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#685515 02/18/05 02:30 AM
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I went into the city today to get some new shoes. But I went into a comic store that after years has let people in the back room anf they had a bunch of back issues. I have always been interested about the 5 year gap atuff I have heard about and today I struck gold (I hope)

[Linked Image]
They didn't have issue 3 and I think i found issue 10 in a gararge sale once (Have to hunt for it) I will start reading these soon as I logg off. Whats the bet alll the interesting stuff happens in issue 3. They cost me $4.50 each which is a bit but im still excited how many issues were in the five year gap thing? smile

#685516 02/18/05 03:15 AM
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polar boy those are the BEST ISSUES! The first 8 to 10 issues are the best IMO. Have fun!

#685517 02/18/05 03:16 AM
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61 issues - but the earliest stories were the best ones, IMO.

And I'm sure Queen B would love to hear about the shoes.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#685518 02/18/05 05:13 AM
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Nice job, PB!

Let us know what you thought of them.

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#685519 02/18/05 05:28 AM
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It's amazing that, even though I've been a hardcore fan since 1966, and while I really hate what the Crisis and Zero Hour did to the LSH, I did, somewhat begrudgingly at first, really get into the TMK Legion; like so many times before, it was a case of learning to accept the Legion that was being offered instead of "my" idealized Legion. I had accepted that the changes, good, bad or whatever, were here to stay and that I had to accept them if I was going to have my favorite comic book published each month. Well, while I didn't agree with the overall direction, the TMK Legion became one of my favorite eras. It's amazing how many times I pull out those issues and re-read them. Issue #5 is one ish, in particular that I read on separately, time after time; it's just one of the moodiest comics ever IMO. If I had my, I'd still be 10 years old, it would still be 1966 and Shooter and Swan would still be the LSH team, on the feature appearing in Adventure Comics. Next to that, Levitz and Giffen, circa 1982/83; but the issues you posted are among the most uneven, controversial and best of the Legion's long run.

#685520 02/18/05 08:07 AM
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God, the cover to issue #4 says it all.

My favorite Legion TMK cover (and one of my faves ever) is #12...the Legion symbol, standing triumphant, as the Legion is finally back.

#685521 02/18/05 02:16 PM
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So what happened before this? was there an actual gap between the issue before number 1 and 1? what happened in that issue?
also do we know who the blue ladies with no eyes are?
so what issue do they start getting crappy?

If anybody has an issue of 3 they dont want i might be able to work something out.

#685522 02/18/05 03:17 PM
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five years pass between #63 of the previous series (end of The Magic Wars) and #1. We get hints as the story progresses.

The blue people are artifical people, "probes," as a back-up feature later tells us.

"The Quiet Darkness," 21-24, is generally considered a weak run, and #19-20 before it (along with Annual 2) weren't the strongest, either, IMHO.

#31 and Annual 3 get evil eyes from many fans, although I like everything in those except the retcon-bits ("How did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?" "Other than that, it was very nice"). #37 is a fun but unspectacular fill-in issue.

Other than that, the first 38 are good. 39-41 is a nice jumping off point for the Legionnaires spin-off book, but LSH goes downhill from there (despite nice Immonen art).

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
#685523 02/19/05 12:27 PM
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Somewhat disagree there at the end. I thought the Legion stayed strong through issue 50, Tom & Mary's final issue. Once Tom & Mary were ousted, LSH went straight into the crapper, with everyone's ages being reversed by Glorith, Legion on the Run, etc. These stories FOLLOW the TMK run and ARE NOT a part of it, though they are set in the ssame continuity. TMK had nothing to do with these stories.

And you've struck gold with any of the TMK issues that feature Matter-Eater Lad (LSH # 11, which I see above, # 13,# 49 and # 50).

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#685524 02/19/05 02:33 PM
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I forgot about 49 and 50. They were good.

While I agree 51-57?58? were thrice-flushers, I still say 42-48 were still on the weak side, story-wise, although I'll concede not as bad as the 50s.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
#685525 02/19/05 02:58 PM
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Without Keith (who left with issue 38), Tom & Mary's tales were a bit more standard super-hero fare, but I still enjoyed that whole "Mordru and his armies of the risen dead" storyline (#s mid-to-late 40s), and was ELATED to see something NICE finally happen to Luornu Durgo (# 42).

What Tom and Mary did do that irritated me was introduce characters like Squire Burroughs for absolutely no reason. But I daresay I enjoyed their short run without Keith ( # 39-50) just as much as I did the entire TMK run (# 1-38 as a whole).

Other than the early Tenzil issues, I had a difficult time getting into the TMK run until the SW6 Legionnaires were brought in (mid-20s). At that point, I was all over it and totally into it.

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#685526 02/19/05 03:57 PM
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At the time, I was only sporadically looking at v4 (didn't collect the run until 2 years ago). I picked up #24, having heard about a Great Darkness sequel. Not really caring for the main story, when I saw SW6, I said, "oh god. clones. that's all we need," and never looked at the book again until End of an Era.

Nowadays, I love TMK and SW6. TMK (1-38) is among my all-time favorite runs on the book.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
#685527 02/19/05 10:18 PM
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Nice find, PB! I wouldn't hunt too much further beyond these issues. These were some great stories, but that didn't last.

#685528 02/21/05 09:10 PM
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I like some of the 5 year just took me a bit to get used to everyone was out of costume. They all looked alike. Timberwolf you knew.
I would like to have seen more about the fall out between Cos and Vi and the war that happened to give Vi her scar. Didnt she lose a leg?

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#685529 02/21/05 10:48 PM
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Loved the Five Year later storyline... Of course things went sour after the Bearbaum left in issue 50, but then it became even worse with Zero Hour and the Archie Legion...

I actually sold my whole Legion collection, I was so disgusted....

I only came back to the Legion with DnA's Legion of the Damned.

Ze Frainch Legion fan
#685530 02/22/05 11:09 AM
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I went through a similar phase, dropping LSH in '89 with the end of Magic Wars . Dot-Legion and other stuff at the time turned me off Giffen; I didn't really even give v4 a chance at the time.

I sold almost half my LSH by '92 (about 90 of 190 comics, 1978-1989 incomplete, plus the whole Karate Kid run which I still haven''t completely reassembled),

I didn't start following again until late in the DnA run, and filled in way back into the 60s (650+ now), including 5YL.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
#685531 02/22/05 09:28 PM
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I have the Legion starting with the Trial of B5 in the levitz era to all the TMK run to the End of Era.

Love the first two years of TMK. Great to see a grownup Legion. Thought Quiet Darkenss was a good story. More personal and refelective. Loved the Earth War stuff too. Started getting bad for me wiht the Legion on the Run part. Didn't like that at all.

#685532 02/25/05 10:12 PM
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these bring back a lot of good memories, before the run degenerated with the fate of characters being finally told in letter columns (remember those?) or :arghhh: gaming books.

One of the things that so annoyed me about the first reboot was that i used to always be lending out my collection to people who were fascinated by the whole evolution in Legion history and, after reading a bunch of years worth were totally into buying new series.

So enjoy these and try and get the treasuries.

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