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<Amora zaps away the "gift" with a casual flick of her wrist, then turns her attention to something Hel said.> Originally posted by Hel: Do not return to our Earth, child, lest you feel my wrath in its full form!! I? Return? HA HA HA. She hath obviously not been back to Earth since Straczyniski became our chronicler. Would that I could see the look on her face...HA HA HA HA. My work here is done...for the moment. <Transports herself to unknown parts, until the next time she is needed at Legion World -- or, rather, until the next time she feels like visiting.>
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*** Flies into leg tripping Mr. Smith allowing the kids a moment to catch up. Turns back to Frio.***
Hmph Gary Concord. I hate that guy. I'm going to find Tamper Lad and Daddy's command post and tell the commandos to look for him.
Comeon Frio, you okay? I should probably take you to the Doc too. I think I need to get back to my place and clean up a bit myself. Comeon Frio lets get out of here.
Say the with this fighting it looks like the Hootchie Hut has reappeared. Looks like I need to go 'study' the interactions there.
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Ohmygod! <Throws arms around Roy and gives him a fierce hug.> Roy!
You've no idea how good it feels to see all you guys... **sniff** It's been so long...
<Takes a seep breath to compose herself and pulls the axe from it's sling on her back.>
You're gonna need this... and my old man is gonna need this blade, where'd he go? I remember him being here... [/QB]
The walls around the future everyday Girl suddenly buckle and collapse and flying through the debris came two of Metternich’s soldiers. Then through the dust strides the battered and dishevelled figure of Hrun. Leaning on his shoulders is a badly wounded Faraway Lad. “Oh my God! Daddy” Shouts the future Everyday girl and rushes over to Hrun throwing her arms around his neck. For a few seconds her battle hardened scarred face relaxes and the assembled LMBP sees an older echo of the Brit they have come to know and love “I….I…” she sobs “I never hoped to see you again after you died in the Battle of ….” “Hush Daughter” says Hrun “Weep not for a warriors death unless it be dishonourable, let it be a point of honour and pride that a warrior of the Northern Tribes died as he should” Sobbing Everyday Girl released him and as her face hardened again she knelt before Hrun and with a sweeping gesture offered him his ancient battle sword. “Take this sword father and fight well noble warrior” she said. Hrun takes the Sword and raises it high above his head. “From a warrior princess of time yet to come I take this gift and I make this oath before all the gods, that it shall never bring dishonour on this house. Let Battle commence” Hrun and Everyday Girl race off seeking battle
Bring me Mead and Meat, NOW Slave!!
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Faraway Lad looks up towards Rockhopper Lad and Sir Roy. “Abin is probably never going to forgive me for this” he says spitting blood.
“What do you mean Faraway Lad sir” asks Sir Roy.
“Putting a future version of his ‘granddaughter’ through those years of misery and death.” Responded Faraway “as you remember we agreed when we met in grand council with the Founders and Cobalt Kid that it would be my strategic plan which would be followed to defeat Metternich. We all knew that we had to fool Metternich on the Path to allow him to think he had gained access to the Tower before us. Gawd I hope My Wee Fem and Jailbait Lass forgive me for throwing all those Zombies and stuff their way they were way too successful I needed to slow them down. Vee’s approach to the variable realm and Amora’s battle with Hel were all part of the grand plan. Mind you Lardy, more difficult that the British weather to predict he is, and he gave us a few problems but as old Wellington used to say “make your plans flexible, so that if a stand breaks you can tie a knot in it and carry on” I tell you for a long time I sat moving pieces around on the board, plans within plans, bluff and counter bluff all that sort of stuff. . We knew we had to get you, Sir Roy, into that position where you could sever Metternich’s composite gland, it was the only way to save Legion World. But by letting Metternich in here I was pretty sure that a future time line such as that suffered and lived through by Brit would occur.”
“But surely Faraway” said Rockhopper Lad “once we defeat Metternich then that horrible horrible possible future will cease to exist”
“No Rocky” said Faraway grimacing in pain “If I had got here earlier then maybe, but now the probability calculus indicates that this alternative time line may well continue. Damn Metternich set almost all of his troops on me to stop me getting here, If I hadn’t had Hruns help ….” Faraway shivered “Now I think Metternich has finally figured out that I was the Marshal planning the battle. That’s a shame because he is a powerful enemy and secrecy was a potent weapon in this war”
Faraway stood up straight and looked at Rockhopper Lad and Sir Roy.
