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Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 04:04 AM
What's the worst part of being a "Super" hero?
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Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
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Legionnaire Mastermind
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#614799 11/30/10 08:54 PM
Joined: Aug 2010
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We all have favorite issues and favorite eras. I thought it would be interesting to list and discuss our favorite scenes within issues. Here are my top 10 scenes:

1. Dream Girl taking on Hagga on Orando in the Legionnaires Made for Burning.

2. Saturn Girl taking out Mon-el and Ultra Boy in the presence of Universo in the Universo Saga.

3. Emerald Empress revealing Sensor Girl is really Princess Projectra.

4. Saturn Girl telling White Witch she took the information for a spell out of her sleeping mind because it's and emergency in the Great Darkness Saga.

5. Duo Damsel trying to prevent war in the War Between Night and Day.

6. Shadow Lass and crew travelling in a time bubble back to Superboy's time to enlist his aid in saving Mon-el who has grown immune to the anti-lead serum.

7. Shadow Lass telling Darkseid, "You can only kill me once" in the Great Darkness Saga.

8. Lightning Lass regaining her lighting powers in the Baxter edition--"And by the way, it's LIGHTNING Lass"..

9. Duo Damse; crawling through the tunnel in Smallsville bitching about Shadow Lass's romantic adventures.

10. Duo Damsel and Bouncing Boy's wedding.

#614800 11/30/10 11:34 PM
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First ten that came to mind and that weren't listed in the original post:

1. Lyle saying "It feels like home" (LSH v5 #1)
2. Shady escaping the light trap (Adventure Comics #365)
3. Jo and Tinya's first kiss (Legionnaires #27)
4. Tinya risking her life without a second thought (Superboy #220)
5. Jan singlehandedly defeating a Servant (LSH v2 #293)
6. Brainy summoning the Infinite Man (LSH v3 #50)
7. Brainy saving Douglas Nolan at the same time that Shady escapes her fate (LSH v2 #200)
8. Bart and Jenni's concert and Jenni's subsequent departure (Impulse #12; I don't know if this counts as a Legion moment but whatever)
9. Brainy discovering that he built a Supergirl robot in his sleep (Superboy #204)
10. "As long as there is a Legion of Super-Heroes, all else can surely be made right" (v3 #63)

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
#614801 12/01/10 07:27 AM
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All the above mentioned moments are great! I can only think of a few right now but I'm sure I'll post more later as I think of them.

1. Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl's wedding being interrupted immediately after they are pronouced married. Plus this happened in one of my all-time favourite Legion special edition books ever made. smile

2. Karate Kid's noble death scene. This had quite an impact on me as a kid because Val is and always will be my favourite Legionnaire (and I'm not even into martial arts or ever have been).

3. Dream Girl becoming Legion leader, and then quickly having to take control of a really bad situation while the universe was coming down around her and her teammates. I knew back then when I voted for her that she was the right choice and she proved again and again.

We haven't seen another strong Nura again after that until Waid introduced us to the threeboot Nura who, in my opinion, was one of the strongest characters of that whole run. Too bad she was "cut down" so early in the series. Major shame.

#614802 12/01/10 08:07 AM
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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Doing this list before reading the other entries.

Also I may not get to ten.

1) Superboy & Supergirl punching Darkseid
2) Ayla catching Brin & Imra almost smooching
3) Projectra executing Nemesis Kid
4) The Subs defeating the League of Super Assassins
5) The death of the Emerald Empress

That's all I can think of now.

6. Blok walking through (and destroying) the obstacle course that Dawnstar just flew through.

Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
#614803 12/01/10 10:48 AM
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Just off the top of my head:

1 Garth's sacrifice at the end of Legion Lost.
2 Polar Boy being elected team leader.
3 The expelled-for-being-married Legionnaires saving the clubhouse from the Khund attack during Earthwar.
4 The revelation that Reflecto was Superboy (with Ultra Boy's mind).
5 Karate Kid dying to save Orando for his princess.
6 The Zero Hour ending, with the SW6 and adult Legion merging into the white light.
7 When "Tenzil for the defense" freed Polar Boy from jail.
8 That Dream Girl was one of 4 Legionnaires that Universo feared most.
9 When Blok helped capture the Dark Man and joined the Legion.
10 Garth's sacrifice to save Imra from Zaryan.

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
#614804 12/01/10 12:02 PM
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1. "It's okay.. I'm a Senator" When Tenzil was trying to eat the disguise off of Brek's head.

2. Thom laughing at Nura, and she says she's going to pull out his beard one hair at a time.

3. Karate Kid, thinking he's going to die, takes on the Fatal Five... and makes them run!

4. Fire Lad letting Golden Boy know the melting point of gold the hard way.

5. Tinya's from three worlds drooling over the three Jo's.

6. Lamprey and Nightwind brawl with Laurel Kent and Comet Queen over Wildfire.

7. Wildfire telling his tragic story to Lamprey and Nightwind.

8. Tenzil eating Pulsar Stargrave's nose.

9. Discovering that Vi had been replaced by a Durlan for months!

10. Infectious Lass kicking butt in Gail Simone's arc, making the bad guys sick.

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