Hey there ya'll. Name's "ADL" or Acid Digestion Lad...was meant to be ME lad but apparently that's already taken. I'm BIG big time fan of the legion have been ever since I found out superboy, kal not kon, was a part of it. Since then my love's blossomed. It's the only series/ team/ comic that I actually spend the time to understand the continuity gaffs of. I'm not picky with any incarnation of the Legion I love them all, I'm not exactly that big a fan of the 3boot but I do like elements of it. I'm a big photoshop person and if I could have my sigs/banners on here I'd show yo uall the legion of three worlds stuff I'm doing as a tribute/ in honer/ anticipation to(of?) the upcoming story...I'm rambling so I'll be outta here. Till next time ya'll. LLL!