealed a safe hidden underneath a wall panel. She fiddled with the lock a few times, but apparently the combination had been changed since she went to Rimbor. She took out a trick arrow, but Question Lad shook his head so she put it back in the quiver. At that moment the door swung open and Invisible Brainiac entered the room.
"Are you looking for something?" He asked.
Red Arrow was a bit surprised to see him so soon. I saw him walk to another meeting ten minutes ago. He must be an expert in time management. She said, "We were going to get the brief case out of there."
"You don't have to bother, I kept it with me. This is going to be a priority case. I want to show the people of Legion World that we can be trusted," He laid the brief case in front of Question Lad and said. "Can you please explain what has been going on?"
Question Lad opened the brief case, "These are transcripts of the police questioning of Mallory B'lankaah aka Malachite, a Verde gang member. She was present at the time of a murder of children in Britonopolis. The nanny claimed to be under mind control and has a clean adult record--"
"Adult record? Does she have juvenile convictions?" Invisible Brainiac asked.
Red Arrow replied, "The records indicate that, but we are unsure if we can investigate those under the local laws. The Charltonburg Police Department realized this was beyond their jurisdiction and contacted the other police force, but the case appeared open-shut to the authorities there. Captain White was going to move onto another case when he received descriptions of the people on the bridge, found some interesting connections, and notified me because we have federal authority. These are photographs of various individuals it could possibly be..."
She saw the photographs beneath the folders and placed them on the table. Some of the photographs are of women with little or no hair on their heads, some have what appeared to be a huge jaw, and still more are difficult to describe in human terms. A few of the photographs featured individuals wearing gray suits with purple skin tones. Invisible Brainiac counted over fifty photographs.
"Is this all from one case?" He asked.
"No," Question Lad sighed. "The Office of Security has received calls to investigate in other cities. Two weeks ago in New Manila there was a case of a bunch of magno ball players killing their teammate, whose brother was Violetta gang member, and they all claimed to have been under mind control. The witnesses described individuals that match the descriptions Malachite gave." He sifted through the brief case for the files from New Manila's law enforcement agencies and handed them to Invisible Brainiac, who looked a bit shaken.
After a brief pause he asked, "You said calls, as in plural. What other cities are involved?"
Red Arrow slowly stated, "Four weeks ago the tabloids in Tezukaville were discussing the murder of a famous singer. The police and mainstream press dismiss her husband's claims that he was under mind control because he was a prominent member of the Aizbu yakuza and their bank account was completely drained."
Kinetix ran into the room, "I am sorry to interrupt but we have urgent news! Last night there was a murder on the edge of Legionopolis. A woman had apparently killed her brother, a juvenile delinquent, for writing graffiti on a brick wall, and she claimed mind control as well. The Commissioner wants two of us to go question the woman."
Last edited by Emily Sivana; 02/15/13 11:42 PM.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Invisible Brainiac Green, the "main" IB, looked at the note in his hand. "You know what to do." Even though there was no signature, he knew who it was from.
And he knew what eas expected of him.
He thought for a moment, then turned to look at Angdar Fel. He and Angdar had worked very closely together during the Dark Oval War, and he thought that they shared very similar methods. Being a newer officer, he would hopeflly attract less attention than someone more senior... and Angdar's reticence (Kinetix would never have realized that Angdar, IB and Blaze had shared a drunken night together if Angdar hadn't mentioned anything) made him the perfect LMBer to trust.
He quickly wove an illusion of light around the two of them. Anyone else looking would see them going over old case files - all but those who could use magic or had light powers of their own would.
Then he took out his Omnicom and began typing.
"We're visually cloaked. Nobody will be able to see what we're seeing. No auditory cloaking, so pretend to be discussing the Aarok case."
Angdar looked at IB for a second, then nodded. IB breathed a sigh. He knew he could count on Angdar.
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"It looks like IB's settling into his new role well," Marvin said. "Kinetix runs to inform him, and just like that he's formed four teams and sent us out to investigate a series of cases."
"I knew he would," Blaze smiled. "He's been working hard and he's a natural too. And I heard that he was the previous' Chief's best choice for the position."
"And I assume he has one of his selves near you most of the time, so you don't feel the role's a drain?" Marvin asked.
"Not really," Blaze replied. "He can't stay split up forever, so he prefers to conserve his strength. He usually only splits near the start of the day and at the end, to catch up on pending items. He does still make time for me though..."
