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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 02:21 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:14 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:13 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:31 AM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:29 AM
If this were a JLA message board...
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/07/25 08:51 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/06/25 01:54 AM
What I found today at my LCS!
by Ann Hebistand - 01/05/25 05:16 AM
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Seriously, I mean every other thread seems to be about how Waid is slowly killing the Legion or something.

I can understand people having their own opinions and stuff, but c’mon, with higher sales and more critical acclaim than the Legion has had in many years, is now really the time for the marathon bitch-sessions they’ve been staging over there?

And I just don’t understand how people who are supposedly legion fans can have no sense of humor! It just boggles my mind that there are some people who can’t have fun with threads about Hate Face or the snake rulers of Orando.

Why don’t they just lighten up a little?

I think its time to bomb them with threads about medallion-making machines or the Super-Companions or something.

"are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over- an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."

-Tobias Funke
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Well to be fair and balanced, it's not just the Legion Boards that are like that over there.

If I was just getting in to comics and had to use that place as a resource to find out stuff, I'd seriously wonder about the kind of people this hobby attracts. Seriously, every negative sterotype about comic fans is represented on that board.

DC should wake up and bring back some sort of editorially filtered Q&A system for each title. That place is no substitute for the old letters pages.

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A thread like this from the folks who fled the "new and unimproved" DCMBs to form Legion World in the first place. Let's face it: there are a lot of bitter fans out there.

Yes, I am often a pot. AND a kettle.

Funny, though, that I visit LW much more often than I do the DC L* board.

-- Still here to help.
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I went back to the DC boards recently for the first time in months. They've redone them-- AGAIN-- and now, they seem to be working again. (Last time I looked in, I couldn't even post!) But-- the level of brain-dead "fans" continues. Most of the intelligent discussion was chased out of there a couple of years ago.

I found DOZENS and DOZENS of near-identical "bitch" threads at every book whose section I looked into. And there seem to be an awful lot of people who enjoy fighting and name-calling. Plus, there seem to be an awful lot of seriously deluded people who have no idea of some of the "facts" they discuss, they've convinced themselves of what "facts" are true or not. Geez.

And of course, NOBODY in the Batman section seems to have the slightest clue that Steve Englehart's DARK DETECTIVE takes place on EARTH-1 !!! (That possibility apparently never occured to anyone-- as if it was something that simply could never, ever happen.)

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Originally posted by KidChaos:
I think its time to bomb them with threads about medallion-making machines or the Super-Companions or something.
Anytime you want to, KC.

I think the pinnacle of how absurd it's gotten is a poster claiming that the release of the upcoming LSH TPB was part of a desperate attempt to regain lost readers. So, apparently, all that time in which DC refused to release Legion TPBs was a sign of healthy sales?

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While I am somewhat negative myself I agree those boards are way too negative for me.

Btw, KC while I know some of the silly fun stuff is part of the Legion I am not a fan of it myself. I notice many on the DCMB or Levitz fans. You have to remember we grew up not with an obscure teen team but a cool "JLA who?" team. In the Who's Who I recall reading some of the sillier stuff and attributed that it was a different era.

With that said I even enjoy the threads of the sillier moments in Legion history. As long as history doesn't repeat itself in the comic. wink

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Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
While I am somewhat negative myself I agree those boards are way too negative for me.

Btw, KC while I know some of the silly fun stuff is part of the Legion I am not a fan of it myself. I notice many on the DCMB are Levitz fans (or Grell or Cockrum). You have to remember we grew up not with an obscure teen team but a cool "JLA who?" team. In the Who's Who I recall reading some of the sillier stuff and attributed that it was a different era.

With that said I even enjoy the threads of the sillier moments in Legion history. As long as history doesn't repeat itself in the comic. wink

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Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Btw, KC while I know some of the silly fun stuff is part of the Legion I am not a fan of it myself. I notice many on the DCMB or Levitz fans. You have to remember we grew up not with an obscure teen team but a cool "JLA who?" team. In the Who's Who I recall reading some of the sillier stuff and attributed that it was a different era.
Point taken Jorg-EM, I myself didn't start reading the legion until a few years ago (during LEGION LOST). Through archives and back isuues I fell in love with the ADVENTURE and TMK eras, respectively. I didn't mean my post as a dig against those who didn't care for the sillier stories. (though that still baffles me smile )

Originally posted by Jorg-EM:

With that said I even enjoy the threads of the sillier moments in Legion history. As long as history doesn't repeat itself in the comic. wink
But the current legion could only benefit from more silver-age silliness!

"are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over- an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."

-Tobias Funke
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The Levitz era was full of its own share of silly stuff...

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Originally posted by KidChaos:
Seriously, I mean every other thread seems to be about how Waid is slowly killing the Legion or something.

I can understand people having their own opinions and stuff, but c’mon, with higher sales and more critical acclaim than the Legion has had in many years, is now really the time for the marathon bitch-sessions they’ve been staging over there?

And I just don’t understand how people who are supposedly legion fans can have no sense of humor! It just boggles my mind that there are some people who can’t have fun with threads about Hate Face or the snake rulers of Orando.

Why don’t they just lighten up a little?
And in what way is bitching about bitching good?

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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Sounds like the two entities (DCMB and LW) often serve divergent constituencies - which may be just as well since some folks here probably don't prefer breadth of their conversation topics and vice versa.

Now about those hairsyles...

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Originally posted by Reboot:
And in what way is bitching about bitching good?
Bitching or observing and commenting about it and looking towards starting a conversation?

I gotta agree with KC, I don't even read through the posts at the DCMB anymore.

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For the most part, the DC Legion mb has dried up into a humorless wasteland, which really is sad.

But not so sad that I would want any of the fun people here to migrate back over there!

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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
The Levitz era was full of its own share of silly stuff...
Comet Queen, for starters...

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Life... is full of its own share of silly stuff. No need to be super-angsty melodramatic all the time, the real world features a bunch of absurd, surreal stuff as well.

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Originally posted by Rurouni KJS:
A thread like this from the folks who fled the "new and unimproved" DCMBs to form Legion World in the first place.
I look at it as more like thinking outside the box than fleeing. smile Being given the choice between Coke and Pepsi and choosing Peach Nehi.

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
[b]The Levitz era was full of its own share of silly stuff...
Comet Queen, for starters... [/b]
I don't know who it was that wrote the Worldsmith story (was it Levitz?) but the villain was a bit silly even though his/its powers to reshape worlds was a cool idea (at the time). cool

Maybe a "Silliest Villains in the entire Legion History" would be a good topic to discuss... nod

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Calling those who post on the Legion DCMB fans is like call the NBZ the nicest group of people you'll ever encounter on the web. If they were fans they would be here with the real fans.

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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
The Levitz era was full of its own share of silly stuff...
Your right sir. Silly stuff if done right and worked in properly can be very good. smile

Sort of Milligan's X-Force/X-Statix.

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