“And now I must ask for one more effort my friends. The time for secrecy and strategy is over. All the pieces are in play. Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid are dealing with the powersphere. Shenu and Slim are neutralised for the moment and can be mopped up later, once troops are released from the main battle. I need to ask you for one more effort. Metternich must be tracked down and put out of harms way for once and for all. I want him eliminated permanently”
Rockhopper Lad and Sir Roy looked at each other, the tone of Faraways voice worried them, was he really advocating killing Metternich?
“Well Faraway, we’ll help you to bring Metternich to justice if that’s what you want” said Rockhopper Lad slowly
“Good” said Faraway grimly. “That will do me, Just one thing. When we find Metternich, I take him down. Me alone, once and for all this ends now. After what he did to Gigglebot Girl, you owe me that”
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<some distance away>
He's arrived at last. There are many Legionnaires I can choose to hate, but of all of them, it is Faraway Lad that I hate the most.
<runs on, seeing citizens up ahead>
Quickly! Legion World citizens, the Legionnaires need us! Follow me!
<they follow him around the corner>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAST!</span>
We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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{Rockhopper Lad looks at Sir Roy, Time Teller Lad and Hyvvie) We'll help you find, Metternich, Faraway. I wish I hadn't been so weak. My ice would have held him if I'd been stronger.
Metternich is yours, Faraway, but please remember that any harm you do to him will not erase what was done to GG.
Hyvvie, can you smell that Durlan?
{Hyvvie sniffs at the ground and wags his tail).
Let's go!
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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Originally posted by Mr. Smith: <some distance away>
He's arrived at last. There are many Legionnaires I can choose to hate, but of all of them, it is Faraway Lad that I hate the most.
<runs on, seeing citizens up ahead>
Quickly! Legion World citizens, the Legionnaires need us! Follow me!
<they follow him around the corner>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAST!</span> Ohmygod! Metternich, I don't like need to see your ugliness, just your stench gives you away... <click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>I watched everyone I loved DIE, until I was the only one left...
And Now, Metternich, when I kill you... None of that will have happened!
Hi! How are you? <click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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<blasted backwards, pain causing Metternich to revert to his normal form>
Damn you all...
We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
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Brit! Don't do it!
Don't sink to his level!!!
/ / ( . )Y( . ) \ \
What can I DO for you?
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Ohmygod! MY! Get out of here...
Go find the younger me and keep her away from here...
That bastich has to die! Cuz if he lives you all die! And I'm not watching you all die AGAIN!
Hi! How are you? <click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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Of all of you...I hate Everyday Girl and Faraway Lad the most...and I shall take you with me...
<uses tentacle arms to wrap EDG and Faraway close to him as the Tower continues to crumble>
We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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(Rockhopper Lad creates an igloo to protect Time Teller, Hyvvie, My Wee Fem, Hrun and the others nearby from the Tower's debris).
Time Teller Lad: Metternich has Farway Lad and Everyday Girl!
Rockhopper Lad: One way or another, this will end. (sotto voce) And Dywh have mercy on us all.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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<wrenches one arm and gun free of Metternich's tentacles>
Ohmygod! Lets get Up Close and Personal, you Bastich!
<click-click> <span style="font-size: 30px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span> <Click-Click-Click>
Hi! How are you? <click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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“OK Brit” says Faraway “we have him now”
As Metternich staggered backwards under the blows of the adult Everyday Girls assault Faraway focus’s all his power on the three of them. Time and space distort and twist. There is a screaming as the Tower falls apart.
However Metternich, Faraway and EG are no longer there.
Floating outside of time and space the three are surrounded by nothingness.
