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Can it be? I thought for sure that after everything we had done we still had lost him!
Rank hath it's privileges
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Thank the stars! Vee! You made it back from the Variable Realm! How did you manage it?
Bring back Condo!
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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I...I didn't. I couldn't...not enough strength left. I was too far gone.
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Rank hath it's privileges
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Time Trapper
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Pol...it was Pol. He wouldn't let go of me and that's what kept me whole. Then at the last minute, after he transported Metternich to the VRealm, he brought me back. Somehow he found the energy to bring me back. I don't know how he did it or how much it cost him. I had already given up hope of ever making it back but...somehow, he brought me back.
With that, Vee faded in unconsciousness on the ground next to Pol.
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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<claps Pol on the back> Well done. Everyone...well done. The crisis if finished. <bends down, using healing hands on Vee to help him> This should ease Vee's exhaustion a little. But we still have Slim to find someday...I'm in no hurry right now. Most of us are here and safe now. <sees normal Brit> Don't get any ideas about axes, swords and the like... <looks at Rockhopper Lad> Any sign of Lardy?
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Faraway Lad raises himself to his knees. A little shaky after Pols borrowing of his powers he smiles as he sees his friends around him.
“Des” he asks “did we do it, did Vee and Pol get him?”
“Yup Far we did” says Cobalt Kid holding him upright. “The plan worked and Metternich is gone now, gone now for ever”
Faraway smiled again. “Good I had hoped to be the one to defeat him but I knew Britney and I could only do that by killing him and he’s not worth it in the long run. Still I hope you don’t mind a slight change in plan and me giving Metternich a little something to ‘occupy’ him in his exile”
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Faraway holds out an ornate scroll
“Whats that Far” askes Rockhopper Lad.
“Its Metternich’s ambassadorial accreditation, from all the known empires and realms he ‘claims’ to have represented, without this he has no Diplomatic immunity and therefore can be arrested and imprisoned if he breaks any more laws.
“do you have one of those Sir Faraway” asked Sir Roy.
I do” Roy “and it is in a very safe place, without it I might not have got back from a few very hairy situations”
“Well he’s gone now Far” says Cobalt kid “and is never going to bother us again. But what did you give him?”
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Deep in the variable realm former Ambassador Metternich sits at a desk. Around him all is confusion as walls shrink and grow seemingly at random, the desk seemingly moves from floor to ceiling and walls. Outside a window which sits floating in space a brilliant sun shines, yet behind the desk it is raining. Nothing is fixed all is variable.
Yet Metternich sits hunched over his desk muttering. “I must be allowed to present my credentials” paper flies across the desk, fluttering just faraway from his hands. “I will have this” screams Metternich “Once I am accredited to a realm I will be Ambassador again I will have power” He reaches once more for the ornate scroll containing his formal accreditation papers and once again they move out of his reach. Forever faraway from him.
Back on Legion World Faraway Lad feels the variance in the Faraway Force and smiles, twisting his powers slightly he ensures that Metternich is forever trapped in a Tantalus field of Faraway energy.
Then he turns back to his friends.
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Noticing Vee and Pol Faraway stumbles and almost falls.
“Des are they…”
“they are ok Far, just need to get them to Doctor One for some treatment”
Cobalt” says Faraway slowly “where’s Lard Lad. I thought the plan was for him to meet us here after defeating the computer tyrant?”
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Ow, my head. How did I get unconscious anyway? The last thing I remember is-- oh, no. No, no, no.
<tears begin forming in her eyes, Frio puts an arm on her shoulder>
Cobie, please tell me Lardy didn't... didn't... <span style="font-size: 9px;">sacrifice himself... </span> <span style="font-size: 7px;">for me...</span>
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“Sacrifice! Cali what are you talking about”
Faraway moves over to Caliente and grabs hold of her shoulders, “Quickly Cali, what happened, tell me. Lardy will have a backup plan I know him. He..he..must have one, he must......"
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<tears race down her face now>
After defeating the Tyrant, Lardy said... he said it required a manual restart of the computers without the programming set by the Computer Tyrant. He said I did it in the vision he'd seen and... died but claimed he could do it and teleport out. I knew he was lying, so I ordered him to let me go. I'm the leader, it was my responsibility. But he...
<look down, ashamed>
He knocked me out cold. After that, I don't know what happened.
<looks up, brows wrinkled>
He did it, didn't he, Cobie? He went in there and saved us all and it cost him everything.
