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The Phanty Cats--Fatal Felines From The Phantom Zone!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 02/08/25 06:36 PM
The First Legion Retcon...
by Eryk Davis Ester - 02/08/25 06:35 PM
Happy birthday Pov!
by Ann Hebistand - 02/08/25 05:07 PM
Kill This Thread LXIII - Sticking to your Resolutions
by Ann Hebistand - 02/08/25 03:45 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/08/25 03:00 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/08/25 03:00 AM
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But shouldn't it have said "Proty"?

Ducking for Cover Lad

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Not until *after* the resurrection! wink

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Oh, yeah. Duh.

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Holy cow! Supergirl is back in continuity?!!?? Fantastic!
Last week's Supergirl Annual #2 put the current Supergirl into this current Legion's continuity. I like it because the Legion needs Supergirl and she needs the Legion (and Brainy!). smile

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I suspected as much, but the annual was sold out at my comic shop so I haven't seen it.

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The Present is Past
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I enjoy how the only two Legionnaires to get blurbs on the fancy splash page are the ones that will likely have all that info repeated in-story anyway. Enjoy in the "ha ha" way due to Thom & co. getting obscured. Excited for the issue though and kind of glad it looks to be a post-death story instead of spending the page time to recreate Garth's demise.

Of course, flashbacks within flashbacks aren't unheard of. But I have faith.

Love the double splash page. Kind of wish Saturn Girl had been the only Legionnaire not putting her fist up to play off the level of her remorse. That's a minor idea/nitpick though. It's still great to see the Legion of any age in full force for any event.

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I suspected as much, but the annual was sold out at my comic shop so I haven't seen it.
Oh, whoops. I probably should've put a spoiler note on that. Sorry.

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No worries on my account.

I flipped thru the new issue at the CBS just now, but didn't buy it. I don't care for the artwork. If it had had more than a couple of panels of Supergirl I would've bought it though. Does my heart good to see her with the LSH again after all these years.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Thought this was the best of all the Levitz Adventure stories so far! I thought Paul did a great job showcasing the various Legionnaires on the team at this point, especially Saturn Girl, whose characterization he had down very well. She's mourning for Garth after finally coming to terms that she loves him, as well as blaming herself--plus feeling guilty about fixing the election. It's a lot for one person!

I love that Superboy and Supergirl are both present in this story and not just at the funeral. I loved the Supergirl annual and it's establishing Supergirl back into continuity per the Silver Age (with Supergirl from the current series). I want more scenes with her interacting with Kal-El but maybe that will come in her title. As it stands it was cool to see them both with Jo.

I really liked seeing Star Boy in his classic costume in action. Makes me miss him in the current Legion title.

I kept expecting Zaryan secretly living through this to plague the current Legion and was surprised when it didn't happen.

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Supergirl had to appear because of how the continuity now works: in annual #2 she joined the Legion by landing in the Legion's future. She can't travel through time on her own, so her early appearances pretty much happened all in one block. (Of course, by this reasoning she should have appeared in the past few issues too.)

Personally I didn't like the issue much. Imagine coming to it as a new reader: it left out the actual death except in a flashback, it was paced very oddly, several things get explained too briefly (like Mon-El being the ghost), and it ends with Saturn Girl vowing to revive someone who's supposedly dead--which is an utterly ludicrous thing to do. (You didn't see Superman after the Crisis vowing to find a way to revive Supergirl, did you?) If you weren't already knowledgeable about the Legion you'd wonder "what's the point?" Not to mention that you'd expect the revival of Lightning Lad soon and it won't happen (and the circumstances under which it happens make it a bad idea to flashback to).

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Bold Flavors
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The way I understand it is Supergirl has multiple future adventures with the Legion where they go back to get her, much like they do with Superboy. They are in Supergirl's future but the current Legion's past.

So she spent a month+ in the 30th Century when she first joined the Legion but other than that initial 'block', she'll show back up sporadically.

(Forgive me if you understand it that way too; actually writing it out is confusing...)

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Glad to see Supergirl back as well. It's too bad about Lyle Norg though.

And poor Jaques is now a white guy?


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Originally posted by Future:

Love the double splash page. Kind of wish Saturn Girl had been the only Legionnaire not putting her fist up to play off the level of her remorse. That's a minor idea/nitpick though. It's still great to see the Legion of any age in full force for any event.
Under John's revisions, Brainy and the Legion member he described as "The only Legionnaire accepted to this team because of happenstance, as in he happened to be there when Rokk and Imra saved the life of R.J. Brande.", Garth, did not get along at all--so perhaps a rueful Brainy is rethinking his belittling attitude towards Garth, or perhaps is just being stoic. Phantom Girl, however, seems to have taken Garth's death escpecially hard...

"I am the LEGION--you colossal Jerk!"--Garth Ranzz LEGION #63
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I liked this issue too. The art was good and the artists, Sharpe and Alquiza, do a good job of capturing a "youthful" Legion. That in combination with the Silver Age costumes gives it classic feel IMO.

I agree with everyone that seeing Supergirl with the Legion is amazing, and having Superboy there as well is an added bonus. Hey, maybe this is a prelude to Kara making an appearance in the current time-line in either one of the books. smile

I like how Paul is really taking his time fleshing out the character of Imra and giving us the under the surface factors and motives for her behaviour soon after these current events and Garth's resurrection (namely becoming the cold, strong, detached leader type we see Imra turn into). Add this event and the guilt to her more recent, *ahem* transgression and we see this flawed person who is yet still bound by duty and honour. It really is a lot of burden for one young person to try and shoulder by themselves. Paul is "humanizing" her before our very eyes!
The scenes with her friends comforting her were nice touches as well.

Although I'm excited about Adventure becoming a current companion series to the regular Legion book, I think I will miss these behind-the-scenes tales of the young Legionnaires.

