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As anyone who has read my profile knows, I am one of the old guys on Legion World (51 and retired from the Army).

I have kind of felt like Marla Latham on this message board. I will make a few comments here and there, but mostly I just stick my head into a room to see if everyone is a least partially dressed, and maybe nudging them towards a privacy field, if necessary. Not really - but I do read most posts, even if and when I can't figure out how appropriate Marla's comment would be.

I have been part of the readership of all things Legion since the early 60s, and have never been a fair weather fan. The only creator I've meet was Jim Shooter, and I really enjoyed that brief meeting. I truly enjoy the book now, but I will always be a "Swan Rules!" fanatic, if anyone will listen to me for a few minutes. smile

I have all but the newest Archives, but they are boxed up, but luckily here in the apartment with me. I moved in May with a new job. And I am glad I did -- new city, new job, and my sister and her husband live here too, and the rest of my family is close by.

I have a Legion of Super-Family - six brothers and sisters total - and nieces and nephews in the 20s and growing. And my mom - who is my hero. She is 79, and ten years ago she went through what I am just beginning. She survived and is still doing well 10 years after.

I have cancer.

I thought I had a pulled muscle in my upper-right back, and went to a doctor- I found out I had pneumonia, and was sent to a Pulmonary Specialist. A great doctor- She confirmed the pneumonia, and told me that there was something in my lung with my pneumonia. She started treatment - but I got no better and 6 days later I was in the hospital. I was in for 7 days, and got somewhat better, but the "mass" in lung near my pneumonia came up in discussion often. Testing began, and a week later the cancer was identified, and treatment was mapped-out. Every step was discussed honestly and openly, and cancer came up early as a true possiblity.

The cancer is specifically, small-cell carcinoma. ---- Highly treatable, and we hope - in my instance - limited - limited to where the tumor is and not spread. (We'll find out Monday with a Brain MRI and Bone/Bone-Marrow scans). If there is no spread, then not only is it possible to put it into remission, but my Oncologist says that it might be possible to totally destroy it.
I have begun Radiation aready, and begin aggressive Chemo next week.

I am in good spirits, I have a good attitude, and I am full of hope. Of course, I am scared , but I am glad I know, and that forward actions have begun. I know changes are ahead, but I am optimistic, and hold true to the knowledge that I will beat this.

I am looking forward to many, many more years of reading The Legion, and my other favorite comic books.

With my Legion of Super-Family, and my Legion World friends, and the virtual Legion of medical experts working with me I am not alone.

Thanks for listening- and I will post as things progress-- good and bad.
BTW, This is the first location of the three boards I visit where I will post a version of this. The DC Message Board, and Gormuu's Board are the other two locations.

Please if you smoke - Quit.


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It sounds like you have a tough row to hoe, but that you have the spirits to do it.

best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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I hope that you will recover well, take it easy...we are all with you! One for all, all for one!

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From one old guy (even if I don't choose to act my age and maybe worse I'm retired Navy) to another, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

If there is anything any of us can do to help keep you spirits up down the tough road you face don't hesitate to tell us, PM or regular post.

I know that I will be looking forward to seeing 'Marla's' comments and I am positive that I will not be alone.

Keep us informed and we will do our best to keep you amused.

Again, Best Wishes to you and your family.

love wink laugh love


Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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Wayne all of Legion World is here for you!!!!

Let the Fun Begin!
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Congratulations on your courage!!

I'm sure this is a very difficult time for you, and I think it's great that you can find relief and distraction here at Legion World.

Best wishes to you, Wayne.

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the other night my wife (who is always willing to point out my inner dork) finally admitted that it's "pretty cool" that we've (I say we, although I have done nothing but participate) created this little online community. I feel privileged to be part of it; I feel even more privileged when people share their (real) lives on here. We've had many births announced (I myself announced my second child's birth on the DC boards), illnesses discussed, personal problems, etc.

Wayne, best of luck. I've never been through anything like what you're dealing with--I wish I knew what to say. But know that we're all thinking of you, and wish you the best. I'm sure you'll come out of this healthy and happy.

The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.

Don't judge me!
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Thank you all for your kind words!

