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random thoughts: -- TNT do a super cover, but it's too bad it's not a gatefold -- it seems so much like a piece of a bigger image. In that sense, maybe they could have made it grander then in the space alotted though. -- The varying art styles work well here. From the retro Superboy look, the more personal, emotional stories of Mekt and Jan, the celebratory Foundation Day stuff with the cadets and the space mission. They all seem to fit and the different moods don't seem jarring since they tell different stories. If anything, it reinforces the many dynamics of the Legion mythos. -- It was really nice to see (the real) Jan get his due. The extended depiction of his ordeal made his tale so much more tragic and the denial the Legionnaires show about it seem like a real response to something they are only now coming to grips with. -- on the bottom of (story) page 6, is that the Strontium Dog in the audience behind Kid Q?? (to the right of the Legion symbol) -- The cadet outfits look spiffy! -- Comet Queen *is* orange! -- Too bad we didn't get any time with Kent or "Blok/Stone Boy". Some of the non-human cadets also look interesting. -- Not surprising that the Robotican faces prejudice. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. I hope Babbage shows more of a personality though. He seems to have a pretty standard "sentient robot" kinda demeanor we've seen a hundred times. -- Do TNT have something against Wildfire? I mean he's barely shown on the mission even in group shots!  (and that close-up is barely understandable to me). I still liek their art a lot though if not the way they actually depict some of the Legionnaires (some of the females look a bit harsh in some panels). -- Kid Q and Rokk on a date? Makes sense Rokk wouldn't make the first move. -- The Mekt stuff was interesting. I can't say I'm bowled over by Cockrum's art though, blasphemous as that may be. It fit the tone of the story though. -- The "Situations Board" hm? Will we need to rename our forum? -- Interesting addition of the L* to Triad sans belt. Same with Tinya, but she has the saddle bags -- not a good look, without the belt, imo. She looks better sleek. -- Jan's story was the most emotional part of the book -- well done. -- Garth in Jan's body?!? talk about a composite Legionnaire. I'll reserve judgement til we see where this goes. -- The Apokolips ending was a nice twist to the opening bookend. Looks good so far... DnA have set us up nicely for the coming arc and managed to tell a layered story featuring several story threads that were both emotional and interesting plot development. Can't wait for the next installment ... in ony TWO WEEKS!! 
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An exciting issue, I'd say.
The Superboy find is interesting, the Apokolips bit is intriguing. The Garth in Jan's body bit is a bit of a turn off for me, but I'm willing to withhold judgment until I see where it goes.
I have to say I'm very edge-of-my-seat about Mekt because it's the one subplot that is so full of possibility.
I'd say Mekt is on a razor's edge - but that doesn't do it justice because there's more than two sides he can fall down.
Will he be truly rehabilitated? Will he be on the way to rehabilitation, but be thrown off course by Garth's return? Will he try to take Garth's place as Livewire? And if so, will he succeed? Or will he fail and resent Garth that much more?
I love the irony that Garth's abscence might help Mekt's behavior - but his return might damage it.
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Regarding Mekt, my prediction is he'll do something bad but redeem himself in the end by sacrificing himself (or nearly sacrificing himself) against Darkseid somehow.
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I still thought the story was thin for 48 pages. That said, I'm excited! It looks like DnA are really interested in moving forward and creating the universe of the 30'th century with this one, and I for one can't wait. Other than the cadets, we didn't see any new or missing faces (Tenzil, Marla, Andromeda, etc.) Well, we did see Mekt. It'll be interesting to see where "Garth's" story heads. There are so many dimensions to that one that it's impossible to even consider. I agree with Drake, the cover was amazing, but a gatefold would have been super-sweet! Oh well, there's always issue 50. I have reservations about (re)introducing 2 new Legionnaires and 20-odd cadets to a team in which we did't see a TRACE of Mon-El, Ultra Boy, Vi, Sensor, Karate Kid, Umbra, Star Boy, Dreamer, Cham, Terrorform Zoe, or Invisible Kid (who is the only member to even HAVE an excuse to be invisible in a 48 pg. anniversary issue!) Is a panel or two of innocuous dialogue so much to ask? Maybe so. I enjoyed the different art teams very much. I thought it added to the feel of the differect elements. One note... was I the only one who thought the vehicles in Smallville had a definite 50's feel to them? I AM interested in finding out where the writers take us in this storyline. It seems like all bets are off on this one. I just wonder about DnA's ability to USE the LEGION of amazing characters they have to play around with in this book. Let's see more of this team! PLEASE. Good job overall. Great story and art. I'm just a greedy fan and so I want more. 
