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2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601708 04/05/08 06:55 AM
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Well, it's over. I wish I could've watched this episode without knowing that it was the last of the series.

The next steps in the characterizations of Kal-El and Brainiac 5 were handled well-- with surprising results, at least in Brainy's case. But I couldn't help wanting an episode with some sort of spotlight on that foursome that kept showing up as background filler in so many episodes. Element Lad, Sun Boy, Blok and Tyroc deserved their own spotlights. And we, as fans, didn't get them.

The list of other characters who never got animated is long. As is the roster of characters who had *a* moment, but deserved follow-up.

That that is, is.

That hive queen of Colu... I liked the voice actress chosen for this part. I would've liked to see more of Colu. I wonder how the new Brainy would be treated there?

That transformation of Brainy... I was surprised to see a humanized Querl Dox here. I supposed he has the force field power, as evidenced by the dots on his head? Or will his super-intelligence be enough to keep his place in the LSH? I still wish there'd been an 'origin' episode where we discovered that his intelligence was the only thing he demonstrated to get onto the team.

Isn't it too bad that the opportunity to feature a Composite Legionnaire wasn't taken? I thought that was going to be what happened at the end of the fight with B-1, since the Legionnaires were all digitized and inside Brainy. Were the pink Brainy's that overcame B1 supposed to suggest that? They had fire-heads, sort of like Sun Boy and there were multiples, like Duo Damsel/Triplicate Girl...

It was good to see 'white' Trips saunter out of the transport tube and reunite with her selves. The presentation of the ring always has an impact. But shouldn't Kell have chosen an Adjective Boy/Lad/Kid name? I think he should.

LONG LIVE THE LEGION. Followed by that evil evolving cliffhanger, to be followed up on in the comic, maybe? I wish they'd left that bit out, as a group shot LLL would've been the perfect closing scene on the series.

Maybe that means there'll be a season 3, against all present signs.

I've been thinking... what if all of us bought a copy of the the next issue of the 'toon LSH comic and sent it to someone (the same someone?) at the Cartoon Network.

I don't think petitions are enough anymore, but I could be wrong there.

Anyway, with a sigh and a wish... LONG LIVE THE LEGION!

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601709 04/05/08 07:41 AM
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Not much between despair and ecstacy
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From the "digitization" of Thanager, it was obvious that this was going to be a "reset button" episode, and it was -- in more ways than one.

That said, the swearing-in ceremony was heart-warming, and I had to laugh at the final scene -- partly because I misunderstood the new villain to say, "Emo never ends . . . it evolves!" The cliffhanger also nicely assured that the Legion's mission will always continue, even if the cartoon does not.

Although most of the Legionnaires didn't have speaking roles and few of the "walk-ons" were spotlighted this season, it was good to see them in action in the finale. For the most part, whenever the entire Legion gets together to face some big menace, only a few members really become the central focus of the story while the others are reduced to cameos, one-liners, and the obligatory power demo shots. That's not a bad thing as any story gets overcrowded when more characters have significant things to do. As it is, we got Cos, LL, Saturn Girl, Brainy, Kell, Kal, and Timber Wolf all playing major roles this time -- seven is about the max in most Legion stories.

Brainy's transformation at the end also honors a well-established Legion (and comic book) tradition. He has to leave the Legion for a time to figure out what it all means. If he had been restored to his previous state, the story would have had no impact (a particular challenge for any "reset button" story). His transformation into a human Brainy is yet another nice nod to the Legion's past.

More significant for me was Kal/Kell saying that Brainy was his hero. That moment accomplished the necessary purpose of getting Brainy to re-enter the battle, but it also nicely resolved the subplot of Brainy's hero-worship of Kal. Brainy gets to see himself through Superman's eyes in the same way he sees Superman. I wish that we could teach all kids to see themselves as heroes!

So the finale was "nice." It delivered what it was supposed to do and little else. In a season in which the cartoon seemed to be focussing on eight-year-old boys as its target audience, that's understandable but a little disappointing. The first season strove to appeal to both a young audience and long-time fans.

But it was great to have a Legion cartoon that made such an effort to be true to the spirit of the original series. Everything else was a bonus!

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601710 04/05/08 07:46 AM
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Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT!!!! if they had to go out it was a good way to end. good to see triplcate girl reunited and kinda sorry to see Kal return to the 41 century. i'm kinda hoping that maybe at Comic-con they'll have a happy suprise for us and say that there will be a 3rd season maybe on cartoon network. wishful thinking. i know frown

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601711 04/05/08 10:07 AM
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It was a solid finale. Yet one more take on the old "Legionnaire seemingly gone bad but saved by their love interest who believes in them" staple that we saw so many times in the Adventure Era.

It's disappointing that it's actually over, because the setup for next season at the end actually seems cooler than anything we've seen thus far.

Overall, the cartoon has been easily my favorite take on the Legion in well over a decade, so I'm really sorry to see it go. I'll miss a lot of the distinctive aspects of this version of the team. And they actually kind of suceeded in making me like Kell-El at the end. I hadn't realized that he'd never been given a Legion ring before now, however.

