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#742247 02/10/06 11:38 AM
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It's starting today. Is anyone going? I thought I would go tomorrow.

Mark Waid is part of the DC panel on Saturday from 11:30 to 1:00. And at 5:00 pm until 6 pm there is "Focus on Mark Waid."

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Time Trapper
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There's rumors of a big announcement concerning DC animated shows so I hope someone goes. We may finally get confirmation of the Legion cartoon that had its first recording session today.

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i will be going there tomorrow and I will be sure to attend the DC Panel. smile

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me! Semi, are you bringing Duncan smile ? superboymddjr, what do you look like? Both of y'all stop me if you see me somewhere! i look like this...wait lemme find
we can have a Nor Cal mini Legionworld meet up! I think LyleLyle lives in SF too n'est pas?

my tentative saturday itinerary:
-i'm definitely gonna try to win one of those spiffy new X-Men posters at the Fox presentation:
-look for chris bachalo
-go to the mike allred signing (get a sketch!!!)
-go to the waid event
-see assorted friends, classmates, coworkers, & Legionworlders (?)

oh yeah, i'll probably be there sunday too cause my best friend wants to go (i should probably look the same: )

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Monkey Eater Lad, I'll look for the trail of monkey fur. Definitely if I see you, I'll come up and introduce myself. I'm going to try and get there when it opens this morning. I want to go to the DC Panel, and I want to try and find a Hal Jordan statue. And of course, my annual visit with Margot Kidder (if she's remained out of rehab, of course. smile )

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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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Aww, I should've gone home this weekend so I could've gone!! Aw, well... C'est la vie.

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Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Monkey Eater Lad, I'll look for the trail of monkey fur. Definitely if I see you, I'll come up and introduce myself. I'm going to try and get there when it opens this morning. I want to go to the DC Panel, and I want to try and find a Hal Jordan statue. And of course, my annual visit with Margot Kidder (if she's remained out of rehab, of course. smile )
well, if the way she looked at Boston is anything to go by, i would say not. evil

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I'm back from Wondercon. Here's my report.

I got there at 10:00 a.m just before the doors opened. The line was very long, but moved quite quickly once it got going. The con was held in the new Moscone Center building, which I was looking forward to since I had never been in that building before. While waiting in line, I was chatting with a fellow who looked just like Pov (or what I imagine him to look like from his pictures.) While we were chatting, another fellow walked by who looked just like Cobie (again what I imagine Cobie to look like from his pictures.) Once we got inside the building, I started chatting with a fellow who looked amazingly like STU (whom I have had the immense pleasure of meeting and spending time with.) I also chatted with a fellow in line who happened to be an adult comic book illustrator. Nice guy and he gave me his card. Unfortunately, being an adult, adult comics don't really interest me. (Why is that?)

The new location for the con is quite an improvement. I went last year, and it just looked messy. This year in the new building, it was all spiffy and neat and everything. Everyone was also really friendly this year.

First thing I did was head to the DC booth, which wasn't hard to find, since it was immediately in front of the entry way. I did find the advance copy of Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes and spent about 15 minutes reading through it. (You were expecting spoilers??? First thing you should know about me, is that I have a mind like a sieve. smile But I did remember the ending when Supergirl shows up.)

Then I noticed a long line and I asked what it was for. The DC people told me it was for free tickets to an advance screening of V for Vendetta tonight. By the time I finished LSH, the line was gone so I got my free ticket. It's at 9:45 tonight -- close to my bedtime (hey, I'm no kid anymore) -- so I'm still undecided about going.

Then I stumbled upon a booth selling trade paperbacks for $5 or buy 4 and get the 5th free. So, I bought the first 5 volumes of Sin City for $20. After that I wandered around a bit, stopped to look at Noel Neill (Lois Lane) and Yvonne Craig (Batgirl). Noel looks at bit trashy (with long straggly grey hair, too much make-up and a skirt way too short), but Yvonne looks quite classy.

One of my goals was to purchase the DC Direct Hal Jordan Green Lantern statue. I have the Jim Lee Superman and Batman, the Kubert Hawkman and the Arrival of Supergirl statues. My goal is to eventually get all the Silver Age DC superheroes to go with the Archive editions I have. Luckily, there was one Hal Jordan statue in the whole exhibit hall and I did purchase it for a reasonable price.

Next, I stopped at the Cartoon Art Museum booth to chat with one of the founders of the museum. If you do get to San Francisco, I highly recommend a visit to this small but wonderful museum. I noticed that they had two copies of Michael Chabon's Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. We got into a conversation about that book because it's one of my favorites. He told me that Chabon mentions the cartoon art museum in a footnote in the book.