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<Mustering his strength, Vee rises to his feet> Cali sweetheart, don't cry. We'll find out what happened to Lardy, I promise. But whatever the outcome, you must remember, we all knew the risks involved in all of this. We took them willingly. Each and every one of us knew we might not come back. Hell, I almost didn't make it back. If it hadn't been for Po...my son, Pol, I most definitely would not have survived. It was his fierce determination that brought me back. He found a way to accomplish the impossible and we can do the same for Lardy...somehow...someday. <lifting Cali's face up, Vee kisses her forehead> Be determined. Don't ever give up. We'll find a way, I promise. <turning to Far, Rex, Condo & Cobie> That was a masterful plan, Far. I wasn't at all sure that I could hold on long enough to see it through to the end but it was brilliant. Cobie, my friend, I can always count on you when I need it most. It will always be my honor to count you among those I consider family. My thanks to you once again. Rex, Sarya would be proud of you and I can think of no better compliment than that. She entrusted me to keep the Eye safe and secure until such time as it's rightful owner was ready to take on the mantle of mastery required to posses and control it. I have no doubt that you have more than proven yourself in that respect and you have earned my lifelong friendship in the process. Condo, I thank the stars every day for bringing you into Pol's life and through him into mine. Time and time again you have stood at Pol's side, and now mine, when we needed you most. You have risked much for your love & loyalty but I promise you that you will never regret your choices. You are a true member of House Varalent now and forever more. Such is my decree and no fluxuation or vaguery of the Variable Realm can ever tear you asunder from this House. Now I ask one favor of all of you. See to Pol's needs and see that he gets to the Villa. I will return there shortly myself for some much needed rest but first I must see for myself if the rumors of his return are true or just another dashed hope. Until later, my friends...my sons! <Vee turns and hurries off, a determined, hopeful, and excited look on his face.>
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Bold Flavors
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Originally posted by Caliente: <tears race down her face now>
After defeating the Tyrant, Lardy said... he said it required a manual restart of the computers without the programming set by the Computer Tyrant. He said I did it in the vision he'd seen and... died but claimed he could do it and teleport out. I knew he was lying, so I ordered him to let me go. I'm the leader, it was my responsibility. But he...
<look down, ashamed>
He knocked me out cold. After that, I don't know what happened.
<looks up, brows wrinkled>
He did it, didn't he, Cobie? He went in there and saved us all and it cost him everything. <holds Cali> I think he did do it. But I can never give up hope that he's not dead. Call me a non-believer but I've seen some strange things. We need to investigate further... <hugs her> ...but you're our leader pretty lady. We need to get yourself together. A couple of non-LMBers pitched in, and perhaps we owe them something for it...
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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(Rockhopper Lad approaches Cobalt Kid) Rockhopper Lad: Cobie! Lardy left his Omnicom with me before he left. He said there was a message on it for you. Cobalt Kid: Thanks, Rocky. (Cobie presses a few buttons and an image of Lardy appears. It speaks as Cobie reads the text of it.)
Hey Des,
If you're reading this message, then that means I didn't survive my attempt to reignite the fusion powersphere. If that's the case, know that I was prepared for it.
Don't think for a second that I had a death wish and went further than I needed to in order to fulfill it. If I gave everything to save Legion World, then that's what it took.
Des, if you were in my place, and you knew with absolute certainty that someone you loved was going to die and that you could die in their place, wouldn't you give your life gladly? I just couldn't live with myself if I let Cali die. I knew I could do the job, so I did and she's still alive because of it.
I want to thank you for all you've done for me. The fact is, I didn't deserve to have a friend like you! You stood by me when you had no business doing so. That's true friendship, and having had very, very few in my life, know that it meant more to me than words can say.
So don't grieve for me. I died in a way that any honorable warrior would be proud to die. And, between you and me, I got glimpses of what the future would be like if I'd lived, and, well, I'm glad I won't turn into the man I saw. There's a gnawing darkness within me, Des, one I'm sure you've seen shadows of. I've done a lot of bad things in this life, a few of which you don't even know about. But this way, the darkness won't be my legacy. Know in the end that I chose the light.
Please pass on my warmest regards to Lou and Darden. I always valued their friendship. And if an inter-dimensional traveller named Chuck Taine comes looking for me at some point, share a beer with him for me.
Eryk...there was a lot left unresolved between us, and I've barely seen him in the year-plus I've been back. Tell him I've always thought of him as my brother and cherished our relationship immensely.
Pru...maybe it's best that I don't pass on any final message to her. I hurt her a lot, Des. Hopefully, she's moved on. She's always owned a part of my heart, though. And I've thought about her a lot lately.
But please, Des, look after Helen and the kids. Financially, they are set for life, but they need someone to look out for them. I only wish I had done more for them.
