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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/04/25 11:40 AM
Kill This Thread LXIII - Sticking to your Resolutions
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/04/25 11:39 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/04/25 11:39 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/04/25 08:12 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/04/25 08:12 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/04/25 08:02 AM
The First Legion Retcon...
by Korbal - 02/04/25 06:41 AM
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CALLING THE ROLL is a character-by-character look at comics featuring the universe's greatest super-team... the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.



"Guess Who's Back... Wrong!" Longtime Legion fans might recognize that cover blurb that pulled a particularly cruel form of bait and switch. I couldn't help but be reminded of that episode of the Five Years Later era when reading this issue.

Not particularly fair, since the content of this issue is a mostly fun, innocuous and fairly sweet set of stories told in the woods by little 'l'egionnaires. (I think...). Expectations were raised way beyond the scope of this issue. Who knows what's in the future? Maybe there's more of substance here than is currently apparent.

It was fun seeing the various past costumes again. In the ADVENTURE era scene, I thought the Legionnaires were wildly out of character. They're just characters in little 'l'egionnaires stories told in the woods, though. Right?

I'd love to see a LSH/SSOV story. Guess this is the closest I'll ever see. Too bad there wasn't room for a Brande/Captain Comet bit, as the two were rumored to be one and the same not that long ago. Martian Manhunter was the more educated guess, but Comet was mentioned.

"Simple furniture incident"... Ha! Gorilla Grodd must be a blast to write. I always enjoy his use in stories.

The scene with the Flash in the original Crisis ended with an intriguing sequence. If the story-within-a-story were 'real', it'd change quite a few things about the regular DCU.

There was too much youth-against- adults stuff-- an aspect to this Legion that can get old (heh!) fast.

I'm not gonna do roll-calls for the stories-within-the-story or for the little 'l'egionnaires because there really isn't much to say about them. I do wonder if Dav Huntr is Superboy... or somebody else that would be familiar. He certainly seemed significant. That hood and cloak were meant to push buttons for readers. Is the current issue the only one to which those reactions will apply?

Of more substance is the letter-page sequence... a fun update/throwback to the old multi-page introductions to the Legionnaires that appeared from time to time in the 60's and 70's.

Let THAT roll be called!

LightningLad3 LIGHTNING LAD: I hope Garth *is* searching for something, rather than having Mon-el's wanderlust uncomfortably grafted onto him. Doesn't fit, IMO. Now- what is he searching for? Mekt? A way to bring some unknown character back to life? A missing teammate who's been replaced by a shapechanger?

ATOM GIRL: = Salu Digby

ULTRA BOY: Criminal or working an angle?

BRIN/PROJECRA: Brin's surprisingly smooth-skinned. Guess we know the status of *that* couple.

COLOSSOL BOY: "Loved by all." Would 'all' agree? Or does this reveal more about Triplicate Girl than she intended?

PhantomGirl3 PHANTOM GIRL: Tinya's the history/legend buff? More trait juggling (Cosmic Boy used to be the history expert). I find this somewhat annoying.

#22 should amount to more than a rerun of "Guess Who's Back... Wrong!"

Light Lass, Star Boy, Saturn Girl and Brainiac 5 also had summaries, but nothing of note was revealed about them.

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Also of interest is that U-Boy got his powers from a "freak accident". It's hard for me to categorize getting eaten by a space whale as that -- could there be a new origin or were they just keeping it wide open?

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He said before that he was exposed to massive amounts of radiation. I'm guessing they're retiring the "swallowed by an ultra-energy beast/space whale" origin.

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
[QB] Of more substance is the letter-page sequence... a fun update/throwback to the old multi-page introductions to the Legionnaires that appeared from time to time in the 60's and 70's.

Or at least a nod to the old roll call scrolls featured in the ADVENTURE era. Dave Cockrum made an innovative "totem" effect in the Molecular Master story of S/LSH 201. The faces of the Legionnaires with the names at the bottom. Nostalgia...I embrace it hug

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Time Trapper
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Not particularly fair, since the content of this issue is a mostly fun, innocuous and fairly sweet set of stories told in the woods by little 'l'egionnaires. (I think...). Expectations were raised way beyond the scope of this issue. Who knows what's in the future? Maybe there's more of substance here than is currently apparent.

The bait and switch was not a good aspect of this issue. Even if they'd put a "Guess who's back - Sort of" line on the preview cover, it might have eased some expectations. "Anticipointment", as somebody on these boards once mentioned. Perhaps the stories will be proven to have more substance or a role in future events, but I wouldn't put any money on it. (Okay, maybe $1.)

It was fun seeing the various past costumes again. In the ADVENTURE era scene, I thought the Legionnaires were wildly out of character.

Surprised at some of the reaction to the pink bikini! A number of people have mentioned that the Legionnaires were out of character, but I didn't really get that impression. Mildly out of character for me - but explained by the 'l'egionnaires telling the stories based on what they know of the contemporary Legionnaires e.g. Brainy more snarky than he was in "our" Adventure era.