Next I was killing time before the DC panel so I stopped into a t-shirt kiosk. Who was there? MICHAEL CHABON buying a t-shirt for his son who was dressed up like Superboy. I struck up a conversation with Michael Chabon and told him that Kavalier and Clay was one of my favorite novels. I asked Michael what he was working on and he told me that he had a new novel coming out and that he was finishing up work on the SCREENPLAY for Kavalier and Clay. (I can hardly wait -- it's going to be an incredible movie.) I also told him that I had been looking in vain for him doing a signing so that I could get my copy autographed. He then told me that he was signing copies of the Escapist at the Dark Horse booth at noon (right in the middle of the DC panel). I said I'd try and make it and immediately went over to the Cartoon Museum booth and purchased one of the copies of Kavalier and Clay. It was a hardcover, and luckily a first edition. (I collect signed first edition novels. I've now purchased 5 hardback copies of that book - 2 for myself and 3 as gifts for friends and family. When I told Chabon that, he thanked me profusely for helping to pay his son's future college tuition.) I cut out of the DC panel at noon and got my Kavalier and Clay signed as well as a signed free copy of the first Escapist. (Was fate at work here or what?!!!)

At 11:30 I went up to the DC panel. A couple of surprises for me: (1) Mark Waid is not British - well, at least he has an American accent. I don't know where I got the idea, but I always thought he was English. (2) Geoff Johns is really cute. (3) Grant Morrisson is Scottish. (4) Howard Chaykin came across as somewhat charming, somewhat aloof, and quite clever. They talked about Crisis but didn't really seem to say anything new. Then they went through all of the titles and said little bits, but nothing that seemed to me be very informative. When they got to LSH, Waid basically said that Supergirl was coming and nothing else. I knew more from having read the advance copy earlier. I then left for the Chabon signing. When I came back it was question time. The questions were not very interesting and ended with 1/2 hour left to fill in the scheduled time. Waid threw it out to the audience who we'd like to see from the DC Universe in 52. When someone said Matter-Eater Lad, I started clapping and others joined in. It was the most applause any suggestion got. Waid said the sound we were hearing was the sound of Barry Kitson's heart breaking. He said that he and Barry argued about including Matter Eater Lad all the time. He didn't give any more info though. All in all, I was quite disappointed by the panel. The information given out was parsimonious at best. All that aside, it's very possible that someone else more in tune with the DC universe came away from the session with a lot more information. I tend only to listen for a couple of things that interest me - in particular, LSH and the return of the real Superboy. I felt let down in both areas.

I chose not to stay for the event featuring Mark Waid. I hope someone else will report on that.

After the panel, I took my treasures back to the car then returned to the exhibit hall to look around at a more leisurely pace. All this time, I was keeping an eye out for Monkey Eater Lad. Alas, he was not to be found.

I made one more reckless purchase - Vol. 1 of Marvel Masterworks Avengers (at about 1/3 of list price) and then left the con at about 2 p.m. That was plenty of time for me to see everything I wanted to, and I felt that I got my $15 admission price's worth.

(I keep editing this because I keep remembering things.)

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went this morning and saw some changes there at the Moscone Center - made no difference than last year where the events were taken the place in the lower level...this year we have events being held on the ground level and upper level...went to a DC Panels - not much ohhhs/ahhhs... not much news to share since they kept their mouth hush hush...telling us to find out what up in the future issue....saw Outsiders new issue that I read at the DC booth ....spoilers: Nightwing, Thunder (with a new hairdo and new costume), Grace, Metamorpho (not Shift), Katana, and Kid Boomerang. The guy said that the Supergirl and LSH #15 that somebody "stole" from them. hmm....left at 2 pm.... due to my headache (not feeling 100 percent well because of my neck hurting from watching too close at Mission Impossible III - not deaf friendly.) Went bought some DCU action figures, heroclix for my custom made heroes....checking out two guys dressed as Nightcrawler and Green Lantern...GL is cute. *sigh* Hey Semi - please PM me to spoil what you read in #15 laugh

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also the Birds of Prey too....found out who the new Bird will be....most people will guess right....starts with L.....

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Lori Lemaris? laugh

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also one of the sign language interpreter made a comment that Grant Morrison sounds Scottish...I told her that I believe that he used to live in England before coming here to write the Doom Patrol series (Crawling from the Wreckage - post- Zero Hour, remember?)...that's my recall when I read the interview a long time ago.

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Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Lori Lemaris? laugh
hmm I think I missed the part where they showed the future issue of Aquaman - they have a nude mermaid on the cover - is that her?

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I did look at the Aquaman advance copy. There was no dialogue in it, but the art looked really good. A definite improvement from the current run which I dropped about 6 months ago. Maybe I'll pick it up again.

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Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
(2) Geoff Johns is really cute.
Well, YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kidding, I kid. I mean, you can't, but I can't either. sigh

Anyway, sounds like you guys had a ball!! I feel out of the loop, though. Who's the new bird?! And... who's Kid Boomerang? The Cap'n's son renamed? Or...?

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nah just a name coined by us fanboys trying to differentiate Captain Boomerang and Captain Boomerang II. So Kid Boomerang it is.

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ahhh, no wonder i didn't see any legionworlders there at the Waid panel - ya didn't go! just left the sunday of con (left early). there was a lot of questions from folks who I swore were Legionworlders (especially the guy who asked a Legion all-letter column issue question) but I didn't recognize anyone. I got TWO Legion sketches and even got Waid to write some dialogue for one and Adam Beechan (JLU comic writer who actually knew Legion facts) to write words for the other. Talked to Timm about the JLU Legion episode and the new LoSH toon (of which he says he's not involved).

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