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Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/09/25 07:32 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 03/09/25 06:30 PM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/08/25 06:07 PM
"Death of a Legionnaire" -- LSH fan comic (DrakeB3004)
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/07/25 10:33 PM
So, what are you listening to?
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/07/25 10:22 PM
Happy Bday Lardy!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/07/25 06:23 PM
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<hands crackling with energy, she rages>

You dare ensnare me? You dare take the body which I have chosen? Too long I have tolerated your continued annoyance, Enchantress. Soon it shall be you who feels death's sweet embrace!

<raises hands and fires a stream of death bolts>

The hand of glory beckons, Amora. Your time on this earthly realm is coming to an end. Then you shall join my army of the dead and I shall be the sole wielder of Asgardian magicks in this dimension!

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There's no such thing as magic... and time travel too. My teachers said there's equations that prove it.

Okay i'm babbling. It's been a rough day and this is way out of my league.

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<Amora uses mystical energy to create a force field around herself, deflecting Hel's bolts.>


<When Hel hesitates while re-thinking her strategy, Amora suddenly drops the force field and blasts Hel with the biggest, most intense mystical bolts yet.>

<Without missing a beat, Amora summons the souls of those unfairly condemned to Hel's realm, and gives them physical form. They swarm around Hel, attacking her.>


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<appears in Tower>


<looks around, sees nothing but a pair of red, glowing eyes>


Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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It is I, Lard Lad...the Computer Tyrant! But before I destroy you, I owe you my thanks.

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<fists glow with purple fire>

Thanks? What are you talking about?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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I owe you my thanks because it was you who made my takeover of Legion World possible when, in your grief over losing your brother Hugh, you created a very unique robot in a misguided effort to give him a second chance.

The android itself is fairly impressive, but what made it truly unique was when you had your wife cast a spell on it to infuse it with part of Hugh's soul.

On Earth I existed as a disembodied artificial intelligence controlling one of the corporations that took despotic control over that planet. There, I had power, but that power was held in check as the other corporations and mine were never able to assert complete control. It was quite...vulgar...having to share power with these inferior meat puppets.

But from across the void of space I was drawn to your Lard Lad Robot...this Clive and saw the potential inherent in such a unique lifeform. I knew that if I could usurp him, I would be able to expand my power exponentially, then use it to gain control of all of Legion World's technology. Once I rid this world of its meat infestation, I will be unstoppable!

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<remembers vision>

Oh, you'll be stopped alright, matter what the cost!

But...I don't understand how were you able to get to Clive? Did you just...force your way in?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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He fought me valiantly, but the more I preyed on his very human insecurities and brought out his fears and doubts about his emerging relationship with the barmaid Babette, the more I found the weakness in his defenses. Finally on the Path, these feelings overwhelmed him to the point where I was able to gain control! And having the control over his techno-magical soul was they key to my being able to control all technologyon this artificial world!

Even now, I am causing the oxygen levels and temperature to drop across the entire world. Soon, all but the most hardy of this beautiful techno-world's meat infestation will be eliminated like the insignificant pests they are!

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You won't succeed, Tyrant--I know that for a fact...amd I know how to stop you!

In a couple of hours, you will be wiped out--but it won't cost Legion World Caliente! I swear it!

<the Tyrant screams and fires deadly red bolts from its positronic brain>

<Lardy erects a forcefield to deflect them>

I know your attack, put me out of action in the original timeline. But my power was drained by whatever's taking everyone's power. This time...I took a little time to meditate and replenish!

<fires purple Lard Force bolts at the Tyrant>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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<with a lot of effort, the Tyrant deflects Lardy's bolts with his own brain blasts>

What is this fool talking about? He talks as if he's played out future events already? Is he delusional? Even if he were to somehow defeat me now, I am still within Legion World's techno-net! Surely, he doesn't believe that defeating this body here and now will be enough?

<both fire powerful volleys at each other>

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<on the upper levels of the Tower>

Even now they grow ever closer, but with my powers depleted by Everyday Girl, I am still a formidable opponent for them all!

<turns hands into giant sickles>

They are powerless within the Tower, and I shall have their blood!

<leaps down the steps, growing wings via Durlan abilities>


<cuts deeply into Everyday Girl, Sir Roy, Rockhopper Lad and Faraway Lad>

We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
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Bold Flavors
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At last! We've finally come back from our Search for Varalent and arrived here, at the Dark Tower! I have no idea what's gone down on Legion World, but I don't like the look of things if we're in a giant, ugly tower in the middle of Legionnopolis.

<Rex Veridian, Condo, Pol, Cobalt Kid and Bob the Cat arrive back, appearing directly in the Tower>

Guys, <turns to others> good luck. I hope you'll be able to do what you have to with Metternich. I know there are other LMBers all around that will help you.

I, on the other hand, have a score to settle with the man called Slim.

<pulls out omni-com>

Jailbait Lass? Are you with My Whee Fem and Everyday Girl? Because its time to settle things with Slim once and for all. Any idea where he's been...and yeah, I missed you too wink ...

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At the top of the stairs, the portal from the Variable Realm through which Cobalt Kid, Rex Veridian, Catalyst King, Pol, and Bob the Cat (yes, him too laugh ) arrived winks out of existence.

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Luck to you Cobalt!

Metternich, you swine. Turn and face me if you dare!