"If I know you HUMANS well enough, that overly optimistic state of mind won't last long!"
Blaze gasped as he saw the owner of the voice. "Outdoor Miner?! but I thought you..."
"This is OUR Outdoor Miner. The one who fell against the Dark oval was the Earth-4 version." Marvin hastily interjected. "Sorry, Miner. Blaze wasn't on LW long before he and IB left..."
"Just like you humans to jet off and enjoy yourselves while the rest of us clean up," OM replied. "At least, so I thought before IB's briefing. Don't worry, it's only on a need-to-know basis. And I do respect you a little bit more for that."
"Ah, thanks," Blaze stammered. "I'm sorry, you look just like him..."
"Bah. Alternate versions' fates shouldn't affect me, so don't bother with sympathy. Now, where are you two headed?"
"US two, Outdoor Miner," Kairos interjected as she ran up to them. "I'm Blaze's partner for this ride." Blaze and Marvin waved to her as she approached.
"New Manila," Blaze replied. Then he grinned to Kairos. "You'd have to see it to believe it!"
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/19/13 11:27 AM.
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Invisible Brainiac had collected the case files and wrote down some important contact information in preparation for the investigation. He was able to see Red Arrow and Question Lad discussing some matters through the window to the outside. At that moment he regretted not giving adequate information to Marvin. Red Arrow and Marvin would be going to Tezukaville, which is on the other side of Legion World. They would be reporting to Captain Jupiter of the Tezukaville "Metropolitan" Police Department. The people of Tezukaville have been campaigning for years to have their town recognized as a city, and it was regarded as fact even if it was not in the law.
Invisible Brainiac returned to his desk to check his messages. A few minutes later, Question Lad knocked on the door. He used his light powers to instantly switch into his uniform and then opened the door. He smiled at Question Lad, who maintained a straight face.
"Do we have any more information about the victim?" Invisible Brainiac asked.
"Kinetix has only been able to find out that he lived with his parents in Las Vegas until he got into a fight at school. His parents sent him to live with his older sister and her husband on Legion World," Question Lad replied.
As they walked out of the office, Kinetix stopped them to ask, "The precinct you are going to is kind of far. Are you guys going to use flight rings or a vehicle?"
"Flight Rings," Invisible Brainiac said.
"Vehicle," Question Lad said at the same time.
Last edited by Emily Sivana; 02/20/13 11:08 PM.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Good morning, Officer.
Renly Fox smiled politely to the passing security officers as he waited for the beautiful model turned security administrator, Giselle Bonita, to join him for lunch. In the last week he had become a fixture at the Security Office as it appeared the two were dating.
Yet to anyone who was keeping a closer eye on him—like Reflekto—he was doing more than simply picking up a lunch date. His old pirate eyes were clever and could take in every inch of a setting. Especially when he knew what to look for. His wits were sharp and his conversation skills complex; he knew how to get information.
And information he got. On what exactly the Security Office knew about his sordid past.
And more importantly, about “the item”.
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The Security Office of the Security Office
"Thanks Invisible Brainiac." Reflekto said as they watched Renly Fox. Dozens of images of Renly Fox from different angles taken by security cameras shown on the many impressive displays on the wall.
"... or should I say Chief?"
IB smiled. "Always glad to help, especially since this is a pre-existing assignment. What are you looking for?"
Reflekto scanned the many images on the wall, all being fed from various cameras surrounding Renly Fox, information of all sorts was displayed on the various screens ... heat maps, X-Rays for weapons, telescopic mapping of his skin, eye color, each strand of hair (attractive as it was) ... etc. etc.
He seemed clean. That troubled Reflekto even more. Surely he should have at least a few weapons secreted on his person.
"I don't know exactly."Reflekto said in reply to IB "I do know, he's checking US out as much as we are checking HIM out. He's up to something, I can feel it just under my force field, an itchy feeling. I know if I watch him long enough he will slip up. If we don't, who knows what he could be up to."
"Anyway ... it's a great chance to update our bioinformatics of Mr. Fox. He'll find it much more difficult to hide the next time he flees the sector." She crossed her arms and her short pony tail flopped over her shoulder as she spied Renly Fox for anything she could use to figure out what he was up to, and anything she could use to trip him up.
They would have to leave the security officer he was *dating* out of the investigation ... she didn't want any leaks. Reflekto would investigate her further later.
