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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The LMB continues to assemble , increasingly spread thin, while a much smaller group leaves in secret.
Cobalt Kid, Legion World Chief of Security. Rex Veridian, high-powered new comer. Bob the Cat, feline mage and psionic master. And perhaps one or two more...(hint, hint LMBers)...Alright everyone, I've prepared our magentic globe. And now we get back to the source that started this entire mystery. Its time we found Varalent. Vee's a longtime friend of mine, and only now in the later years I've known him do I truly understand his power and what it means. He is a part of the Variable Realm. And with that, he can sense changes in creative forces in the universe. An assault on Vee is an assault on the Variable Realm. Should it ever be compromised...well, Legion World would be destroyed. But that means he could be virtually anywhere. Rex...I'm hoping you can help bring us to him. I only have this--Vee and myself have used our powers together so many times that the forces dictating the use of our powers are sometimes united. I can trace that to a degree...but a very small one. It means we need to visit alternate Earths. Only on one of those will we find him. Into the multiverse we go...
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Had I access to my full power, I could easily track down the missing Varalent. However, my current ability should be sufficient to accomplish what we require. In any event, I am ready...lets be off.
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Not yet buddy! Did you really think that you could go off to rescue Varalent and leave us behind? Varalent is family! If he's in trouble, not you nor all of the LMBP can keep me and Pol from helping!
Bring back Condo!
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Condo's right. You're not going anywhere without us, Cobie. While Condo and I haven't been around in a while, this is personal. And someone's going to pay for hurting my uncle.
Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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<grins> Welcome aboard boys This is more than a welcome surprise. We'll find Vee together. It's like an old reunion of the Festive Five from Legion World's earliest days at the Villa. All we need is Super Lad Kid and Invisible Brainiac. <turns to Rex and Bob> When one of us is in trouble, we all make it our business to join in.
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Well met. Far be it from me to complain about the arrival of two such impressive additions to our company. If, as you say, Varalent is your kinsman then verily do I welcome your arrival. I too owe a blood debt to the noble man known as Vee. Am I then to understand that you are brothers and Varalent is your uncle?
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He is Pol's uncle but we are not related. Vee has been like a surrogate father to me ever ever since Pol and I first became close friends and roommates. When we lived closer, we used to come visit him at the Villa quite often. It has been a while since we've been here but as soon as we got word that he was in trouble we came back to Legion World as quickly as we could.
Bring back Condo!
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Interesting? Yes I guess you could say that. We have had a rather interesting life together so far.
Bring back Condo!
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Bold Flavors
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Our first stop:
I see our files refer to this as the 'Marvel Universe'. I'm not sure Varalent be here. Look, there...our magic encasing is allowing us to see backwards into time as well, though are not able to interact with these glimpses into time.
watches as Hela, Asgarian Goddess of Death, from the 'Marvel Universe', enters the LMB's Earth-1
I...see. Perhaps that is what infected Frio's mind. Which means she might still be saved...or worse...it might be too late. She is a Goddess of Death.
<lowers head>
Poor Frio...
<looks at the rest of the Company>
But its Vee we need to focus on now.
Condo, Pol...this universe. Does anything look familiar here. Rex? Can you sense Vee at all?
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No, like you I can't imagine that Vee would be here but who knows. He must be somewhere. I just wish we knew what this was all about? What made him disappear?
Bring back Condo!
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I sense nothing here. There is no indication that Varalent has traversed this continuum that I can ascertain. Odd, I do sense an energy pulse behind us.
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Well, I think I can provide some information that might be of some use though I'm sure I don't know all of it....
...Hey! What's that behind us? Look out!
<span style="font-size: 30px;">Zzzzztttttt!</span>
Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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Bold Flavors
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<as the Emerald Light blinds them, Cobalt Kid catches a glimpse into Earth-3's past, present and future>
Forest Hills, Queens: 10 Years Ago.
Perhaps the loneliest boy in the world walks down the street. Though jacket-less, he is kept warm by the costume on beneath his clothes.
He believes this is the worst he has ever felt. He is wrong. It will never get easier for him.
The boy's entire life over the next ten years flash before Cobalt's eyes. Uncle Ben, Aunt May, Jonah, Dr. Octopus, the Green Goblin, Gwen, Harry, MJ, Capt. Stacey, death, sadness, despair, loneliness, clones, love found, love lost, love stolen away from him...
As the Emerald Light begins to fade, Cobalt is pulled away from the boy's timeline, but within one milli-second reaches out and uses his healing power on the boy.
It does nothing.
But it opens a door. Creates a connection.
The two will meet again. Ten years later for the boy. Less than ten months later for Cobalt.
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The Emerald Eye is suddenly amongst them, pulsing with all it's power. Some have called it the most powerful weapon in the universe. Others know it is much more than that. No one knows for sure where it came from though there have been rumors of its origin for centuries. All agree, however, that unless it's controlled by the right person, it can be the most dangerous power in all existence. Everyone present can feel it's angry power. They can sense it's determination. And they can see that it is currently focused...on Rex!
<span style="font-size: 30px;">And so, as ordered I have caught you at last! </span>
The Eye becomes a seething globe of Emerald energy. Milliseconds seem like hours as they all watch in stunned immobility at what is happening. Suddenly, the Eye seems to draw in on itself...and then blasts forth a potent torrent....an Emerald lance of deadly light, directly at Rex!
Standing next to Rex, Pol reacts without thinking.
