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#606213 03/12/08 08:39 AM
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According to World\'s Finest Online , which is usually a very reputable site in regards to this stuff, Warner Brothers has officially confirmed that there will not be a third season.

#606214 03/12/08 12:28 PM
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What?!?! F-WORD!!!!!


Still "Lardy" to my friends!
#606215 03/12/08 02:44 PM
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Disappointing if true, but not surprising, since the CW/Warner Bros isn't even going to be handling their own Saturday morning line up starting next season.

Couple that with moving timeslots, constant reruns (since they only did 13 eps per season) and the "5 year gap" wink they put between the two seasons, it made it harder to follow and maintain a large fanbase (besides us and our own children)!!!


Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
#606216 03/12/08 03:11 PM
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We knew this day would come. Of course we didn't want it so soon.

Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
#606217 03/12/08 04:07 PM
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Like Craig said, ever since the announcement of the WB getting out of the Saturday morning business, the writing has been on the wall. It sucks that 4Kids (who the WB turned Saturday over to) can't pick up these kind of shows. Unless we get one of the direct-to-DVD treatments (as was hinted with the GDS) we'll most likely never see our team animated again.

#606218 03/12/08 04:22 PM
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scream mad

WB's working on another Batman TV show??! Just what we need...

#606219 03/12/08 05:18 PM
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GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you believe they kept that crappy teen titans on longer then legion
ohh just wonderfulXBombBetty

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#606220 03/12/08 06:17 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
we'll most likely never see our team animated again.
I'll take that bet.

I don't know of anything on the horizon, but one of my guiding principles is, "Never is a really long time."

#606221 03/12/08 09:50 PM
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No profanity could ever be vile or shocking enough to express my dismay over this news.

Hopefully it doesn't get worse, but questions for those of you who'd have a better idea of this than I:

1) Does this possibly imperil the notion that they will release the rest of the series on DVD? I still haven't even heard about the rest of season 1 ... all the best eps (Subs, Sun-eater) remain unreleased!

2) What about the LSH in the 31st century comic?

"I like stuff that doesn't exist."
#606222 03/12/08 11:07 PM
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Don't they realize that as great as Batman is , after a DECADE or more, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO GET TIRED OF HIM!!!!! I swear, this is must be the devil. We'll lets hope that we get those direct to DVD releases. Lets also hope that said releases are PG-13. LONG LIVE THE LEGION !!! ON DVD AND BLUERAY!!!

Jin Rai!!!
#606223 03/13/08 09:05 AM
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I'm truly sorry to see this series go. Hopefully, we'll be able to keep the comic going as long as we can, so if you're enjoying it, spread the word. Every reader helps.

#606224 03/13/08 09:25 AM
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Originally posted by Matthew K. Manning:
if you're enjoying it, spread the word. Every reader helps.
I've been doing all I can for a year now.

#606225 03/13/08 11:34 AM
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Mr. Manning do you know who I could email a petition to?

Jin Rai!!!
#606226 03/13/08 07:15 PM
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I am not surprised at all by this. As much as we all love the Legion, it just doesn't have the same following like Batman, Superman, JLU or even shows like the X-Men or Spider-Man have. When KidsWB was saying that they were folding up shop it seemed unlikely that the Legion would land anywhere, because they just are not that marketable.

As far as another Batman show, that doesn't surprise me given the amount of success that the movie franchise is having. Plus, everyone knows Batman and he has a large rogues gallery that you can pull all sorts of interesting characters from.

#606227 03/13/08 08:42 PM
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Originally posted by Jubilation:
I am not surprised at all by this. As much as we all love the Legion, it just doesn't have the same following like Batman, Superman, JLU or even shows like the X-Men or Spider-Man have. When KidsWB was saying that they were folding up shop it seemed unlikely that the Legion would land anywhere, because they just are not that marketable.

As far as another Batman show, that doesn't surprise me given the amount of success that the movie franchise is having. Plus, everyone knows Batman and he has a large rogues gallery that you can pull all sorts of interesting characters from.
well thats true. but to be honest so does the legion you cant tell me that the legion who has tons of villains and heroes doesn't have a nice rogue gallery, the xmen had a few tv shows if any one can recall before they started with the movies made it big and look at the crappy tv show they made from it...i just think its a lack of commitment to the kids programing when i was growing up wb and all the other kids networks made much better cartoons..they have dumbed cartoons so much kids don't even want to watch them, how can you have a successful line up with kids programing when kids feel the cartoons there watching are for toddlers

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#606228 03/13/08 09:55 PM
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I completely agree kidflash2fan, kids programming has really gone downhill, and in a short span of time too.

I blame it partly on the influx of anime crap.

#606229 03/14/08 07:39 AM
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Originally posted by Dairaioh:
Mr. Manning do you know who I could email a petition to?
For the show itself, I'm not sure who you'd direct your letters to. For the comic, you could try sending a polite letter to Dan DiDio or another high-level editor at DC, telling them how much you like the comic and why. Fan interaction does play an important role in the lifespan of any given comic title.

#606230 03/14/08 07:55 AM
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This is sad, depressing, but not wholley unexpected.

I do hope the rest of the show comes out on DVD as I still haven't seen the Suneater eps, but man will I miss it, it seems like all the shows I like get the shaft from the network they are on. So sad, so sad...