Reflekto thought to herself 'besides it's my first solo mission, from Cobalt Kid himself, if I do this well, I can build my reputation! Finally begin contributing to my brother's legacy.'
She smiled to herself. 'I'll get you Renly Fox, just you wait.'
and at that moment, as if he heard, as if on cue, Renly Fox stared straight into the camera.
Chills ran down Reflekto's spine, force field and all.
Last edited by Reflekto; 02/20/13 04:47 PM.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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Invisible Brainiac looked at Sebastian. "I don't mind taking a vehicle, but is there any particular reason you'd like one? If it's to attract less attention, I can cloak us invisibly."
Question Lad shrugged. "I thought we could get some rest on the way and discuss the case files."
"Best to cede this point," Invisible Brainiac thought. "I could fly us there faster, but what's a few extra minutes?
"Good idea. Let me just send Kinetix off." At Sebastian's nod, IB turned to Kinetix. "I'm looking for a partner for you to Britonopolis. I have one in mind, but am not sure if she's available. Any requests?"
Kinetix smiled. "If you mean Angdar, don't worry. We're not joined at the hip. I'll go with whomever you choose, Chief!"
"Thanks," IB smiled with sincerity. "Ok, Question Lad. I'm ready any time."
The two strode out with great purpose. They both badly wanted to solve this crime, but perhaps not for the same reasons.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/20/13 11:28 PM.
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"I'm sure he knows someone is watching him, Reflekto," Invisible Brainiac Purple said. IB Red would likely have gone and punched the guy by now, but Purple was considerably more subtle. "If he's been waiting this long, he already knows where one of our cameras is - but we have many more that I bet even he doesn't know about."
Reflekto nodded, though IB could see she was still chilled.
"Listen - this mission began before I took the role, but I want you to know it's still on my priority list. Call me any time if you need assistance. I know you want to prove yourself, but I also know you have a good sense of knowing when to call for help."
"I won't let you down, Chief," Reflekto said with a smile.
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New Manila"Are you really sure that's safe?!" Kairos gawked at what Blaze held in his hand. "Trust me," Blaze smiled as he took a bite of his dirty ice cream sandwich. "It's not rally dirty - we just call it that because it was sold on the streets back home. Filipino-Earthers can get very nostalgic." He offered her a bite, which she hastily refused. Blaze shrugged. "Might be better; it does take some getting used to. IB and I have developed some resistance, but poor Quislet went through two rolls of tissues after he had a cone..." "Urgh, thanks for the belated warning. So, are we almost at the crime scene? You do know this place better than I do." "Almost. I'd better warn you though - Filipino-Earthers get starstruck very easily. Not only will the crime scene likely be swamped, but if anyone recognizes us..." Kairos nearly jumped as a little girl came running up to here. "Where are you from, lady?" Kairos kneeled down and smiled. "Not many people who look like this around here? I'm from Legionopolis, honey." Blaze smiled as Kairos chatted with the girl. "Good thing we changed out of our costumes," he thought.
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Over Legionopolis
"Have you ever known anyone who's been mind-controlled?" Invisible Brainiac knew the answer, but he asked anyway.
"I have," Question Lad replied. He didn't flinch, but he didn't volunteer any information either. "Why do you ask?"
"Because I know that skilled telepaths are able to take control of a mind and wipe all traces of said control."
"Then if a victim knew hr oe she was mind-controlled, either the telepath was unable to wipe that memory, or left it there on purpose," Question Lad mused. "Good obseravtion."
"Or didn't destroy the physical evidence linking the victim to the actual murder, leaving the victim no choice but the conclude that he or she had been mind-controlled."
"These murderers... Sooner or later they always get overconfident. But we must try to solve that crime before they commit any more murders."
"You are absolutely correct."
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"Your knowledge will be very useful to us, Red Arrow," Marvin said as they walked through the police station.
"Thank you. That's why we decided that I be part of the team," Red Arrow replied. "I've also known Captain Jupiter for years. I am sure you'll enjoy meeting him."
"So am I," Marvin replied. "You know, I heard you know a bit about weapons. Have you seen the photos and the report?"
Emily nodded. "Murder was clean. Victim's throat was slit cleanly and by someone who knew what he or she was doing."
"Which could indicate the husband - but doesn't disprove the mind-control claim."
Both sank deep into thoughtful silence. How could they prove or disprove a claim like mind-control?
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