And Pro-D. I haven't seen him since right after the Invasion. Look into what happened to him, will ya?
Be there for Cali, Des. I've a feeling she's going to be beating herself up over this.
Finally, I have something specific I need you to do. It's about Clive...he's got a chance to live again! In my quarters at the security office, there's a trunk under my bed. In that trunk is a backup chip that I had Dru enchant back when we created him. Clive's body is in the Tower--if you insert that chip into his positronic brain, it should reactivate him and restore all that is unique about him. It's not guaranteed to work, but it should. This is my last request, Des. If Clive is able to live again and be happy, then I truly will rest in peace.
Thanks again, Des...for everything!
Your friend, Lardy(Cobie and Rocky look at each other as the recording ends and, as Rocky starts crying, they hold each other very tight). [Editorial note - Cobie is unable to cry, but he's pretty upset and gladly embraces Rocky!  ] [Additional note: Oops! I knew that!  ]
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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(Caliente, approaches) Caliente: L-Lardy's dead? Rocky (sniffs): Oh, Cali! (He puts an arm around her) He left a message for you as well:
Dearest Cali,
I hope you'll forgive me for what I've done, but I couldn't let you die if there was something I could do about it.
I saw glimpses of the future without you in it, and it wasn't a nice place to be. You have that spark about you, Cali, and I think the LMB will need that spark to help it to continue to be successful in the future.
Besides, you're a newlywed! I had too short of a time with Dru, and I would have given anything for more with her. You have a chance to live a long and happy life with Actor Lad. I hope you won't squander it.
You've also just gotten Frio back. She's gonna need you, so your dying would've been kinda...inopportune, right?
I thank you for putting up with my awkward advances and public displays of affection lately with such patience. I was a grieving widower who was avoiding his grief by trying to fall in love again. You would've been perfectly justified if you'd slapped me. But you didn't, and that says a lot about you. You're a hell of a nice lady, and you made things a little brighter for me.
Please don't beat yourself up over this. As the first LMB leader, I see in you the capacity to be one of the greatest ones. And the actions of one hard-headed fat guy shouldn't reflect poorly on your term or your abilities.
Live long and prosper, okay?
Your friend, Lardy
(They all hold each other and cry for a while).
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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Bold Flavors
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-Cobalt leaves but then returns- <flies over to Clive's body, resting peacefully now that the Tower is gone> So, Lard Lard Robot...apparently you aren't that at all. I hardly knew the robot, but I did know Hugh. Either way, I'll gladly look forward to knowing the being named Clive. <inserts chip> Welcome back to the land of the living Clive. Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna think of Lardy when I look at you...and that's some pretty big shoes to fill.
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<opens eyes>
My apologies...I'm not sure why I'm programmed to say that whenever...I...
...I...was on the Path...and then...the Presence...took over...
<looks around>
Where is my mast--no...my father! Wh-where's Lard Lad?
<all eyes that meets his show signs of intense grief>
Mr. Cobalt...what did you m-mean about shoes?
<Cobalt bows his head. Rockhopper Lad approaches Clive.>
Rocky: He is gone, my friend. He dies to save you--to save all of us. But he will live on...in you.
No! <the android's eyes begin to tear up> It's my fault! If I were stronger...if I were...
<Rocky embraces Clive as he lets out all of his overwhelming grief>
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*sniff* Thanks, Rocky. And you're right Cobie. It's time to pull it together. That's what a leader should do. Or so I hear. *forces a smile* To all the people who helped during this crisis-- Jailbait, My, Rex, Helena-- we'd love for you to join us in the LMBP. Ronnie, if you're not a member yet, you too. (I can never keep these things straight.) If I've forgotten you-- I'm sorry! I can't be everywhere. Just sound off or something. Sir Roy, though you've proven yourself with valor, so I'd like to extend a probationary membership offer. That basically just means if you don't try to destroy Legion World, you'll be in at the end of my term. And Tim. Honorary LMBP member status for you. I know you've yet to totally come into your powers (the academy is doing you well, though!), but when you do-- your in.  We really appreciate your help. Hyvvie-- I'm sure the Super Pets need you but you always have a place here, too. Thank you one and all.  You guys have been amazing. Now, I... I think I'm going to go see my husband. Don't omicron 'til the morning. <waves and flies off>
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<as Cali flies off, suddenly, Clive begins to glow bright blue>
<Clive falls to the ground, indescribable sensations pulsating within him>
Cobalt: What the hell?!? Is it the Tyrant?
<Cobalt's hands glow in preparation, and the others tense>
<Then a shimmering image appears...two people are visible...>
Faraway: Lardy and...Dru?
