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NOVA #22









(damn... SECRET SIX is a helluvalot lower than it should be too!)

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Are Legion and Legion-related books cursed or something? This is exactly the sort of thing that initially made me start this thread. Oh well, hopefully good word-of-mouth such as ours will heighten interest in the book.

If the meek shall inherit inherit the Earth, then I at least want Baffin Island - and a property manager to work for me who is made of sterner stuff than I.
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not liking it one bit

i thought issue one was good

but wild star????

come on...really?

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Finally got around to reading this issue!

I found it enjoyable, a little boring but they are still setting things up. I'm hoping once he gets his team together things will start picking up pace.

Looking forward to #3! laugh

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I sort of assumed that the wings were drawn like that on purpose - that they weren't fully developed yet, and it'd take another 1k years to result in people like Dawnstar.

Maybe vril does has access to ALL LSH files and can't be bothered finding a Dawnstar AND a Wildfire, so he's altering one person to do both roles...?

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I'm kinda worried that a # 1 only came in at # 75 on the top 100 though!
I think it was a big mistake to name the book after a less successful previous series than the more appreciated original L.E.G.I.O.N. Or maybe I just want a monthly with Legion somewhere in the title.

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
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Yeah, dot-LEGION lasted 70 issues plus annuals, and dot-REBELS lasted, what, 15-16 issues? (if that)

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i thought rebels was a planned arc of 16/whatever issues? i didn't read it going "this obviously got canceled", i thought "complete arc!"

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Originally posted by insanelad:
. . . Maybe vril does has access to ALL LSH files and can't be bothered finding a Dawnstar AND a Wildfire, so he's altering one person to do both roles...?
Wildfire is a fluke of nature, an accident.

Dawnstar is part of a traceable race on a specific planet in a specific place.
Vril could go looking for someone like her with some hope of success.

Making a Wildfire will require work on his part and may not work even with all his brilliance.

And I don't think that Wildstar has to be/look anything like Wildfire, since she's not the same character, at all.
bump bump bump

I agree veve, I thought R.E.B.E.L.S was a story arc that ended, too.

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IIRC, dot-REBs was never listed as a mini or maxiseries.

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bedard said on his forum that he needs a tracker to find the other people for his team. i am very pro her-not-looking-really-offensive and futuristic instead.

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
IIRC, dot-REBs was never listed as a mini or maxiseries.
That's true.
But it couldn't go on forever, could it?

Even the 'Fugitive' had to come to an end, by it's very nature.

Either way was okay with me, since I wanted the baby/monster thing to end sooner rather than later.

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I have to say I've decided not to get REBELS. I did enjoy issue 1 and was very intrigued, but my LCS didn't have any copies of #2 (when I finally got around to going, I think it had been like 6 weeks) and I wasn't too bummed.

Honestly I grabbed some issues of LEGION from back issue bins ages ago and enjoyed them, but not to the extent where I am really sold on this book for nostalgic reasons.

So if I see this around I might dip back into it, but right now I don't care enough to add it to the pull or work too hard to find the issue I've missed.

Again, nothing wrong with the book, issue one was really interesting, but budget is budget and with some other big things coming down the pipe REBELS just isn't on my priority list.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Well, I finally read #2 last night and once again really liked it. Dox was being awesome as usual, and I actually quite liked the pace. I think Bedard is much more comfortable here than in the last few titles I've seen him on.

Hopefully the sales remain steady though. By going with the REBELS name, DC does risk tanking the series.

When the original L.E.G.I.O.N. title switched to R.E.B.E.L.S. following Zero Hour, the title actually tanked pretty quickly. Sales plumetted and the IMO the quality began to slip and the title quickly was cancelled. In those days I was just starting to read every title DC produced...

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i like the dialogue and art. the criticism "too long to get there" is very true.
i also need some reason to think of Dox as a hero on some level.
so far i only see villain. maybe we need to see more of his planet clients wanting him back as protector...?
-Skual hasn't made a cover. is he doomed?
- the cyborg controlling Tribulus was WAY too much of a rip-off of Tharok controlling Validus. too much of a coincidence.

a couple plot gaps:
-how did Dox learn about Dawnstar from threeboot Brainy?
-why did he make his containment suit in a female form. he didn't know he was going to find a female with tracking powers on Starhaven.

Gorilla Nebula
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My opinions are similar to many here. Good, exciting story!

and while I love the Legion stuff I always worry it will be taken too far.

Wildstar? Getting put in a Wildfire type of armor? I am trusting it so far because Bedard definately made Wildstar different. She is no Dawnstar clone. She appears to be the town's old crazy lady with a bad wings and a bad leg. I hope she keeps that in the armor.

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Highlights of issue #3...


The debut of Wildstar -

click to enlarge

With wings -

click to enlarge

Strata and Bounder join -

click to enlarge

Omega Men strike -

click to enlarge

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The Infinite Man--of Gripes! (and--of Space!)
The Infinite Man--of Gripes! (and--of Space!)
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FYI, as you may have noticed, I've renamed this thread so that we can continue to dicuss R.E.B.E.L.S. without starting a new one (in the interest of bandwidth/server memory space, etc.).

Anyway--as Nightcrawler's post above clearly shows--R.E.B.E.L.S. no. 3 came out today. The art was fine this week, but the story was only okay, I.M.O. Please read below for specific comments/spoilers.





I'm suprised how well WildStar took the destruction of her physical body. Personally, I'm not crazy about the attempt to merge the attributes of DawnStar and Wildfire into one superhero, though.

On the other hand, it was nice to see Strata again, although I hope that she gets a nicer outfit in the days to come.