White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Thanks for the spoilers Drake! I didn't get my issue today.  But it sounds like lots of story. Hooray for Mekt! Boo for Garth-in-Jan! But I too will reserve judgement. Well, sort of...
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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I have not followed the clone Superboy story line. I knew he wore a teashirt. Do you think the Superbody that was found was the clone or Clark? Could it be the real Clark who has escaped from Apokolips?
I thought we were joking in an earlier thread about Garth coming back in Jan's body. I'm not keen on this arc.
I'm liking Batista's art a lot.
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I won't get mine until Friday!!!!!
Let the Fun Begin!
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I thoroughly enjoyed this issue!
One of DnA's best, I thought.
It is a bit annoying that we only get to see the same "core" group of Legionnaires we always see. And I thought for certain we'd get to check in on Dyrk while we near Braal. Have DnA forgotten about him?
I'm hoping we find out a little more about the cadets in the upcoming Secret Files. I liked Babbage's sucking up, though not his inability to understand the phrase. I liked Amp Girl, though I have a fear she might become "Sensor Girl" lite. Retro has an interestingly unique power, thought I wonder about its usefulness. I kind of like the fact that they didn't just show us the cadets that we already "know", such as Kent or Comet Queen.
I thought Mekt was revealed to be off his medication last time we saw him?
I'm withholding judgement on either the Superboy(s) or Garth/Jan thing. I wouldn't be completely surprised if by the end of this Garth ends up in Mekt's body, however.
And why the big deal about people celebrating Live Wire and not Jan? Why was nobody celebrating Kid Quantum I, Leviathan, or Monstress?
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The biggest surprise is Mekt, and the new direction his insanity has taken. "I only ever wanted to be you", he says thinking about his dead brother. The scene in the restroom on Legion World, where he reveals the lightning-insignia uniform under his clothes, made my flesh crawl. I find this Mekt much more disturbing than the enraged Lightning Lord of previous issues.
For Garth, being trapped in Jan's crystalline body must be a fate worse than death. The details of how mind/body swap took place will no doubt become clear later. No use speculating now. I can see another switch coming too: Garth going insane while brother Mekt attempts to play hero. A Garth-Mekt amalgamation is indeed foreshadowed, but it might be a curveball, too.
I already knew the upshot of the Smallville story -- the founders who visit Clark Kent are really servant of darkness -- but reading it made me think more about Darkseid's "bravura scheme". Maybe it's this: to alter the past so that his nemesis Superman never existed, and to retroactively erase the superhero culture that Kal-El inspired, including the Legion. But already a few glaring mistakes have crept into Darkseid's plan. The three servants reveal they've screwed up previous kidnappings, and they're not really sure they have the right boy now. Then there's the demon who wrongly believes that young Clark has a secret identity. Sounds like they're well on their way to mucking up the timestream.
The biggest revelation in the Outer Space Rescue story was Rokk and Jazmin's dinner date. I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth as it becomes clear that Kon-El is the Superboy who joins the Legion, not Clark. The dimensional storm that threatens Braal and accompanying warp phantoms are, I take it, manifestations of Darkseid's imminent arrival. Hurry up, big boy!
