Citizens of Legion World:
I am pleased to announce the opening of the first 2008 campaign for leader of the LMB.
What is the LMB, you ask? The LMB, or Legion of Message-Board Posters, is the internet community of which you are all a part. We make our home here on Legion World and in the LMBP Yahoo Group.
What does the leader of the LMB do, you ask? Well, very little. The leader has no real power. Basically, you get identified as leader in LMB fiction over in Bits, and get to proclaim yourself leader during any role-playing events on the MMB. And, traditionally, you get a thread devoted to yourself highlighted in the MMB for the duration of your term. But your main responsibility is to run the election of your successor in about three months.
Why should you want to be LMB leader? Well, it beats me. My job is just to run the election. Winning the election really doesn’t mean that you’re more popular or well-liked, or even that you’ve been judged more competent in any way by your fellow posters. In fact, it probably means that you’ve been judged the least likely to do anything substantial that might change the already well-running and happy community we’ve got here. Or else everyone just wants to see you roasted regularly in the LMB Enquirer or trashed in the Tag Team threads. Villains always take out the leader first, you know?
So, here are the rules:
1. The initial campaign season will last for one week. After that, polls will open for one week, allowing the members of Legion World to vote for their choice for leader.
2. Only one ID per poster is allowed to run/vote.
3. To declare yourself a candidate for LMB leader, simply announce your candidacy on the Election Discussion Thread, within the next week. The Election Discussion Thread shall be used for all general comments or questions regarding the election both by candidates and non-candidates.
4. Each candidate is permitted to start one official campaign thread in the MMB. One may also campaign in various “establishment” threads (Café Cramer, The Security Office, etc.) if the owner of that thread permits it. Candidates may also use the shoutbox and their signature to promote their campaign, within the spirit of the general guidelines for posting on Legion World.
5. Voters shall be permitted to use The Official LMB Leader Election Debate Thread to ask potential candidates their opinion on important Legion World issues, such as the banning of tomatoes or the feeding of children not prophesied to be great warriors to the lions.
6. This thread shall be reserved for official announcements regarding the election. For example, procedures for actually voting will be announced closer to the time that the polls open.
7. Have fun with this. The point is to be goofy and silly and make absurd campaign promises and preposterous allegations against your opponents. It really doesn’t matter who wins. Again, this is not a popularity contest of any sort. Nor is this supposed to turn into something that will cause the moderators or owners of this site any additional stress or work. It’s just for fun.
--The Election Tyrant