Yay for Triplicate Girl's return! I would've been disappointed if we hadn't gotten that scene.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601712 04/05/08 10:15 AM
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I agree with everything said above. Nothing surprised me about the finale except for Brainy's fate, but it was solid and delivered everything it needed to.

I'm ironically the most excited for the Legion cartoon that I've ever been right now, now that it's over. With the boundary lines blurring between who's a core Legionnaire, and with a lot more potential heroes in the background to be mixed in, the third season could have exploded for longtime fans. Especially if there was one less Superman to focus on, though this was probably the most fond of Kell I've ever been.

Saw the Trips return coming ever since Bouncy mentioned it in passing in the opener, but that didn't make it any less welcome. I was also surprised, given the preview for this episode, how long the Legionnaires survived against Brainiac. Great use of the force fields and the Coluans here, in an eerie reminder of the Daxamites in the Great Darkness Saga.

Great seeing a human Brainy too. I like the design and that twist, implausible as it may be.

I'm pleased by the cartoon's progression. I went from adamantly avoiding it to now being saddened by its cancellation. A lot of the characters finally shaped up and found their place (and my interest), such as this version of Cos and Kell.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601713 04/05/08 10:18 AM
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I echo all those statements above and I was so thrilled and also I would like to add the interesting tidbits I have observed to this:

#1 - Saw Nemesis Kid get digitized while Karate Kid avoided being digitized and I said "YES!!! you go KK!" am I being too mean? smile

#2 - too fast - one second to blur by - XS, Invisible Kid, Polar Boy, Matter Eater Lad, Ultra Boy...I wish they could add those and how they fared.

#3 - the powers shown at last!!! Element Lad using the transfomation (from his hands?) to encase the droids, Colossal Boy first Legionnaire to grow and fought valiantly...Sun Boy leaves a trail of the fire from his head (similar to Firestorm or Starfire in comics.)...Tyroc using his sonic to disrupt....the powers combo of Lightning Lad and Sun Boy really awesome and dangerous!

#4 - Could not help that Phantom Girl was left out....yes she's there but no speaking lines? Hmm..

#5 - a deja vu from the first episode where Superboy holding a "dying" Brainiac 5 in hologram...a role reversal in the last episode. a good one.

#6 - When I saw Duo Damsel before Kell-El goes back to 41st through the chronal tube...I was thinking "oh no more Trip Girl?" and was saddened...then was surprised to see a white TG coming back - "yes!!!!" the best part of them all!

#7 - Brainiac 5 really stole the whole show...a Genius, was good to see him becoming a human and that remained me of Legionnaires where he, Andromeda, Umbra and Kinetix went through the Anomaly and they were all transformed (Umbra, to a lesser extent)...made me think if the Anomaly is created by Brainiac 1 or just by Time Trapper?? hmm that one will remain a mystery. Anyway, my heart really went out for him as when he decides to resign from the Legion.

Lastly but not least, I hope that somebody will consider having the 3rd season for the Legion go to the Cartoon Network like the Brave and the Bold is now with. I plan to go to the SDCC and hopefully someone in the DC Panel will listen - two seasons are too short, way too short and they're popular with young kids.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601714 04/05/08 10:25 AM
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I don't think the ending set up any kind of third season. I see it as a set up for a direct-to-DVD movie.

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601715 04/05/08 10:42 AM
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I've posted my full review here , but I did want to cross post my main qritique here, as well as a my fanboy rants, since I know Legion Worlders will know what I'm talking about.

". . . the epilogue with Duo Damsel is meaningless to anyone who missed the season opening two-parter. Lu should have got a line of dialogue somewhere in which she recalled losing one of her selves in the future. I'm okay with not having an explanation for how Lu-White survived and found her way back, but we should have been reminded of her existence somewhere in this episode.

". . . I really wish the reconstructed Brainiac at the end of the episode had looked more like Pulsar Stargrave, or at least less like a mutant-hunting Sentinel.

"Of course, we'll never see a season three, but if it were possible, I'd like it to open on Rimbor, with Brainy implicated in the murder of Ayn Ryd. Hearing of Brainy's arrest, the Legion would naturally rush to the aid of their old teammates. Much drama could be mined, I think, from concern over whether or not Brainy has given in to the darker side of human emotion, just as he nearly succumbed to evil programming. Besides, as a Firefly/Serenity fan, I think Rimbor would be great fun, animated.