Among the very best things in this issue is the poignant and powerful Element Lad flashback story. I refuse to believe that Jan's "sentient personality" is gone forever. Wishful thinking, perhaps, 'cause I've never missed him more than now.
I'll let others comment on the new Legion cadets "Amp", "Retro" and "Babbage", the latter being the Robotica recruit. They didn't interest me that much. Babbage's comment "I don't breath. How can I suck?", was pretty funny though.
All the featured artists deserve praise, most of all Batista, who improves with each issue. Kudos to DnA, too, for creating a real sense of foreboding and knocking my socks off with the Mekt twist.
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I am breathless with all the cliffhangers, but ESPECIALLY the one that aparently is returning 2 lost Legionnaires to us... sorta. Man I bet some folks are gonna be PIZZZZZZed!
I wanna go read what everyone had to say so I'll keep it short, but I cannot go without commenting on how much I enjoyed Dave Cockrum's pages and TnT's interiors are DA BOMB!!!!
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Agreed with everything said except the story being thin. I thought there was alot here. Favorite: Mekt's twisted interpretation of Korbal and "the shirt." Next Fav: The framing story which honestly I thought was gonna "suck." The art changes were perfect. Has TnT used this style before? Great affect for space. Loved Dave's work. The prisoner particularly had "that feel" that other artists just can't match. Reserving judgement on Jarth. Not too intrigued by the recruits though but at least it is now clear why they changed the snake. They've recruited a ferret.
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I am very intrigued with this story. How will this Superboy fit in to this universe?
I also got bad vibes regarding Mekt. I also am seeing a Garth in Mekt's body coming.
Garth in Jan's body? I am so not liking this. Somebody better tell me where Jan is! After the flashback I felt so bad about his situation. I have never bought the "turned into insano God" deal. It just never felt right to me.
A new Legion academy? Great!
Can't wait for the next issue!
Go get'em Jan
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Overall I'd say this was one of DnA's better scripted stories. But that can all fall apart as we still have 5 issues to go.
Did the Mekt thing make anyone else think of Single White Female? Eerie and I agree this version of Mekt is scarier.
Jarth. Jarth. I'm trying not to go ballastic like I did when I first heard this may happen. I'll let it play out before passing judgement.
I want a better look at the Situations Board. I think they've changed some of the icons. And didn't anyone else like Imra calling Chuck ever-dependable? I thought it was great!
Babbage I think I'm going to like. "I do not breathe. How can I suck?" Love it! Would have been nicer to see some more interaction with other cadets, especially Kent and Comet Queen. "Rerun" seems kinda useless.
Art-wise it worked for me. The different styles made the individual stories work more especially with the Batista art tying them together. TnT's interiors were intriguing if not a bit weird in place. And did anyone else think that the splash of Kon-El kinda looked like our own Ultra-Matt?
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Jarth. Jarth. I'm trying not to go ballastic like I did when I first heard this may happen. That's a relief. I thought you'd destroy the internet with your wrath. Really, I did.
White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Did anyone notice on or about page 6, the dialogue that went:"Three gifted young people from very different worlds who came together one fateful day to protect the life of the United Planet's President"?
I think it's either an editorial oversight and they really meant to say that the three founders came together after saving the life of the U.P.'s wealthiest man, R.J. Brande (who was conspicuous by his absence) OR the first of these anomolies that'll be noticed during the Foundations storyline. I'm also wondering if it's an anomoly, that the Legion began when R.J. Brande was President or that he had a Presidency before Chu as well as the one when he took over from her...sound intriguing nonetheless!
The best way to find out where you're from is to find out where you're going and then work backwards. Where are you going? I don't know!
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Originally posted by numberonelegionfan: Did anyone notice on or about page 6, the dialogue that went:"Three gifted young people from very different worlds who came together one fateful day to protect the life of the United Planet's President"?