<the images speak>
Lard Lad: <speaking to Clive> My friend, if you are seeing us, now, then you've gone beyond your program and felt genuine, spontaneous human emotion. And...it meas we weren't there to share it with you.
Dru: You are a being created from science and from magic. Anthony programmed you, and I grafted a piece of a precious, departed soul to that mainframe. If you're seeing this message, it means you are now made flesh and blood. And you also still have your powers...you are an heir to the Lard Force!
Lard Lad: What she means is you're a real boy, now, Pinnochio! And as your parents, we couldn't be more proud!
Dru: If we are not among the living when you earn this gift, know that we loved you...very much!
Lard Lad: And we'll always be there...inside your heart...as it pumps real blood!
<the image fades>
Clive: Farewell...Mom and Dad...
<Rocky hugs him again, a hug joined in with many of the others present>
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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(Rocky turns to Sir Roy) Sir Roy, please come by the Rookery tomorrow. Now that you are a Knight of the Pyngwyn Colonies, I have to give you your papers and arms. I'm very proud of you. Quis is a very lucky man. (Rocky kisses Sir Roy on both cheeks. Dywh lly f'nyss.
Clive, my friend, I know you have so many questions. I'll be more than happy to help you in any way I can. Your dad would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you.
Cobie, let me know if you need anything. (They embrace again).
Tim, I'll have your room made up for you at the Rookery.
(Rocky reaches down to pat Hyvvie) And you were a very good boy today. Come on, Hyvvie. Let's go home.
(Rockhopper Lad, Time Teller Lad and Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle leave for the Rookery).
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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One by one all the assembled LMBP’ers leave, relief and joy at defeating Metternich and the return of Vee overshadowed by the sadness they felt at the passing of Lard Lad.
Faraway Lad is left alone. He starts speaking to the nothingness around him.
“Anthony Anthony old friend, I can’t believe you did this or that you are really gone”
A tear falls silently and unnoticed down Faraway’s cheek.
“I remember when I first found the LMBP you were there already, full of life and with a sense of fun larger than your waist measurements. You welcomed me into the fold and encouraged me to interact. So many nights you, Lou and I spent in the Hootchie Hut drinking and chatting and laughing. I thought you were invincible a central core of the LMBP and immortal. Guess I was wrong” A bitter laugh escapes from his lips. “Boy was I wrong”
Faraway turns to leave
“Well old boy, Des is going to go ballistic trying to find a way to bring you back, you know how he is and how he can’t cope with loss, maybe he’ll succeed maybe he wont. But what ever happens you’ll never leave us, you will always be here” and Faraway raises his hand to his chest “in our hearts and in our memories, laughing smiling, drinking, eating and just, well just living life to the full. And that’s what it all about isn’t it? living each day as if it might be your last.
Well Lardy you’ve got me thinking old chum, I’m going home for a while and I’m going to hold Jennifer and tell her I love her, and tomorrow I’ll do it again and then I’m going out to try to do some good in this world and, maybe, have some fun. Let that be your legacy to us”
Activating the Faraway Force he leaves for Horace and Home.
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<Cobalt flies off silently by himself>
Lardy dead? I refuse to believe it. There are ways around death, as I know too well...
But even that won't protect one person from my wraith. Be weary Slim...I'll catch-up with you one day soon. And there are no persons or laws in the galaxy that will prevent me from giving you my own brand of justice...
I'm exhausted but I really need a drink...I wonder what Crujeckie is doing?
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Originally posted by Caliente: Sir Roy, though you've proven yourself with valor, so I'd like to extend a probationary membership offer. That basically just means if you don't try to destroy Legion World, you'll be in at the end of my term. Thank you Lady Caliente. I am honored. I am not sure I deserve such an opportunity, but I am willing to use whatever I can to help me in my new path to defend and protect Legion World. Perhaps the ideals of the LMB suit me well. Probationary status it is... Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad: (Rocky turns to Sir Roy) Sir Roy, please come by the Rookery tomorrow. Now that you are a Knight of the Pyngwyn Colonies, I have to give you your papers and arms. I'm very proud of you. Quis is a very lucky man. (Rocky kisses Sir Roy on both cheeks. Dywh lly f'nyss. I shall Rockhopper Lad...I most definately shall. <Roy hesitates, and then smiles, as the various LMBPers fly away> It is a new day for me... <looks at face in reflection, amazed> Rockhopper Lad and Hrun shall be my brethen for life now. They stuck by me when I thought I was lost...I shall repay them in kind should they ever need me. At last, I have found my way. <throwing aze over shoulder, walks back into the city of Legion World, smiling for the first time while doing so>
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