Long Live the Legion!
#606231 03/14/08 09:29 AM
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Not much between despair and ecstacy
Not much between despair and ecstacy
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When faced with the inevitable, I like to count my blessings:

1. We actually had a Legion cartoon.

2. It was well done and true to the spirit of the characters.

3. It lasted for as long as it did: a year and a half. In TVland, that's a decent run.

Maybe one day a new Legion cartoon will hit the airwaves, or maybe fans will pull a "Star Trek" and bombard the network with letters that will prompt another season. In the meantime, I'm delighted that we had this chance to see our heroes on TV. The rest of the world may not have fully caught up with Legion fans in appreciating this franchise, but at least they got a glimpse of what we've been excited about for five decades.

Check out my new Power Club website!

The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that
#606232 03/14/08 09:10 PM
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It's difficult for any super-hero series to make it today. Even the excellent JLU ended way too soon.

I do hope to see DC do an animated version of the Great Darkness Saga some day, but I'd be just happy to see the Legion series to be the force it once was. I don't know if that can happen with the current team being new versions of the classic group. Maybe Final Crisis will fix that.

Oh, and the Suneater episodes were my favorite. Can't wait for a complete season 1 on DVD!

#606233 03/15/08 01:29 AM
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I agree kcekada, the Sun Eater 2 parter was the best of the series!

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
#606234 03/15/08 07:17 AM
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HWW is the voice of reason here, and I am trying to stay focused on that. Still...

It's just another example of how the incompetents in charge of these great properties make stupid decisions that can ultimately kill the property itself.

Despite the fact that we have the complete set of JL/JL DVDs, my son still complains about not being able to watch them on TV (our fascist cable company doesn't carry Boomerang). I've tried to figure out why this is. Partly, it's that he likes the toy/cereal/candy ads. For him, they actually ADD value to the viewing experience. I think it's also that oldy moldy concept of destination viewing -- for something you love, you want to plop down in front of the tube at a given day/time to watch. Plus, switching from video to DVD, getting the player to work, etc. is all a pain in the tuckus.

I mention all of this as a way of saying that the media barons of the current age -- in comics, film, TV, music, etc. -- don't seem competent to deliver quality product through channels that make sense for the audience. Music companies publish crap and squash newer delivery channels. TV evaporates a little more every year even though people watch more of it than ever. That sort of thing.

Warner Bros, arguably the most powerful media conglomerate in history, owns an unparalleled pantheon of properties with a decades-long track record for capturing the imagination of youth and driving them to buy things: from Atom to Yosemite Sam. The Legion is one of those properties. I've said before I think it has natural appeal to kids and especially girls--where else do you have such a large set of powerful female heroes? What Warner's clearly lacks is the ability to line up the property with the creative side to generate winning media aligned with the right distribution channel to drive sales. It's sad.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
#606235 03/15/08 01:37 PM
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well thats true. but to be honest so does the legion you cant tell me that the legion who has tons of villains and heroes doesn't have a nice rogue gallery, the xmen had a few tv shows if any one can recall before they started with the movies made it big and look at the crappy tv show they made from it...i just think its a lack of commitment to the kids programing when i was growing up wb and all the other kids networks made much better cartoons..they have dumbed cartoons so much kids don't even want to watch them, how can you have a successful line up with kids programing when kids feel the cartoons there watching are for toddlers.(kidflash2fan)

Okay there are a few things that need to be straightened out from the above post.

1) Pryde of the X-Men is a Marvel one shot cartoon it was an attempt back in 1989 to get a cartoon series going. But it never took. 1992 came The X-Men series it was not until 2000 that the first X-Men movie came out.

2) It is very very hard to write a book let alone the animated series where you have a ton of characters that more or less have to have equal time. Unlike the JLU, the Legion characters are not known to the mainstream people so there is a burden of introducing them and their powers.

3)All successful animated shows or even comic books have one thing in common. The people doing to have a very solid grasp on the characters and by god it looks like they are having fun. Even if you hated the Teen Titans shows--you have to admit it seemed like they were having fun doing it.

#606236 03/15/08 01:43 PM
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Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
When faced with the inevitable, I like to count my blessings:

1. We actually had a Legion cartoon.

2. It was well done and true to the spirit of the characters.

3. It lasted for as long as it did: a year and a half. In TVland, that's a decent run.

Maybe one day a new Legion cartoon will hit the airwaves, or maybe fans will pull a "Star Trek" and bombard the network with letters that will prompt another season. In the meantime, I'm delighted that we had this chance to see our heroes on TV. The rest of the world may not have fully caught up with Legion fans in appreciating this franchise, but at least they got a glimpse of what we've been excited about for five decades.
The statement by “He Who Wanders” really reflects my feelings about the situation.

The series (especially the first season) were very true to the sprit of franchise and amazingly well done. I am very disheartened about the end of the series. My son who is not yet old enough to read and I have been enjoying the animated series together.
Every Saturday morning he is excited to see what Timber Wolf (his favorite) is going to do. He loves the team work and the excitement of the different people doing good and helping people. Animation and Saturday morning will not be the same next year!
Long live the legion.

Where do I send my letter of protest?

#606237 03/15/08 01:46 PM
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here is something to consider as well. When doing a Legion cartoon...where should it begin? I think where the mistake was made initially is that the series started a few years after the Legion inception. What should have been done is this.

I think that "In the Beginning" should have been the series starting point. Instead of the other plot with the Legion being honored, I would have had where some new Legion members are joining. Now, if it was made a 2 part episode then you could have seen the initial wave of Legion members joining(maybe play up as they did after Zero Hour that no everyone is happy to be there).

In doing that you flex some of their powers and have been introduced to the core members better.

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