Many good things happen on October 1st - My 1st Chemo! and the 1st new season episodes of Angel and Smallville. I feel better already.


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Hi Wayne,

So, down in Georgia huh? Well from a Georgoa Tech guy, best wishes and keep posting. Your Ma seems like a great inspiration and I'm glad you have family around.

Take care.

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Best of luck to you Wayne -- it sounds that as tough as things will get, you've got a great support system in place and a wonderful positive attitude. Always feel free to post whatever thoughts you have for the young'n's... we're all pulling for you!

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A friend of mine had a routine while she was fighting breast cancer to envision something helping her fight it. She chose the Mario Brothers. You could envision the whole Legion helping you out.

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You're in our thoughts and prayers, Wayne! Keep us posted and know we're here in spirit and in word.

-LLL (and everyone associated with it!)

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
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Having two parent-in-laws going through almost the same thing right now I can understand the strain this must be on yourself and your family. Caroline and I wish you a full and speedy recovery and send our thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

If I can tell a small, funny story about my mother-in-laws chemo maybe you can laugh. She was diagnosed with colon cancer a few months ago and had to start, after surgery, the chemo treatment. While not as severe as some it was a big thing for her to have to do.

During the course of a meeting with all the new chemo patients at her doctor's office we learned that her treatment would be a combination of 5FU and Leucovorin. I had to ask what the Leucovorin was since they said it was vitamin related and wanted to make sure it didn't interfer with mom's heart medication. They told us that Leucovorin was basically the same treatment used in sheep deworming. We all had a big laugh over that.

We took mom home that night and she remembered a little battery operated sheep she had. It walked and would stop and 'baa'. She had gotten it ages ago at a hostpital gift shop and it was still in its box. Well, she wanted to take it and give it to the doctor on her first chemo visit. So Caroline and I found it, put batteries in it and took it when we went later in the week for the first treatment.

Caroline presented it to the doctor and told him the name it had been given (Caroline came up with it). The sheep's name is Colon Bowel (long on the 'owl' like a 'baa'). To this day it sits in the treatment room and gets a laugh when the staff tells a patient the name.

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I've had various members of my extended family deal with cancer over the past few years so I understand some of what you will be dealing with. (I say some because I don't think anyone can truly understand unless they go through it themselves.)

I wish I could turn my Eye of Ekron about and bathe you in healing green rays but I know I can't. Instead I will turn my eyes toward Georgia and send you some healing thoughts and prayers instead.

Please keep us posted on your progress!

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Let us know how it goes, Wayne. It's good you have family around you in the real world. You've got a cyber family through the Legion, too.

My mother went through chemo for non-Hodgkins lymphoma - it wasn't nearly as difficult as we feared. We'll be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way!

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Make sure to keep us updated, Wayne. Hope we can provide some pleasant diversions for you in the weeks ahead.

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Let me echo everyone else's sentiment, Wayne. I wish you the very best and will keep you in my thoughts! Hope we can provide a much needed diversion for you in the days to come.

Don't be afraid to ask for anything!


"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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We're all glad to have you in our growing family here! smile

I wish you the best, Wayne.

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Wayne, I think everyone's said it better than I could, but I'd like to say that it's great having you here and look forward to your complete recovery. smile

Keep us posted.

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I'm a quasi-newbie, and I also work in cancer research. You've got the right attitude! You can't let this get you down. You have good reasons to know the best will happen for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Peace and love,

P.S. Don't hang too much hope on the "Smallville" season premiere. I'm skeptical on that one. smile (Though I have high hopes for "Angel".)

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My first memory of cancer was when my dad, who was about your age at the time, was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctors acted quickley and Dad made a complete recovery, and that was twenty years ago. The treatments avilable now are so much more advanced, it sounds like the odds are well in your favour.

The road ahead of you won't be easy, but like queer legion said, you've got the right attitude, and of course you have us to cheer you up during the worst of it. wink

All the best,
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All the best to you, Wayne. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

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I just wanted to send my best wishes to you too. Hang in there. We're all here for you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Best wishes and let us know if you need anything, Wayne.

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Wayne, good luck with everything, and we're here if you need to vent. I'm still new here too, so I hope I can get a lot more chances to talk with you!

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