I think it's either an editorial oversight and they really meant to say that the three founders came together after saving the life of the U.P.'s wealthiest man, R.J. Brande (who was conspicuous by his absence) OR the first of these anomolies that'll be noticed during the Foundations storyline. I'm also wondering if it's an anomoly, that the Legion began when R.J. Brande was President or that he had a Presidency before Chu as well as the one when he took over from her...sound intriguing nonetheless! I did notice that. And what about the piece where Imra is talking about Jan? "He was castaway in a young universe where life had to appear." What? Do they mean he was there to start life or did they forget a word or two? I think it should have read: "He was a castaway in a young universe where life had [b]yet[/] to appear."
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Originally posted by Kid Prime: Originally posted by Lightning Lad: [b]
Jarth. Jarth. I'm trying not to go ballastic like I did when I first heard this may happen. That's a relief. I thought you'd destroy the internet with your wrath. Really, I did. [/b]Smartass. Have I told you how great it is having you back around Jeff? 
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Thanks.  I think everyone made it through just fine, though.
White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Originally posted by Tromium Crystal: I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth as it becomes clear that Kon-El is the Superboy who joins the Legion, not Clark. The dimensional storm that threatens Braal and accompanying warp phantoms are, I take it, manifestations of Darkseid's imminent arrival. Hurry up, big boy!
Among the very best things in this issue is the poignant and powerful Element Lad flashback story. I refuse to believe that Jan's "sentient personality" is gone forever. Wishful thinking, perhaps, 'cause I've never missed him more than now. About the Superboy and Darkseid's imminent arrival, I can't help but say it wouldn't seem so imminent if I didn't read Previews (i really gotta stop that) :  : I'm not sure about the whole Garth in Jan's body. I think it's mostly becasue I'm a huge Jan fan...never been to partial to Garth though. And of course, I'm more than a little tired of brain-switch stories. Overall I have to say it was a great issue. I loved the Smallville part, i thought it was fishy and was paid off for it in the end. Good plotting DNA bravo.
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Originally posted by numberonelegionfan: I think it's either an editorial oversight and they really meant to say that the three founders came together after saving the life of the U.P.'s wealthiest man, R.J. Brande (who was conspicuous by his absence) OR the first of these anomolies that'll be noticed during the Foundations storyline. I'm also wondering if it's an anomoly, that the Legion began when R.J. Brande was President or that he had a Presidency before Chu as well as the one when he took over from her...sound intriguing nonetheless! That isn't the only mistake/anomaly: - Garth's code name is Live Wire, not Livewire. The wrong spelling is used consistently throughout this issue. - Jan's (as opposed to the Progenitor's) real eye color is amber, not green. - Mekt wrongly claims it was his idea, not Ayla's, to use the lightning beasts to recharge the batteries on Korbal. - Jazmin refers to 20 cadets when there are actually 21. Credit goes to others for catching the last two, not me. And maybe Kent Shakespeare and screwy Comet Queen are anomalies as well. I can't imagine why else the writers would bother to reintroduce them when there are so many other worthier characters who haven't yet been rebooted. Originally posted by Sambo253: I'm not sure about the whole Garth in Jan's body. I think it's mostly becasue I'm a huge Jan fan...never been to partial to Garth though. And of course, I'm more than a little tired of brain-switch stories. Nobody likes it. We're not supposed to like it. It sucks for both characters. But as a Jan fan, wouldn't you rather have Garth in custody of Jan's body for a while than, say, Mekt? Especially if the body still has its awesome transmutation powers? {Uh, oh} Anyway, I have a feeling whatever happens from now on is going to be much wierder than your standard brain-switching plotline.