As for the new character, Bounder, he's just plain weird, and a bit hard to describe. Suffice it to say that his natural physical state seems to be a rough sphere composed of a variety of oddly shaped pieces, and that his power seems to be the ability to mimic the shapes of other around him ala Chameleon Boy--albeit while maintaining his own colouring and texture.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to reading this book; I just hope that future team members aren't too bizzare or won't hew too closely the future Legionairres.

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I really enjoy the facial expressions Clarke gives Vril. Almost makes me like the character.

I like the look of Wildstar, if not her name or the union of Drake and Dawnstar that she is conceptually. If she'd been a farther future Starhavenite, I'd think she was inspired. But in the LSH's distant past? Not so much.

The depiction of Starhaven kind of bothers me. Everything takes place inside-- fine, that's different from the Starhave we've been shown before. Here, the 1000 years before the Starhaven we 'know' works for the creators. Starhaven is, perhaps, not fully terraformed yet?More is undeveloped than the 'Havenites tiny wings. The general attitudes we see (all male?) towards a problematic member of their community are as stunted as the extra limbs sprouting from their shoulder blades.

It was good to see Strata again, and nice to know that her husband's alive. Bounder looks interesting, if somewhat too similar to Wildstar (when not bounding).

Who'll be next?

And what'd you think of the reveal at the end? I was surprised, but things seemed to fit.

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I have to confess, I'm losing interest in this book, for a few reasons.

First, the slow burn of putting the team together. It's a valid storytelling technique, but it's also one I've come to dislike.

Secondly, Dox's characterization. He's a Magnificent Bastard (ref. but he's not showing it. Instead, it's all "travel to location A, recruit team member B, make snarky concept C."

If Bedard cranked up the action a notch or two, and made Dox more arrogant than passive, I'd keep reading. But for now, it's WFTT.

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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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I can't really add much to what's already been said about the new issue, except that, like Mystery Lad, I'm glad that Strata's husband Garv is alive. Back in the day, I had a crush on Garv -- he's tough but sweet -- and I hope we see him in this book eventually.

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Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
...As for the new character, Bounder, he's just plain weird, and a bit hard to describe. Suffice it to say that his natural physical state seems to be a rough sphere composed of a variety of oddly shaped pieces, and that his power seems to be the ability to mimic the shapes of other around him ala Chameleon Boy--albeit while maintaining his own colouring and texture...
Sorry, it was late when I wrote this, so fatigue and an overly hasty reading made me misreport Bounder's power (I was fooled by the fact that his humanoid form bears a passing resemblance to WildStar's). Anyway, his power more accurately is to form a bouncy sphere, much like Bouncing Boy can. Unfortunately, this does nothing to endear him to me because he's still bizzare and grotesque, in my opinion.

Having said this, I'm still willing to give Mister Bedard a chance because a) this is only the third issue of R.E.B.E.L.S., and b) he's produced some good work in the past on the LSH book.

If the meek shall inherit inherit the Earth, then I at least want Baffin Island - and a property manager to work for me who is made of sterner stuff than I.
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Strata's coloring and texture are sort of wrong.
(I got the comic yesterday and she doesn't appear quite so gray and pebbley in the paper pages, but she's still not 'herself'.)

She lost the grayrock look when she matured into an adult Dryad female.

She should be 'cut' like a gem and glitter whites, pinks and purples, if I remember right.
She said that that's how she knew she was a female.

I love Strata and Garv, so I'm glad to find out that they married and have a baby together.

Will Wildstar were the suit all of the time or is it mostly for spaceflight?
I like her.

Vril is too much of an unconcerned user of others to ever be a hero, imo.
I dislike him intensely, which was why I was so unhappy with the 3boot version of Brainy 5.

Querl might have been distant and sometimes clueless socially, even crazy sometimes, but he never disregarded the lives and futures of his teammates.

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well, for all that people are saying that vril is JUST horrible, etc, i think he's actually being pretty honorable in the sense that he keeps saying "i have contracts with all these worlds to protect them and i'm going to do that". i know he's definitely a jerk, but everything he's saying and doing, to me, feels like he's very much in a hurry. don't get me wrong, he's a jerk, but he's not a coward that runs away and hides!

bedard said strata's look is an intentional redesign. i don't mind how she looks either way. maybe she just went through yet another phase? anyone catch the mention of a baby? <3 <3

i don't see the "slowness" everyone's talking about... i have to say i'm used to reading manga where things happen much more slowly, but you're either reading it in a weekly tiny format or reading it in a 180 page trade so you don't notice. to me, this is still not slow, something happens in each issue, there's a fight in every issue. this time there was a raid on maltus, we learned who the bad guy is, we recruit two more members.

to me, this is a very nice pace. it's frustrating because it's monthly, but i think the quality of story is better. i hate stories that are so compacted that you don't feel like you're in the moment at all.

i was VERY VERY happy with wildstar's reaction to her new body. one of my biggest pet peeves is someone being saved from something debilitating or damaging and then whining about. that horrible bionic woman show really angered me for that reason: "you were in a car crash but i saved your life with science, and you look exactly the same AND you're really strong and powerful." "YOU MADE ME INTO A MONSTER" "....what?". her being grateful and happy that she doesn't have to put up with crappy body and crappy jerkface people anymore is SO refreshing!!

i loved how she immediately told vril to get behind her when they were threatened! she didn't ask "what should I do", she immediately tried to protect him! how great is it that we can already see her inherent heroism!

i also liked that bounder and strata both behaved appropriate and not like crazy people just for the sake of a fight. bounder immediately said he didn't want to hurt her because he wasn't sure of the circumstances and was very friendly. Strata too, she obviously wanted to smash vril's face but has the sense to start talking about things.

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Nobody has mentioned how female-centric the book is so far... plenty of female heroes and female villains.

Pardon my ignorance but what is S.T.A.R.R.O?

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
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