"Such an episode also would allow for a much-needed spotlight on Ultra Boy, and maybe even the introduction of a romance between the princess, Phantom Girl, and the bad boy, Jo.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601716 04/05/08 10:44 AM
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Tyroc using his sonic to disrupt...
now my knowledge of Tyroc's powers is limited but wouldn't he need an atmosphere with oxygen for his sonic powers to work? or would the oxygen in their trans suits be suffencient enough for his powers to work?
i was watching it and going YEAH Tyroc!! awesome!! but then with there being no oxygen in space. wouldn't he about as affective in a space battle as say triplicate girl?
and i'm happy Dawnstar had a brief cameo. smile

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601717 04/05/08 11:00 AM
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Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
After all, with J.M. Dematteis penning episodes, it's a crying shame we never got treated to an appearance by Dr. Mayavale.
I agree strongly. The good doctor would've been far cooler in animation than he ever was in the actual comic.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601718 04/05/08 01:40 PM
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i saw the whole brainy turning humanlike coming for a while now, so it wasn't really shocked when i saw it, i was thinking that they were going to go a more matrix root with it, like b5 was controlling it from a sleep pod or something. i was happy that we did get to see humanlike brainy before the show ended

i saw no real point to Giant brainiac 5 when i it showed up on the screen, i think my thought was evil turning giant any thing never helps them, i felt last weeks ep was better when it came to the fighting there was more desperation to it last week

i still think Kell was the biggest waist of a season, he did nothing really special in this ep to change that thought for me

it was a damn shame that this was the last episode i think it has a strong enough fan base that i could last

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601719 04/05/08 01:44 PM
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For me, the best part of the show was sitting on the couch holding hands with my 5-year old son. When the Legion all got digitized, he said "they can still win if they all work together." He got it. That's the point of the Legion. It's why they were my imaginary friends, long after the age when one expects to have them. A place to belong. A place to contribute. A place to be part of something bigger than yourself. A Legion. Of friends. Of lovers. Of rivals. Of brothers. Of sisters. Of people more important to you at that moment then anyone else ever has been, or ever will be. It's sad to think of everything that might have been with this show that won't be now. But that moment was enough.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601720 04/05/08 02:02 PM
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Dammit now I'm bumed even more that I missed the episode -__- Does anyone know of where I can watch it?

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601721 04/05/08 02:21 PM
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Originally posted by Acid Digestion Lad:
Dammit now I'm bumed even more that I missed the episode -__- Does anyone know of where I can watch it?
it usually takes a day or to for it to pop up on line if i see it i'll sen you the link

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601722 04/05/08 02:33 PM
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I was so amazed by the last two episodes of LoSH!
It wasn't so surprising that superman didn't die, but I guess the thought of Brainy (almost) actually killing him was more of an impact than anything.I felt SO sorry for Brainiac 5 when it showed him hanging there almost dissasembled and when superman said exactly what Brainy pictured him saying in the first episode (aww). I knew that Duo Damsel would become Triplicate girl again but the scene still made me choke up( As did alot of scenes). The end with Brainiac 1.0 reassembling himself was so shocking and cliff-hanging! I started yelling at my VCR because it stopped recording before it showed Brainiac 1.0 talking...And then with Brainy becoming a humanoid Coluan!The first thing I said when it showed him out of his technologic form was "Wow..." (and then I blushed)! I wish they would make a third season, or at least a movie... we should show it to Cartoon Network or something! I have to say that I actually started crying after the episode ended... I know, i'm an Otaku...I would also lije to know exactly what brainy did when he auditioned for the legion!

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601723 04/05/08 02:43 PM
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Originally posted by doublechinner:
For me, the best part of the show was sitting on the couch holding hands with my 5-year old son. When the Legion all got digitized, he said "they can still win if they all work together." He got it. That's the point of the Legion.
Very cool dub, very very cool, and very well said by both of you! Way to raise the next generation of Legion fans! I watched it with my kids too (every week)!

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601724 04/05/08 02:56 PM
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My friend at work watches it every Saturday with his five year old son. You are all the reason why the Legion will always Live Long!

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601725 04/05/08 03:12 PM
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Originally posted by kidflash2fan:
it usually takes a day or to for it to pop up on line if i see it i'll sen you the link [/QB]
Ah, thanks man.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601726 04/05/08 03:55 PM
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one of the good things about part one of this two parter is they explained why invisible kid wasn't on the team

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601727 04/05/08 05:29 PM
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More Clips are available.

Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601728 04/05/08 06:21 PM
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To bad we could not petition Cartoon Network to pick up the show, Unfortunately I heard James Tucker and crew will be doing a new Batman Brave & the Bold show for them instead.

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601729 04/05/08 08:44 PM
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Good epsiode. Kid FLash 2 could you hook me up as well.

Jin Rai!!!
Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601730 04/06/08 08:51 AM
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Originally posted by Dairaioh:
Good epsiode. Kid FLash 2 could you hook me up as well.
no prob

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601731 04/06/08 08:55 AM
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Maybe we'll get an appearance by the Legion teaming up with Batman on the Brave and Bold cartoon.

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Re: 2.13 Dark Victory, Part 2-- Spoilers and Images
#601732 04/06/08 01:53 PM
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The episodes were produced last year. The voices were recorded between around February and May of 2007, and animated over the summer. Thus, the entire second season was produced and ready to go by the time the first episode of season 2 aired, well before the KidsWB announcement was made that someone else would be doing Saturday mornings.

And they pretty much had to make the last episode a series finale in case it was not renewed for a third season. You'll remember that's how season 1 ended, with Superman going back to Smallville, having learned how to be a hero.

With the production staff moving on to Brave and Bold, I don't see any way to return to the 31st century outside of a direct-to-DVD movie, certainly not a third season. I'm fully prepared to eat my words, though.

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