“Pathetic fools” sneers Metternich, “You seek to protect your friends but all you do is isolate yourself and here I shall kill you both. Then I shall return to Legion World and destroy it once and for all”
“I think not MR Ambassador” said Faraway, his voice cold and quiet yet filled with loathing , the slight exaggeration on the word Ambassador was not un noticed. . “This is the faraway zone it is nothing and nothing can exist for long here. We will all cease to be if we stay here for long. But it’s a price worth paying to rid legion world of you once and for all”
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Together Faraway and Everyday Girl launch a ferocious attack on Metternich. Bullets and Faraway energy strike the monster driving him backwards.
Slowly Metternich starts to fight back, the battle becomes more evenly balanced.
Back and forth it rages.
“You, you bastiche” shouts Everyday Girl “I will not let you kill everyone I love..again”
Blam Blam Blam
As EG's bullets hit home Faraway launches a physical attack which takes Metternich off guard.
"I'll teach you to hurt Gigi" he shouts his normally placid face twisted with rage.
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<falls backwards>
You fools! You shall never be rid of me!
We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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--via omnicom---
LMBers, this is Cobie. Lardy is down. I repeat, Lardy is down. I don't think he made it.
But he saved us. The Tyrant is beaten and he saved us. All that remains now is Metternich...
...Far and Everyday Girl have set him up. Now its all down to the final phase...
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<as the Tower collapses, rubble falls around Roy, who is knocked into the well that runs down the center of it>
M-my face...it burns...
<screams in pain, as Rockhopper Lad pulls him out and rushes him to safety>
The burning...it feels...it feels...so good...what could be...
<sees self in mirror>
C-could it be...could my path have led me to this new beginning...is absolution so blatant...? I've been healed...?
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As Metternich starts to fall, he, Everyday Girl and Faraway Lad begin to reappear in the Tower.
No! I'm losing touch with Vee! Have to do ... something or he'll be lost forever!
Reaching out with his senses, Pol begins to draw in power...lots of power. He can feel it boiling inside him, a burning cauldron full of diverse energy. He has never felt anything like this.
Condo' catalytic power, Rex's emerald energy, Faraway's faraway force, Metternich morphing power, Cobie's magnetism, Rocky's cold enducing energy, the fading power of the Tower...all of these and more mingling and merging inside him with a small residue of something.
That's it! That's what Vee was counting on me to do!
Everyone around him feels the energy being drained from them. They stagger and fall to their knees at the loss.
Concentrating harder than he ever has in his life, Pol weaves these diverse forces together. Fixing his eyesight on Metternich in a deadly glare, Pol blasts him with a concentrated bolt of energy that engulfs the Durlan in a blazing ball of teeming sapphire light.
You wanted this so much, Metternich! You can have it...forever!
As the bluish beam surrounds Metternich, the Durlan seems to comprehend what is happening to him and begins to scream
No!....Please, noo...
And then suddenly, he is gone...
Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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**Somewhere/nowhere in the everywhere/anywhere that is/was/will be the Variable Realm, the tiny pinprick which pulses just barely with life/energ.Suddenly a second smaller, duller pinprick of light appears before it**
He/they did it! I knew I could count on him/them! So all of this was not for naught.
Welcome to my home Durlan. You thought to master it's power but failed. Now you will have an eternity to learn that here, you are master of nothing! It is a difficult lesson, especially for one such as you. But you will have more than enough time to learn it.
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Bring back Condo!
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Once more, Pol draws in power from everyhting and everyone around him
Please, let this be enough!
And once again he concentrates and releases a brilliant beam of energy. It blasts out of his hands and goes...everywhere...somewhere...nowhere!
And suddenly where nothing had been, something appears. Or rather, someone
And finally, Pol falls...
Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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<yawns and finally wakes up>
Uh, what'd I miss?
<Frio just shakes her head.>
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<Metternich fades out with the Tower, now gone>
No! I will not be prisoner...
<but its too late. Metternich is now a prisoner of the Variable Realm, allowing Vee to be free once more>
<span style="font-size: 8px;">fade out</span>
We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
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He's Gone...
He's really gone...
<span style="font-size: 20px;">AND EVERYBODY IS ALIVE!! </span>
They're Safe!
<With a huge smile on her face, the future Everyday Girl slowly fades away to nothingness, the horrible future which spawned her has been averted...>
Hi! How are you? <click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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