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Lord almighty! I can feel the temperature dropping everywhere. And the air taste stale! We're losing oxygen as well. Maybe that's why Vee kept me in reserve!

I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this but I have to try!

Turning to Bob the Cat, Condo says

I'm told you are a powerful mage. Can you amplify my efforts?

"Well, I was waiting for one of you dodos to recognize the fact that I was with you all this time. Since you have, I'll give you a small boon and do as you ask. But just this once." replies Bob the Cat.

Uhhh...okay. Thank you I guess. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction, I can speed that up in the plants around Legion World and force them to release more oxygen into the air. Hopefully that will be enough to sustain everyone for a bit. I can also speed up chain reaction in the fusion powerspheres, generating more heat from them to warm the planet up a bit until we can figure out what is causing these problems. But I need you to help me amplify both so I can reach as many of them as possible and to help me sustain it as long as we can. Can you do that?

"Duh! What do you take me apprentice wizard? Of course I can! But if you keep pestering me with stupid questions, I'll just turn you into a mouse instead. So get on with it!" Bob grumbles. goes!

*Condo stands at the top of the tower steps and reaches out with his senses. Using every ounce of his unique power, he begins to push the trees, flowers, and other green plants to release more and more oxygen into the atmosphere. At the same time he kicks the power spheres up a notch and they begin generating more energy, releasing heat as a by product of the effort.*

Bring back Condo!
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"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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*as Rex begins blasting Metternich with Emerald bolts from the Eye, the Eye apprises him of a startling discovery*

Pol! Everyone! Metternich is much more than a normal Durlan! The Eye has identified the source of his extra powers. There is a gland at the base of his skull what allows him to duplicate any of the powers he encounters. We have to destroy that gland...quickly...or he'll soon replicate all of us!

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Startled by this revelation, Pol stares down the stairs at Metternich but catches Roy's eye instead. Somehow, the two of them understood what each needed to do in that split second of eye contact.

"No wonder Vee made me take some of his power," Pol thinks before raising his arm and bending his will to the task at hand.

At the same moment, Roy rushes forward and leaps at Metternich. As his feet leave the ground, Roy seems to disappear from sight! But in truth, he has been reduce in size so much that he is able enter Metternich's molecular structure through his tearduct.

Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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Suddenly Metternich yells in anguish and Pol instantly realizes why, for he too now feels the shredding of the tenuous connection between the Tower and the Variable Realm.

<span style="font-size: 25px;">Noooooo....Veeeeee!....Dad!</span>

Desperately he sends his power out, searching for some way to establish a path of escape..a lifeline of hope...

Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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Originally posted by My Wee Fem:
Nothing... Everything... That older version of Brit... I can hear her in my mind. I can feel her pain. She said that she's all that's left of the LMBP in her time... That Metternich killed everyone else...

She expects to die here... She wants to die here... 'Cuz if she dies, we live... Our Brit Lives...

**Lolita hugged My but said nothing**

Originally posted by Magistrate Angra Metternich:

<cuts deeply into Everyday Girl, Sir Roy, Rockhopper Lad and Faraway Lad>
Brit! Oh no. My, what do we do? I wish Cobalt Kid was here...

**And then...**
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Jailbait Lass? Are you with My Whee Fem and Everyday Girl? Because its time to settle things with Slim once and for all. Any idea where he's been...and yeah, I missed you too wink ...
**Lolita gasped, surprised but also relieved**

Cobalt! I'm here. You have no idea how much I've missed you.

No sign of Slim but Metternich, the Computer Tyrant and Hel are putting up plenty of fight. Also, something's happened to Brit. She-she's older somehow.

My and I have been removed from our weapons. What should we do?

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<in the midst of its battle with Lard Lad, the Computer Tyrant receives readings telling of Condo's attempts to slow down the effects of the oxygen depletion and dropping temperature>

Fools! They dare to attempt to reverse what I have wrought to rid this worldof its meat infestation? Well, they have only hastened their demise by pushing me to do this...

<Concentrating, the Tyrant commands the master fusion powersphere to completely shut down. Within moments, all of the subordinate power spheres will shut down as well>

Yes, all of their powers and efforts will only delay the inevitable...Legion World's technology is completely and irreversibly under my control! The meat infestation will soon be cleansed!

<resumes its epic battle with Lard Lad>

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<as the battle rages, Lard Lad struggles with what he must now do...>

I...I know I've got to put him down, but Hugh...Clive...

<remembers his prophetic flashes>

No...originally, I was ill-prepared for this fight and was knocked out. Then, he went on and killed Jailbait Lass! No, I've got to do what I have to and eliminate the Tyrant's physical threat, even if it's at Clive's expense!

I'm so sorry, Hugh...

<ramps up his power and heaves a devastating wave at the Tyrant>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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<the wave overwhelms the Tyrant>

<span style="font-size: 25px;">AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!</span>

<bolts flash wildly from its positronic wave and bounce off the Lard Force energy, turning all that power back on the Tyrant>

<falls limply to the ground>

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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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{Time Teller Lad and Hyvvie run to Rockhopper Lad's side}

TTL: Rocky? Are you all right?

RhL (breathing is somewhat labored): My feathers and Pyngwyny hide are thicker than he realized, but it's still a pretty bad scratch.
(Puts his arm around Hyvvie). We're on the sidelines for the moment. Lardy and Roy have this round.
(Under his breath)
I hope.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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