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Mon-El's Adventures In The Phantom Zone!
by Korbal - 02/05/25 08:10 PM
The First Legion Retcon...
by Reboot - 02/05/25 06:06 PM
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by Invisible Brainiac - 02/05/25 03:37 PM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/05/25 03:34 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/05/25 03:34 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/05/25 03:33 PM
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The standouts for me in this issue were Saturn Queen's attack, and getting to see Phantom and Shady together again.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
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Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
Didn't all the telepaths from Titan get their powers from Saturn's rings? Would future generations of the former Titan lose this ability if they were permanently relocated elsewhere?
They were already a telapathic race when their city was relocated to Titan by Mon El. It was a minor tweek coming out of recent events in the Superman books. The Titans were originaly a race captured by Brainiac I and kept in a bottle city like Kandor was that Mon-El helped free and set free on Titan.

Thats the tweeked history now anyway.

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Traditionally the rings had a particular mental influence on the Titanians which supressed any criminal tendencies they might have had (so that Titanians could only "go bad" off-planet). There was fan speculation that they also promoted the development of their mental powers, but this was never canon.

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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Um, I hate to ask, but could someone scan the pages with the Lightning Twins from this?
I would've posted the scans earlier if I had seen this post!

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Originally posted by Superboy-Supergirl:
It's too bad that Earth Man is nuts.
I don't believe he's nuts. I think he was a legion fan got really disappointed that he wasn't made a legionnaire then attacked them...went to prision for more bitter then someone discovered that artificat saying Superman wasn't from Krypton (wonder who made it...Luthor? General Lane? Brainiac?) and he found a better rationale for his anger and hatred..."these people who aren't even human and from Earth...lied about the Greatest Hero ever all to proclaim alien superiorty and were prejudiced against me since I'm a human and from Earth!!!" At least that's how I'm thinking his mindset is now...not crazy but bitter. Sorta like Lex Luthor pre-crisis (now too but pre-crisis suits the argument better).

By the way ... Why is no one asking how Nura is back in the 31st century when we had that Panel about team 21st/Espionage squad rescuing her from S.T.A.R. Labs?
To answer the second part first: I addressed it when someone asked it, I can't remember who.
The only thing I can think of, if Levitz doesn't address it some time is that it was switched from Dreamy to the Daxamite girl.
We just thought it was going to be Nura.

And on Earth Man: I think that his reaction to being rejected shows an unbalanced mind.
Not only is his deciding to be 'evil' waaayyy out of line with a rejection but his following reasoning that ALL aliens are 'bad' is also a 'mentally ill' amd very unheathy response to a rather minor pseudo development.
He's dellusional and neurotic, at the very least.

AND he's willing to KILL over his feelings of rejection.
AND, he's got the power and charisma to do it and influence others to.

He belongs in a mental institution with medication and etc..

I'm a layman, so I get to use the term 'nuts', I think.

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The whole "Imra scans applicants' minds before admitting them!" retcon pretty much established that he and the other Non-Sub rejects were nuts or evil, didn't it?

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Originally posted by Titan Lad:
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
[b] Um, I hate to ask, but could someone scan the pages with the Lightning Twins from this?
I would've posted the scans earlier if I had seen this post! [/b]

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Originally posted by The Man From Cargg:

To answer someone's question, Nemesis Kid is dead.
Jeckie killed him after he killed Val.
The first time he died.
He's redundent, too since Earth Man does pretty much the same thing, doesn't he?
He drains and NK copied.
Duplicate Boy duplicated?
Candle... NK didn't duplicate powers... he would take on the power that was needed to defeat a particular opponent. So he was kind of the anti-Duplicate Boy.[/QB]
Thanks for reminding me of NK's powers.
I remember now that that's how Jeckie killed him.
She didn't use any 'powers', just her grief, rage and training.
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Actually, I think I was the one to mention Nemesis Kid earlier in the thread, but not in the context of Earth Man's powers. I was puzzled by something Saturn Queen mentioned in her narration:

I come home to see if it's true that Titan was destroyed and find you Legionnaires in the rubble...always bothersome. Nemesis Kid was right--we should have killed you all.

