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That damm constituion
#28794 12/16/06 06:10 PM
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Just rereading my archives of late and how many times did that dammed constitution of theres cause grief? If you had the inclanation it was remarkably easy to kick out fellow members for the most trivial of reasons. Also if you were feeling particularily evil you could maroon team mates in space without supplies with a clear consions.
And what was up with that clause that all members had to be full time students with passing grades? Stupid superheroes need a union or something. They really were little jobsworths back in the day.

Re: That damm constituion
#28795 12/16/06 06:13 PM
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Hmm... there must be at least one reject who failed to make the team because of low grades...

Re: That damm constituion
#28796 12/16/06 06:31 PM
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there the ones who didnt even get the belt just the get out of here stupid kick in the butt

Re: That damm constituion
#28797 12/16/06 10:18 PM
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Was there really a clause that all members had to be full-time students? I've never read any story that implied that any Legionnaire was in school.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
Re: That damm constituion
#28798 12/17/06 12:15 AM
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Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
Was there really a clause that all members had to be full-time students? I've never read any story that implied that any Legionnaire was in school.
No there wasn't. Here is the pre-Boot constitution and here is the post-Boot. No mention of school, students or grades.

Perhaps this is the clause that is causing the confusion:

5.4 Members shall participate in ongoing educational and training activities as required by the standing Committee on Membership. Such activities shall include language education, although the only language required prior to a Legionnaire assuming active status shall be Interlac.

Re: That damm constituion
#28799 12/17/06 12:24 AM
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Actually, according to the original constitution :


All Legionnaires are required to continue their scientific education. Special classes shall be set up for this purpose. While off duty, all Legionnaires must attend classes regularly, unless prevented by illness. Failing marks shall be grounds for suspension from the Legion.
Various Adventure stories show the members of the team engaged in schoolwork. The Legion of Super-Monsters story does, for example.

Re: That damm constituion
#28800 12/17/06 12:40 AM
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The pre-boot version we have is the only full one I had ever seen assembled as one document before. And you know what? I just dug out my copy of Adv. #325 and there isn't a Legion constitution text piece. But there is a partial page missing under a Trix ad. I just always assumed someone cut out a coupon. It must the that piece about the constitution. Damn! Now I have to find a replacement copy!

Re: That damm constituion
#28801 12/17/06 05:39 AM
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Heh! I paid homeage to the schoolwork aspect of being in the Legion in my Raven Haired Pinup Models competition. I made Color Kid sit through the lecture the Legionnaires were given in Adv. #309!

Re: That damm constituion
#28802 12/17/06 05:40 AM
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In Dream Girl's intro story, she heavily quoted the constitution in order to get members off duty (in order to save them....) Were the passages she used reprinted?

Re: That damm constituion
#28803 12/17/06 12:55 PM
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Thanks for the information.

I think that by the 31st century, it will be widely recognized that the current system of education (i.e. imprisoning children in school all day) is barbaric and inhumane. So Legionnaires will be expected to have a high level of scientific and cultural literacy, in the same way that they're supposed to be in good physical condition, but they won't actually have to go to classes or take tests.

On the other hand, in the current continuity, they probably have the same kind of educational system that we have now, but even worse, and that's probably one of the things the Legionnaires are campaigning against.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
Re: That damm constituion
#28804 12/17/06 10:24 PM
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Interesting point, Sir Tim. Everybody's probably taught in their own home, but with a video link to the teacher, since they don't like people meeting in person.
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Re: That damm constituion
#28805 12/17/06 10:40 PM
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I would think a large part of the public service is education. They download what is deemed necessary straight to to the youths brain. Not only do they get you educated but they get to download social 'norms' as well.

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Go! Figure

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