Martian Manhunter was the more educated guess, but Comet was mentioned.

I'd never read about the possible Comet connection, but really like that idea - better than a Martian Manhunter - or Durlan - origin for RJ!

The scene with the Flash in the original Crisis ended with an intriguing sequence. If the story-within-a-story were 'real', it'd change quite a few things about the regular DCU.

That scene is one which made me wonder if there would be some actual connection to events of the current 20th century Crisis - and Quislet's farewell "Have a nice crisis".

There was too much youth-against- adults stuff-- an aspect to this Legion that can get old (heh!) fast.

Agreed - but I'm on the old side of the equation. I wonder how teenagers are reacting to this Legion, if any are reading it? The purported confrontation between the kids and adults at the gate didn't make sense to me, given the circumstances of a city in ruin. They should all be working together on recovery, not fighting at this point. Will the Legion maintain this blanket condemnation of their elders now that they have status equal to the SPs?

I do wonder if Dav Huntr is Superboy... or somebody else that would be familiar. He certainly seemed significant. That hood and cloak were meant to push buttons for readers. Is the current issue the only one to which those reactions will apply?

Between Cham impersonating everybody, Lyle's fibs, Lu's spying and this Superboy tease, we have a lot of deception in this Legion. "Things are seldom what they seem" should be the battle cry of the writers.

TRIPLICATE GIRL: "So long ago that no one even recalls who was the original." Years? Decades? Centuries? Millenia? Does aging occur on Caarg? Or is *allowed* to, more accurately?

She has also referred to the UP as a fledgling organization; there's something going on with the passage of time here. Did the accident on Cargg somehow change her aging process? The time required after she awoke, learned to split, then learned all she needed to get the planet working again (engineering! carpentry! chemistry! food production! etc!), even with multiple bodies, must
have been considerable.

COSMIC BOY: "Huge secret crush on--"Aaargh! One of the most titillating tidbits of interest to fans is left hanging!

This is a good one, given his character. They could leave us guessing for a long time.

INVISIBLE KID: ...cloaks himself from "ocular, auditory and telepathic" detection. Can he be invisible and still communicate telepathically? For that matter, have we 'seen' him speak, and be heard, while invisible?

His movements can be heard (at least when he's throwing stuff around) and presumably he can be smelled out - so just splash him with perfume or garlic juice, and he's traceable. In the post-boot, his footprints could be seen. The communication cloaking is certainly an interesting new twist.

Preboot, Jan Arrah *grew* into a spiritual characterization. A pontificating cipher dressed like a wizard is a very confining box for Element Lad.

As a spiritual guru, I expect he's setting himself up (or being set up) for a big let-down. His spirituality may be sorely tested at some point (like his planet getting wiped out by some sociopath), at which point he can really grow.

KARATE KID/SHADOW LASS: The revelation of a relationship that's ended casts that scene in the snow with Ultra Boy in a different light, doesn't it?

Tasmia is possibly the source of antipathy between Val and Jo - although their respective personalities seem predestined to clash. Did they break up before Val developed his crush on Tinya? I liked the idea of Tasmia and Val together, but they're a good team as friends, too.

LIGHTNING LAD: I hope Garth *is* searching for something, rather than having Mon-el's wanderlust uncomfortably grafted onto him. Doesn't fit, IMO. Now- what is he searching for? Mekt? A way to bring some unknown character back to life? A missing teammate who's been replaced by a shapechanger?

Given the revelation that there is an older brother who's a spot of trouble suggests that he's searching for Mekt. More deception? I agree that Mon-el wanderlust doesn't fit his character - and Triplicate Girl should realize this, as well. Guess she's been too focussed on Jo - and other guys.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Actually these two thoughts make me wonder just how “old” Triplicate girl is. After all although he LOOKS like a teenager what evidence do we have of her actual “age” according to earth years.

I wonder if in this incarnation Carggites are the extremely long lived, if not in fact virtually immortal race in the universe.

From what we have seen it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Lou is much much older in terms of years than humans, although she may be a simple “teenager” in terms of Cargg society. In fact in terms of a society she IS the society and the society is her. She has no one on her entire planet who is older than she is or more mature. There may not be any babies on her planet unless a male counterpart for her is introduced ( excepting the possibility of cross species interbreeding) and from what we have been shown I think it is implied that the entire population of Cargg is an asexual bud from the same original and that all are the same age and therefore, In terms of maturity, she has no one on her entire planet who is older than she is or more mature

So from her own view point he is and remains an underager eager and keen to learn, whilst to the rest of the galaxy she may indeed be millennia old.

Am i making any sense here or just rambling?

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Well as stated, I think its fairly clear that the society NEEDS re-establishment. I'm having trouble with people unable to wrap their heads around the fact that the 'kids' are absolutely correct about society and the state of the government.

Author of "Machine Goddess" and "The Undying Machine"
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There was too much youth-against- adults stuff-- an aspect to this Legion that can get old (heh!) fast.