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad: I want a better look at the Situations Board. I think they've changed some of the icons. And didn't anyone else like Imra calling Chuck ever-dependable? I thought it was great! I'm going nuts trying to figure out who has which symbol now since you said that. Lesse: Row 1 (l2r): Dreamer (Cloud symbol - Ta KP) Saturn Girl (Saturn) Ferro (Fe) Chameleon (circle with antennae) Triad? (white circle with 3 black equidistant offshoots) ???? (ankh with the left half of the outline circle white, rest black) Vi (Her flower) Starboy (Star) Brainiac 5 (His faceplates, the lower two missed out on the "I don't breathe, how can I suck" page) Karate Kid (Yin-Yang - Ta KP) M'Onel (black portion of the M from his costume) Second Row: Ultra Boy (Dragon logo) Spark (lighting bolt) Timber Wolf (his chest symbol) XS (her chest symbol) KQ2 (her chest symbol) Invisible Kid (i) Wildfire (chest symbol) Cos? (stylised star, like a NSEW compass symbol - visible on the "I do not breathe. How can I suck?" page) ??? (4 concentric circles, has lilac instead of blue bg - Imra's is the only other one with this. On the breathe/suck page, the centre and second circles are lilac, but on the command deck page they're all white) Shikari? (stylised S) ??? (several small circles) And while I'm looking at that panel, anyone noticed how Batista missed off the L* symbol from T-Neutral there? And who's the black character with the black & white costume talking to the Sci-Cop? He turned up in Dream Crime too [Shikari flew past him in part 3, although the side panels were red then] and I don't have a clue who he is... *will look @ the rest of the issue later*
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Originally posted by Tromium Crystal: - Mekt wrongly claims it was his idea, not Ayla's, to use the lightning beasts to recharge the batteries on Korbal. I'm not certain this is a mistake as much as it is Mekt's twisted take on things.
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I know that in the preboot the cloud symbol was Dreamy's sign. And the Yin-Yang was Val's.
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Okay, lesse. In no paricular order, observations: - Garth's personality obviously got recorded on the crystals Spark laid down. - Clearly Jan's transmutation power's intact, since there's no way there was enough stuff in those crystals to reconstruct his whole body - Why is XS orange on P7 (exc. ads)? - The circle's gone from LW again - Second time in recent months Cos' shown a flair for history. This new? And why was his costume blue in DC when its back to its customary lilac here? - Isn't this the second time we've seen the Winath habitat? Have we seen ANY others? - If at least some Stargates were intact, how come they weren't used in LWorlds? And are these warp creatures setup for a future plot? - Cos & KQ2: okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay - Most of DC' section is okay, but Spark looks... weird on his fourth page. - Is it normal for transuits not to show any evidence (like the white armband) any more or was this a glitch in TnT's section? I forget. - Lets hope Tinya keeps the full black stripe. Looks much better, although I could do without the beltless pouches. Either keep the belt or dump the pouches, one of the two. - EL flashback's all recap... - Cadets: presumably Kent & CQ are as-preboot. I'd say Retro's power was useless, if I didn't think he's going to end this arc saving the day, maybe sacrificing himself in the process. Other than that, we have a Spidey-clone in Amp Girl (name sounds like it should be for a power-booster, but I digress...), and a generic big/strong/somewhat naïve Robot[ican]. - Jarth... *counts the moments until LL goes mad again  * - How much d'y wanna bet Kon's there because he was the "wrong one" they grabbed before. And Darkseid's getting soft in his old age if he left those three alive, let alone give them another chance with little enough punishment that they can brush it off with a sarky "I don't want to get into trouble again* - Shouldn't Hypertime take care of any anomilies here? Or is that what causes it, if Clark's not from the right timeline? More to follow...
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Here's my take on the symbols
Top Row (l to r) Dreamer Saturn Girl Ferro Chameleon Gates Apparition (resembles her preboot symbol) Violet Star Boy Brainiac Five Karate Kid M'Onel
Bottom Row (l to r) Ultra Boy Spark Timber Wolf XS Kid Quantum Invisible Kid Wildfire Shikari Cosmic Boy Umbra Sensor???
I believe this matches everyone with a symbol, except for the staff of the Command Deck (Triad, Gear, Chuck).
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