Why would she mention Nemesis Kid? Is she recalling a past conversation or something recent? If the former, when would the two have ever met? (they weren't in the LSV at the same time, at least not "on-camera".) If the latter, does that mean Nemesis Kid is back? (If so, could that factor in to why Val came back?)

I found that very puzzling--or else it could just be another example of faulty memeory on Paul's part! shrug
If I'd checked and realized the comment came from you, I probably wouldn't have addressed it that way, or at all really, since I know that you know all of this stuff much better than me.

I would just say, that since this is the retroboot, anything could happen or been changed.

Wasn't Saturn Queen with the LSV in Lo3W's?
I got the impression she was there.

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Originally posted by Candle:
The only thing I can think of, if Levitz doesn't address it some time is that it was switched from Dreamy to the Daxamite girl.
We just thought it was going to be Nura.
The problem is that we were told (and it certainly looks like...) it was Nura...

click to enlarge

But, like I said, I'm glad everyone is back in the 31st Century where they belong and could care less about how they got there. That storyline was 100 times worse than that team 20 storyline was from the reboot, imho.

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Originally posted by Candle:
Wasn't Saturn Queen with the LSV in Lo3W's?
I got the impression she was there.
She was. Nemesis Kid wasn't.

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Maybe we'll get a flashback storyline dealing with how Dream Girl got back to the 31st? I wouldn't mind if it was set in the past, just as long as I get some closure on the whole thing (I think the preview looked really great and I wanted to see this storyline come to fruition).

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Wow! I'd forgotten all about that preview from Adventure 1--thanks for posting it! I'd say that the second, third and fifth panels have yet to be paid off and probably won't be. Anyone care to itemize the six panels and their payoff or lack of?

Funny, I didn't recognize having seen the bottom image before when the cover to LSH 1 was debuted months ago. I wonder if that was always supposed to be Earth Man. hmmm

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Originally posted by Candle:

Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
[b]Actually, I think I was the one to mention Nemesis Kid earlier in the thread, but not in the context of Earth Man's powers. I was puzzled by something Saturn Queen mentioned in her narration:

I come home to see if it's true that Titan was destroyed and find you Legionnaires in the rubble...always bothersome. Nemesis Kid was right--we should have killed you all.

Why would she mention Nemesis Kid? Is she recalling a past conversation or something recent? If the former, when would the two have ever met? (they weren't in the LSV at the same time, at least not "on-camera".) If the latter, does that mean Nemesis Kid is back? (If so, could that factor in to why Val came back?)

I found that very puzzling--or else it could just be another example of faulty memeory on Paul's part! shrug
If I'd checked and realized the comment came from you, I probably wouldn't have addressed it that way, or at all really, since I know that you know all of this stuff much better than me.
laugh Funny you should say that, Shady! I actually consider myself average to (more likely) below average among the fans of this site as far as my knowledge of Legion trivia and history is concerned. For example, I'd have NO IDEA who the heck Lester Spiffany is if not for my exposure to Legion World!

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I'd say it depends who you compare yourself to!

I wouldn't have remembered Spiffany either if not for here, and I have the Archives, too!

Thanks, NC!
They DID say it was her.
But then, they had the rift and everything.
Probably to erase some of that page.

I STILL think that Desparo would never talk to ANYONE like that, especially given his appearances in dotREBELS lately.
I think it was really supposed to be Cham.
Or not!
Moot point, probably!

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Just read #2 and put me in the *really enjoyed* it camp!

Wow! Paul gave face-time, personality and story-progression to 19 different Legionnaires (20 if the Yera theory is correct) and 1 Legion villain in this issue and I didn't feel like any were short-changed. This is why he is such a well-respected Legion writer. No matter who your favourite members are, chances are you got to see one of them in action in this issue.