Perhaps Mr. Moore didn't read issue #14 before writing issue #15. From now on, they'll probably think twice before spitting on the hand that feeds them.

I do wonder if Dav Huntr is Superboy... or somebody else that would be familiar. He certainly seemed significant. That hood and cloak were meant to push buttons for readers. Is the current issue the only one to which those reactions will apply?

Probably meant only to evoke Superboy and the T'Spiri (spirit) of Legions past, kind of like the Superboy who appeared to inspire them during 'The End of an Era'.

TRIPLICATE GIRL: "So long ago that no one even recalls who was the original." Years? Decades? Centuries? Millenia? Does aging occur on Caarg? Or is *allowed* to, more accurately?

She's already demonstrated some regenerative powers ("I'll heal when I remerge"). Maybe they're more extensive than we thought, even to point of staunching the aging process via super-regeneration of her cellular structure.

COSMIC BOY: "Huge secret crush on--"Aaargh! One of the most titillating tidbits of interest to fans is left hanging! Who is the object of Rokk's crush?

I'll take a stab -- Phantom Girl -- because she now has an interest (ancient history) previously associated with Cos, which they may now share in common. But I'd MUCH rather see a reminagined Lydda.

ELEMENT LAD: Now I'm glad Jan hasn't been on-page very much. I think the creators need to rethink their choices where Jan's concerned. .... I know the Jan from the reboot-that-was rubbed lots of readers the wrong way. *This* Jan has the potential to make *that* Jan seem the apple of the Legion's eye, in comparison.

The only chord WaK's E-Lad has ever struck was in the "I hate pirates" scene. I can understand the temptation to make Jan a quirky, ambiguous or even problematic individual, but this awkward and superficial "alchemist" persona doesn't constitute an authentic inner life for the character. WaK are obviously capable of much better than this, so I'm forced to conclude they don't like E-Lad or (possibly worse) don't really have any interest in him.

KARATE KID/SHADOW LASS: The revelation of a relationship that's ended casts that scene in the snow with Ultra Boy in a different light, doesn't it?

Who'd Val be more angry at, Jo or Taz? Tasmia, maybe, for throwing him over for the Legion's biggest scuzzball. But why should Val care anymore, if he's crushing on Tinya?

LIGHTNING LAD: I hope Garth *is* searching for something, rather than having Mon-el's wanderlust uncomfortably grafted onto him. Doesn't fit, IMO. Now- what is he searching for? Mekt?

No! He's searching for the space whale that ate his ... whatever. I eagerly await Mekt but if the "no classic villains" ban is still in place, we might be in for a somewhat different take on him. Many more shades of grey this time around, perhaps.

ATOM GIRL: = Salu Digby

She's referred to as "size shifter" -- a phrase also used to describe postboot Vi/LeVIathan -- but here we're given no clues about her upper and lower limits. I wonder if/how the quintile crystals will figure into this Legion's untold history.

ULTRA BOY: Criminal or working an angle?

If in fact Jo's the SP plant, his criminal past could be the cover story or, more likely, he's made a deal to snitch on the Legion in return for charges being dropped.

BRIN/PROJECRA: Brin's surprisingly smooth-skinned.

Maybe he really *is* an android is time around.

Light Lass, Star Boy, Saturn Girl and Brainiac 5 also had summaries, but nothing of note was revealed about them.

A few things worth noting:

LIGHT LASS: Assuming that Ayla was once an "electrical dynamo" like her brother(s), maybe her attraction to E-Lad's philosophy of change is a way of dealing with the changes to her powers. I shudder at the idea she might be crushing on Jan. shudder

SATURN GIRL: "..born without vocal chords". Yet the human body still retains useless, atavistic parts like tonsils and adenoids. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense in evolutionary terms, since the ability to vocalize in the face of danger would be an important secondary survival tool even for a telepathic race.

BRAINIAC 5: Nothing new but "Compared to Brainy, the rest of us are lima beans" bears repeating.

Chuck lives in Brooklyn? Which section?

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I wonder how teenagers are reacting to this Legion, if any are reading it?
Teenagers reading comics! Who'd have thunk it?

I haven't been able to take this Legion seriously since I realized with very little effort, I could set their entire motivation to the 'Adults vs Kids' song from the Simpsons.
(Marge: Kids! I can nag and nag 'til my hair turns blue!
Edna: Kids! You bum my smokes and don't say 'thank you'!)

The 'born without vocal cords' thing with Saturn Girl is irritating (am I misremembering, or wasn't it 'atrophied vocal cords' a few issues ago?), but I suppose if you think about it like the fish on the ocean floor that have eyes but are completely blind it makes some sense (well, it does if they're atrophied. Otherwise...wizard).

I prefer waiting until a character arc comes along to start speculating on everybody, we're just getting tidbits and very little actual meat so far--everyone still feels like a cardboard cutout to me.

'What the--a robot shark!'

Be warned--I liked post-ZH.
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I like the idea of the Founders (CB,SG,LL) maturing while the rest grow into heroism.

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