"Look out!" he yells as he tries to shove Rex out of the way but the lance of light is too fast. Instead, the light pounds into both Rex and Pol engulfing the two of them in a blazing aura of emerald energy.
The two of them fall to the ground, unconscious... green flashes of energy seething from both of their bodies.
Condo & Cobie, who were further away had both reacted similarly and simulataneously, unleashing their own vast powers in an effort to shield the two targets but it appeared the effort was wasted.
And the Eye? It now floats peacefully in the air above the two unconscious young men. Spent and satisfied. It's task complete.
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Condo rushes to his stricken companion, cradling him in his arms
Pol? Wake up...are you okay? Talk to me! Pol?
Bring back Condo!
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Bold Flavors
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<lays healing hands on Pol>
Maybe I can help, Condo...
<tries to heal him>
But magic is so tricky...
<lays other one on Rex>
Bathed in magical energy...the heroes suddenly begin to tranfer to yet another multiple Earth...
Bob, do what you can to protect us, we're shifting again...
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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**Somewhere/nowhere in the everywhere/anywhere that is/was/will be the Variable Realm, a tiny pinprick pulses with life/energy/light. He/she/it pulses in a vaguely/assuredly regular/irregular beat because that is the way of the anywhere/everywhere known as the Variable Realm. Here all things are possible/impossible or rather defined/undefined by the will/desire/ability of the master/servant to the chaos/order that is/was/will be.
Once upon/at the end of time/space in the near/distant future/past, the Creator/Destroyer decreed/decried/declared what has/shall come to be known/accepted/reviled as The Wonderous Truth/Onerous Lie. That the only thing certain here/there is/was/will be uncertainty. **
Finally! After so many realities traversed I am here/there! The Variable Realm ... I knew/suspected that it would all end/begin here. It is here where I must stand/fall to put an end to this madness that others have begun.
The end is near...and so it begins.
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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The Eye! At last! Now I am complete. All this time searching for it to no avail, because it was searching for me.
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What's happening? Where are we now?
Earth 247
Visions flash before their eyes. A young man much like Catalyst King staggers forward under the baleful glare of a megalomaniac intent on starting a World War. All the others have failed, even the mightiest of them all. Deadly radiation permeates the area...sickening all those in the vicinity yet he still moves forward...determined and unstoppable. Reaching the powersphere, he grabs onto it desperately as if his life depends on it. It does of course but not as you would assume.
Exerting all his strength of will...every bit of power that is at his disposal...all that he is, he fights a valiant battle for control. Slowly, the powersphere's light is extinguished. The danger passes.
But in this world of balance, everything has a price. And what is the price for stopping an entity of immense power..the power of a chain reaction, the most basic force of the universe? Nothing less than the life of the controller of that reaction.
In the end, the debt is paid but his sacrifice is not the end...it has birthed a new chain reaction as one can see in the eyes of his companions. Disbelief becomes horror. Horror becomes anger. Anger becomes determination. Determination leads to action. Action brings about justice ... and justice becomes a Legion once again.
..and another...
A Legion in pursuit of justice flies towards deadly danger. But another young man...this one much like their companion Pol somehow surges ahead. He knows what he does, the price to be paid...but he knows that his sacrifice is the key that will open the path to victory...and Justice.
And so he flies on...no regrets in his mind. Just the determination to do what must be done to stop the evil that grips the world. For what is one life on balance for the salvation of the world? A small price to pay in his estimation and this young man willingly pays it like those others that have paid the price before him. He knows that even in this, he is not alone. He knows that even in this...they are Legion!
...and even more glimpses of this world flash before them, but by now the companions have difficulty seeing them. After all, tears are not 20/20.
Bring back Condo!
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Was...was that us? Did we just see our future?
Pol ~ The kid with the magnetic personality !
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Rex glances at Cobalt before turning to answer Pol.
Your future? No. Though it may be that your future lies along a similar path. No one can tell.
No, these were glimpses of your other selves...the Condo & Pol of this world. We have seen the culmination of their lives...their purpose in being. And a wonderous gift that is. The obvious similarity between you and they makes me ever more honored to be counted in your company.
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Are you okay Pol? When the Eye blasted the two of you, I thought...
"I'm fine," Pol answered as Condo helps him to his feet. "But why did they Eye attack us?"
Bring back Condo!
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It wasn't attacking us, actually. It was establishing the bond with it's new master...me. I realize it seemed rather violent but the Eye is extraordinarily powerful and to it, that blast was a slight "tag."
It had no intention of including you but you were in contact with me at the moment that I was hit and you were caught in the ... fallout for lack of a better term.
Are you sure you're okay though? We did take quite a hit, unintentional or not.
"I...yeah, I feel fine, but I think..." Pol started to reply.
"Hang on! Here we go again!" Cobie said.
Once again the group begins to shimmmer...and they start the tranfer to yet another multiple Earth...
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...I hope this one offers some clue to where Vee is...
<things shift again, and the LMBers find themselves on yet another new Earth>
Look, an LMB flag! I can't believe it! This is another Earth with an LMB. Even more similar than Earth-4, whose SMB is probably the closest thing we have a counterpart too.
And they stayed on Earth too in this universe...
I think I see something up ahead...Lash! Hey Lash...
<sees a mega-hot female form>
Whoa...Lash is a girl...and she's really hot...
<immediately, it dawns on Cobalt which Earth this is>
Condo, Pol, Rex. I think I know where we are. Earth-8...the Earth where the LMB here all have opposite genders...
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