hey everyone !!
hope you are all well !! i got back from my NEW YORK / MIAMI holiday on Tuesday afternoon, Paul and i had a great time !!
NYC was really cool again [ this was our 5th visit ] two of our friends, GEMMA and ASHLEY came at the same time, and we also met another one of our friends who lives in ATLANTA, she came to meet us also !!
it was great to be in NYC in the snow, and it really came down on one of the days !!
we just hung out and shopped and went to restaurants and bars in the evenings [ went to 3 cool clubs in one night: "BED", "CROBAR" and "HIROS" !! all great !! ]
it was pretty good watching the "OSCARS" live in the USA
it was then on to MIAMI !! [ our 3rd visit here !! ] the weather was a little mixed, out of the 6 days, 3 were really hot and sunny the other 3 were overcast and dull

but there's still loads of things to do anyway !! just hung out and shopped, ate and drank
we went to the "DELANO" for drinks again, as well as "THE SHORE CLUB" and it's "SKY BAR" [ the bar bill was pretty high though !!! ]
TARA REID from "AMERICAN PIE" was even sunbathing in front of us one day, it was cool hearing her talk about her celeb friends, PARIS etc ....
on the one way back from MIAMI we had to change at NYC again, but our fight gone in late and we missed our connection !!!
i thought there would be another an hour or so later ..... there wasn't !!!
the next one wasn't until the same time the following day !!! we couldn't believe it !!!
but at least we got another day in NYC [ our 6th visit, so to speak

we even got to do a few things i had wanted to the week before, like walking over the BROOKLYN BRIDGE, the view of Manhattan is

so i'm now back at work, busy as ever, after a great holiday .....