I like all the little sub-plots he has on the go here too and don't feel that there is too much decompression at all. In fact, it feels the opposite to me. I feel like there has been more going on in these past two issues than I've read in half-a-year of some other books' stories. The extra page count certainly helps there. PLEASE, DON'T EVER REDUCE THAT DC!

The second penciller half-way through the book was a little jarring but after a couple of seconds I got used to it and really liked his style too. (SOOO much better than the one who suddenly took over for Benes in Birds of Prey last week! Wow, was that an unwelcome change!) If having these two pencillers is what it takes to keep this book on time then I'm all for it.

I can't finish talking about the art without getting a few quick gripes in about some of the characters' hair for a second. Maybe it's just a case of the pencillers/colourists still finding their feet but Paul or an editor or someone needs to sort this out quick. There are multiple problems here -

* Invisible Kid II - where's his white streak?
* Sun Boy - should have red, not blonde hair.
* Dream Girl - should have white, not blonde hair.
* Colossal Boy - why did his hair go from brown to black in a matter of panels?
* Tyroc - still hate his boring, bald head.

Also on the art front, I see whoever else it was who said that the paper and tape signs was an unfortunate artistic choice for a futuristic book and raise them Shady's cloth arm-sling. Surely, the 31st century has better health-care than that. In fact, I feel like I remember seeing something better than that used in the Reboot at some point. So, good as the artists are - I definitely feel like they have to raise their game in making this book look more futuristic.

Other points -

* I actually liked Earth-Man and the tension he created in the Legion in this issue. I'm not in such the hurry to see him gone from this book as I used to be now.

* Tyroc - is he back? The guy in this issue in the ugly and completely different costume and no afro ( laugh ) was like a totally new character to me. Tyroc used to be one of my Top 4 Legionnaires. Unless Paul gives him the most interesting personality ever then the drab, uninteresting look he's got going on here will knock him out of even my Top 30.

* As fun as it was seeing Saturn Queen, when she read Brainy's mind I couldn't help but be reminded (unfavourably I'm afraid) of that fantastic Reboot issue where that renegade Titanian was forced to read Brainy's mind - and found it to be a very weird and difficult place to traverse. That was such an interesting and well-written issue which told you so much about both characters whereas that aspect of this issue seemed so... simple.

* Nice as it is to see Dream Girl and that guy who calls himself Tyroc back in this issue... I think I would have rathered more of a story explaining their absence rather than just - they were absent.

* Cosmic Boy, Colossal Boy and Invisible Kid II - Damn, do I love their Frank-designed costumes! Hope they stay around for a LONG time.

Can't wait for next issue!

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I'm glad Invisible Kid got to speak!!

I hated Dream Girl's non-platinum hair!!

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^ Me too! I think seeing Jacques get to do something in this issue was one of the best things about it for me. It was such a surprise. He so normally gets left out of Legion stories and there I was thinking that this would just be another one when suddenly BAM! - he showed up. I liked that. (Could've done without the "Quel" though. They still speak French in the 31st Century? I don't think so.)

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Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Wow! I'd forgotten all about that preview from Adventure 1--thanks for posting it! I'd say that the second, third and fifth panels have yet to be paid off and probably won't be. Anyone care to itemize the six panels and their payoff or lack of?
I think the 5th panel will probably tie in to Geoff's 'Flashpoint' event that he has coming up in The Flash.

The Despero one - if that's Maxwell Lord with him then he could be showing up in the new Generation Lost book, which would be a natural place when you think about it. What's Despero's status these days anyway? Didn't I hear he died in that probably-soon-to-be-cancelled-but-not-soon-enough-to-prevent-it-from-ruining-good-JLA-villains-like-Despero-and-Starro R.E.B.E.L.S. book?

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Despero was killed (or almost killed - his head was still alive confused ) in R.E.B.E.L.S. but he regenerated, so he's back in the game.

There could be different explanations for Shady's arm sling - ancient Talokian custom or superstition regarding an injury? Sacred healing cloth?

I hope Dreamy is just experimenting with blonde dye and reverts to her luscious platinum hair soon.

