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Great to see Element Lad, Sun Boy, Block and Tyroc in action...sadly no lines.
Matter Eater Lad and Star Boy are selected as the newest members. Star Boy is not only the Star Boy of the current series, he has the ability to take mass from an object and transfer it to other objects/people etc. Interesting touch! I could be wrong but isn't M-E's costume sort of like the one he had in Pre-Zero Hour Legionnaires, y'know with the tooth emblem? IIRC, that version of Tenzil had a tiny tooth emblem.
Porcupine Pete as the Subs' leader is interesting. Infectious Lass having the same stuffed voice type as Chuckie Finster from the Rugrats...koool! Stone Boy speaking halfway through the episode and his friends' reaction: "Wow, you can talk!" is priceless! Chlorophyll Kid is pretty much what I expected and is taken straight out from Giffen's Legion of Substitute Heroes Special, although I miss the original look from the Adventure Comics era. Color Kid's look is also from the Subs Special...another nice touch.
Starfinger had Mark II's from the later part of the Baxter Series and Lars Hanscom individual finger abilities...and yes like many of you I laughed so hard I nearly broke my furniture with his thumb power that enabled him to fly and the other finger that made those creatures. Weird accent though.
Any thoughts?
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This episode was AWESOME!! The subs were a freakin' riot, and so was Starfinger, who reminded me a of Sigfried and Roy with the accent and everything. And some more awesome things....
Bouncing Boy's pep talk to the rejects The cameos, THE CAMEOS! Porcipine Pete's mom Stone boy speaks! And who can forget Matter-Eater Lad? I was kind of expecting him to be one of the rejected ones, but I think he proved that his power can be useful when he ate that bomb.
Feel free to add on to the list...
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I got to watch todays episode and it was a good one. I won't reveal any info in case I screw up the spoiler. Anyways it's a must watch. I will ask one question. For those who did watch it was that tall figure at the end of the episode Colossal Boy?
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I thought it was great to see the substitues. Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy were great. Not to mention Matter Eater Lad. Was that Colossal Boy at the end making a brief cameo when the league was all together with the subs? Does he appear in any episodes. Haven't seen them all yet
"Anyone got a patch? I think I have a flat"
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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I did like that they paid tribute to the original Subs story in that the Subs handled the real menace while the Legion was distracted.
I just wonder why Tyroc? I think Tellus or Dawnstar would have been a better pick for a cameo shot.
And seeing how Star Boy has Light Lass' power, does this mean no Ayla for the series?
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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Originally posted by Bouncing Boy 61: I thought it was great to see the substitues. Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy were great. Not to mention Matter Eater Lad. Was that Colossal Boy at the end making a brief cameo when the league was all together with the subs? Does he appear in any episodes. Haven't seen them all yet I'd have to see it again. I think the tall one was Blok.
Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.: And seeing how Star Boy has Light Lass' power, does this mean no Ayla for the series? Actually, I think they're just going to give her lighting powers just like Lightning lad and Mekt(that probably would make more sense anyway). She might even appear in Chain of Command, considering the episode takes place on Winath.
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Long live the Legion!
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Looks like when Ayla shows up, she'll have lightning powers like her brothers, since Star Boy has the anti-gravity thing covered.
I did not expect so many happy surprises from the previews. Star Boy! Element Lad! Sun Boy! Blok! And, uh, Tyroc.
Nice to see Polar Boy and Fire Lad at least in the crowd, if not actual Subs this time around. Stone Boy rocked. And no, that wasn't meant as a pun, but I'll just run with it... Yay for Porcupine Pete! Poor Color Kid, he just blasted into the fray with such enthusiasm, I felt bad for him. I was kinda hoping he'd figure out to turn Starfinger's helmet opaque or something, but that probably would have made him an even bigger threat, flailing around, death-rays everywhere...
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This episode didn't meet my expectations from the previews. I am disappointed in Star Boy's added powers and the prevention of a Light Lass.
Polar Boy, Night Girl, and Fire Lad were sorely missed. And Infectious Lass in the cartoon just seemed to pale in comparison to the wonderful (perfect!) version appearing in TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED.
Otherwise, I enjoyed it. But, like the current Legion comic...I could see the possibilites for it to be a lot better.
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Time Trapper
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Awesome, hilarious episode, as expected!
I LOVE that Drura seemed like she was suffering from allergies with the stuffy nose and "bloodshot" eyes. She was very cute and brave and sweet.
My wife doesn't know these characters very well, so when she saw Color Kid with the rainbow on his shirt, she asked "Is that Alternative Lifestyle Lad?" which was a fair question and actually, pretty much spot on! His flamboyant personality fit quite right, IMO. He was fun.
LOVE that Stone Boy was silent for so long, and then brilliant later! Excellent.
TENZIL was AMAZING! He ate that bomb. He ate the ALIEN! That's not normal, but the "tastes like chiken" line was funny.
STARFINGER cracked me up with his Sigfield and/or Roy personality.... best line of the show..."What? Do I owe you money or somezing?" HAH LOL!
Loved seeing Jan and Dirk and Blok and Tyroc! I was hoping for a Dreamy cameo, but there was so much else going on, I can't complain.
I could go on and on! This was great.
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I've figured out how to do screen caps, so don't be surprised if I end up posting that stuff!
Colossal Boy AND Blok were in that group shot at the end of the ep. Also, there's a dark shape on Blok's shoulder that *must* be Shrinking Violet!