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The mistake on Invisible Kid's identity was regrettable as was the dirrect atribution of the prophesy to Naltor when they had just set it up so that they could be sending it through intermediaries and it wouldn't have contradicted the original history. All in all a very good issue otherwise. And, it raised an interesting question for both the original history and this version of the Legion: Does Supergirl occasionally know about the Legion's future and have to 'play along' so she does not change it? I mean, surely her cousin has told her stories of his time in the Legion (minus her prescence there) and events of such importance as Lightning Lad's death and resurection would have been amoungst those stories. So either she is pretending to not know about it or her memory has seriously been messed with. What do you think?

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at long last my signature is fulfilled!!!!!

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Originally posted by Korbal:
Under John's revisions, Brainy and the Legion member he described as "The only Legionnaire accepted to this team because of happenstance, as in he happened to be there when Rokk and Imra saved the life of R.J. Brande.", Garth, did not get along at all--...
I have never been under the impression that Rokk and Imra saved Brande without Garth in the thick of things.
I'm SURE that I remember his lightning playing an important part in the capturing of the assassins.
In every boot, actually, so I'm not sure what this comment is about??

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Brainy was just being a jerk when he said that. Anyway, since then Levitz showed all three founders, including Garthm saving Brande in Adv #516. (And, yeah, this time I double-checked.)

Levitz's Garth and Brainy are miles above Johns' deranged caricatures of them, but his Saturn Girl is a spectacular faux pas. I didn't buy Adv #520 and I'm not going to - I'd rather spend the money on toilet paper - but I *did* read it, and must conclude that this arc should never have been written.

After all is said and done, what are we left with? Besides about 120 pages of unappealing artwork, that is.

-- Cosmic Boy as a victim of a telepathic violation, which dotted his mind with holes that might cause some nasty mental problems down the road. Saturn Girl never atones for stealing his memories of that night, nor does she express any guilt about it. She probably hasn't given it a thought in years.
-- An ugly smear on Saturn Girl's relationship with Lightning Lad, who might not have fallen for her - let alone DIED for her - had he known about the night of drunken bootie + mindwipe. ("What'd you say, Mon-El? That creepy space-tart who messed with Cos went off to commit suicide against Zaryan? Okay, gimme ten, fifteen minutes, I'll check it out.")
-- A central character (Saturn Girl) who develops greater self-esteem and leadership skills, and sheds a lot of crocodile tears along the way -- but never learns to be moral human being.

At the end of the issue, Saturn Girl walks off into the sunset only to cheat once again (Duralim wand switcheroo), which costs another life lost in her place. If Einstein was right that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, she's plumb crazy.

Given the chance to select SG's perfect "kharma", I'd make her The Bride of Darkseid. They were made for each other, and they've been intimate before ... kind of.

P.S. My complaint about the closed coffin still stands, plus I also protest the total absence of Spectrium medallions! Modern-day writers have NO imagination.

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Lightning Lad and Brainy are shown to be quite the rivals in recent times. I think Johns was going for the impulsive vs logical dynamic. Remember Lightning Lad said he reprogrammed Brainy's flight ring to go backwards? In the Supergirl annual Lightning Lad was looking to frazzle Brainy until Kara gave him 'the stare'

'You don't need a victory to prove to me you're tops' - Supergirl to Brainiac 5 (Adventure Comics 375)
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I didn't read the Supergirl annual but it sounds like Gates modeled the characters after Johns' versions -- another good reason for me not to read it. As rabidly critical as I am of the Levitz3 Legion, I approve of PL's decision to ignore much of what Johns did.

I suspect Johns would have retconned Zaryan's death after making such a big stink about the "No Killing" rule in LO3W. This time we get fried Zaryan PLUS the distinct possibility that some of his humanoid (clone?) underlings died with him on the command ship, which appears to explode and vaporize behind SG and LL on page ?? (the page with Editor's Kid's footnote). I want an official body count!

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Originally posted by Korbal:
Under John's revisions, Brainy and the Legion member he described as "The only Legionnaire accepted to this team because of happenstance, as in he happened to be there when Rokk and Imra saved the life of R.J. Brande.",
Yeah, along with the 'Red Tornado-is-Wildfire' thing, I suspect that Paul wanted to back away from this quickly, and so went out of his way to show Garth being effective and useful during the Brande save-age.

Same as he quickly shot down the Titanians-as-Lanothians nonsense from the recent Brainiac storyline, and the Titanians / Winathians / Braalians-as-aliens from the previous xenophobia storyline.

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I'm with Cobie. I liked this issue. A lot. Saturn Girl is manipulative. But she's a telepath! If she weren't manipulative, she'd be "Girl Who Never Uses a Power Lass." I think this issue in particular gave us a chance to see her make awful mistakes and begin learning from them, which is awesome. I think Garth would have been in love with Imra even if he knew about her dalliance with Rokk, since she chose not to pursue it any further. Plus, he can be a little less jealous because Rokk doesn't remember it. I like the Saturn Girl/Lightning Lad relationship because it's somewhat improbable, and I think Levitz has done a good job (especially in the "grown up" Legion) of showing their passion for and irritation with each other.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Saturn Girl's blurb once again incorrectly identifies her as "Imra Ardeen-Ranzz."
Agreed on the Supergirl costume. Compared to the other females, she's Slutty Girl.

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Saturn Girl's blurb once again incorrectly identifies her as "Imra Ardeen-Ranzz."
Agreed on the Supergirl costume. Compared to the other females, she's Slutty Girl.
I guess all the legion females caught up with her in the "Disco Era"

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I wonder what else could be done to sort of conservitize (?) her current costume, or at least cover up the belly?
Maybe the fans should send in their own designs for a new costume a la the 70's! smile

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