It was great to see a number of legionnaires who haven't gotten much panel-time for a while. Tyroc's look is a big improvement.

Maybe there's hope for Earth Man - he'll try so hard to prove that the Legion was wrong to reject him, he'll succeed in spite of himself. The ring might work to modify his attitudes as well.

Saturn Queen's interaction with Brainy's mind reminded me of Glorith's kiss in 5YL (the annual featuring Ultra Boy) - Saturn Queen seemed to be totally in control, although she had an initial moment of surprise. There has been discussion here of how Brainy's been acting a bit off lately - perhaps this is why she was able to take control of him mind without resistance. I would have expected that he would have continued to strengthen his resistance to mental invaders through the years, since he has been previously affected by Universo.

Imra's my star! Clever lady - going back to the time just before her kids disappeared and reading their minds. I figured she was just going to follow some timestream trail.

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- Put me in the "I hate Tyroc's new costume" camp. Some of the Legion's new costumes are stinkers, but the problem with this one is that it's just so...bland. I would rather a terrible costume than one which makes no impact at all. As someone else pointed out, he looks like a character that was rejected from a Kirby Fourth World comic, not an individual superhero.

Having said that, I am SUPER GLAD he's back, and look forward to seeing him more! I did notice the sonics in space thing, but has been pointed out, lots of superhero powers shouldn't actually work the way they do. I'm happy to handwave it. It helps back up my personal canon that he is altering reality, not firing sonics. wink

- Is this the first time Levitz has ever actually used Saturn Queen? I loved her! I always thought she'd be a great villain, dunno why she has never really been used for decades...the Legion need some A-Grade villainesses, and this look into her personality made me think I'd be very interested to see her against Tellus even moreso than Imra.

- The Yera theory is BRILLIANT! I thought there was something hinky about the art in those panels when I first read it, it never occurred to me that it could be deliberate! I really hope it is now, what an awesome character bit! smile

- I liked the Garth/Ayla bit. Also LOVED seeing Dreamy back....she didn't do much, but I'm just glad she's here. smile

- Levitz has a GREAT handle on Gates! Did he teleport the three of them from Earth to Naltor though?? That's pretty hardcore! Has he always had interstellar range?

- Tinya getting injured seemed a bit forced...I would have preferred it if there were some reason she had to be solid; like maybe if she stole one of the blasters as well and was knocked out while she was carrying it...would make her seem less damsel-in-distress, and respect her experience level more.

- Last but not least...I never thought I would say this in a million years, but Jacques was HOT in this issue! I did a double-take when I saw him, I'm so used to him looking like kind of a quiet nerd. I hope his missing white hair is an art error though, I want it back. Also, his new costume is one of the ones that actually really works, I think.

Didn't love this issue that much upon first reading, but on further reflection I enjoyed it a lot. Looking forward to more! smile

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There could be different explanations for Shady's arm sling - ancient Talokian custom or superstition regarding an injury? Sacred healing cloth?
I think it might just be Paul's little nod to one of her early appearances in Adventure where she helped battle The Fatal Five and was in an arm sling at one point.

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Originally posted by Blacula:
(Could've done without the "Quel" though. They still speak French in the 31st Century? I don't think so.)
Why wouldn't there still be people speaking the local Earth languages? Interlac is the standard for the United Planets, but I don't see why certain cultures wouldn't preserve their native languages.

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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Traditionally the rings had a particular mental influence on the Titanians which supressed any criminal tendencies they might have had (so that Titanians could only "go bad" off-planet).
I don't recall this ever happening in canon, only for the Adult Legion.

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Well, the Adult Legion *was* canon until LSH #300.

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Originally posted by The Man From Cargg:

There could be different explanations for Shady's arm sling - ancient Talokian custom or superstition regarding an injury? Sacred healing cloth?
I think it might just be Paul's little nod to one of her early appearances in Adventure where she helped battle The Fatal Five and was in an arm sling at one point. [/QB]
Hey, that's a cute point. I can support it if that was Paul's intention.

Would still like these artists to raise their 'futuristic' games though.

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