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Nope, it's *definitely* Vi. I saw better details in the next scene!
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I may be in the minority - I am kind of disappointed....kind of mixed feelings....not exactly my favorite episode... I thought that Polar Boy and Night Girl would appear in it because I felt that Polar Boy is the soul of the Sub Heroes while Night Girl is the heart of it. No Fire Lad, Polar Boy, and Night Girl - kind of strange without them. Porcupine Pete really shone...but the one who really stole the show is Stone Boy. I was like huh? in the beginning of the show...until he spoke up, showing his intelligence...really caught me off guard and made me smile because I remember his second appearance that he made into the Legion but turned down. Yeah, that's Stone Boy. good to see Sun Boy, Element Lad, Blok and Tyroc - it was really delighted to see them in action especially Tyroc and Blok. did not catch Colossal Boy and Vi in the end. I think that it's funny to induct Star Boy in the Legion because he used to be a member of Subs when he killed Kenz during the Adventure Era. Hmmmm. I thought that Ferro Lad would make an appearance and get inducted and would be the one who would sacrifice his life battling Sun Eater in upcoming episode...so wait and see.
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Frikkin loved the epsiode but it just didn't feel the same without Polar boy, Night girl and Fire Lad.(although he was there for the tryouts.) and i liked how Starfinger seemed to be an amalgamation of Johnny Bravo and Senior Jr. from Kim Possible.
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Best. Show. Ever.
Tenzil: "Now I'm Matter-Eater Lad" Garth: "Cool name!"
Says it all.
I think this show demonstrates conclusively that there are no small Legion characters, just small Legion creators. No disrespect to Waid and Kitson, but really, it's just not the Legion without Bouncing Boy and M-E Lad.
Even my wife got into this episode. Pete's mom, the phone booth scenes, the "fabulous" Color Kid, the disco Star Finger (I think he's the Governator, personally). The 4-year-old LOVED Stone Boy -- "they have to carry him everywhere!"
I defend using Porcupine Pete and Infectious Lass over Polar Boy and Night Girl. For one, Pete and Drura were introduced in the first Legion story I ever read, and I have loved them ever since. Second, let's face it, they're just funnier than Brek and Lydda, both of whom could really qualify for the Legion itself in a just universe. Polar Boy and Night Girl would have just been annoyed and embarrassed by the other Subs. Here, they were all on the same trajectory of self-discovery and self-confidence.
Whoever thought of the brown fuzzies coming out of the pinkie, then floating into the air and morphing into ozone-eating Kirby-bots, deserves an Emmy, or an Eisner, or something. That's just amazing stuff.
...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Quite an enjoyable episode. I had some doubts until Starfinger stole the show. The cameos by Element Lad, Tyroc, & Blok put it over the top. Porcupine Pete was fantastic, especially because he took over for Polar Boy, & it would take a very unusual depiction of Polar Boy for me to be able to appreciate him. Anyway, I'm sure we'll see more of him, Night Girl, & Fire Lad down the road. Stone Boy falling on Starfinger was quite a tribute to the Substitutes special issue from Giffen. But the take on Starfinger was brilliantly original. I do hope we see more of him dwn the road too.
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Seriously, it's like the payoff for fans who were holding the torch for Matter-Eater Lad and Infectious Lass all these years.
Bouncing Boy, Matter-Eater Lad and Infectious Lass-- COOL, after all these years! Yes, the kiddies are going to fall in love with these characters, no doubt.
Star Boy and M-E Lad showed their worth right off the bat, didn't they?
Looks like my guy Kem already had some pals/fans in the LSH! And HOW freakin' kewl was his audition?!?
My only complaint: No Polar Boy or Night Girl, but an arguement could be made that the inclusion of those 2 would have made the Subs TOO powerful.
I also hope Dru's inhaler was just a sight gag; otherwise, I ADORED her! Loved her nerdy/nasal voice!
Pete filled Brek's shoes admirably as the "Let's Go, Subs!" leader-guy. And his MOM...! *tee hee!*
Stone Boy knows how to make an entrance!
Ral will be a force to reckon with once he gains more control of his plants.
I actually enjoyed Starfinger, for like maybe the first time ever. Loved him here!
All this and Tyroc, Blok, Dirk and Jan too!
I laughed out loud with delight at least 4 times, and broke into applause 3 times!
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I think that is why Polar Boy and Night Girl weren't shown. They have bigger plans for them.....
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Now that I've read all comments:
One could even argue that Fire Lad would have made them too powerful. So I guess overall it makes sense; and I totally agree with (iirc) D'chinner on page 1, stating that the Subs featured were pretty much at the same point in life. Risking the wrath of disappointed Brek and Lydda fans, I'm going to go ahead and fall on the side of saying it was a good call.
I didn't even notice how "FABULOUS" (if you get my drift) Color Kid was apparently portrayed, as I was too busy fawning over Tenzil, Dru and Pete... I'll have to rewatch and observe closely! That's frikkin' awesome!
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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I just watched it and loved it! Color Kid was so cute with the "chartreuse, magenta, lavender" thing. Yes, "fabulous" is a good word for him. He also bears a passing resemblance to Joe-Boy's design of Rockhopper Lad, which makes me love Color Kid all the more! That, Tenzil, Drura and all the others just made the whole thing a riot. I missed Brek and Lydda, but I expect we'll see them again.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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Originally posted by Sketch Lad: I've figured out how to do screen caps, so don't be surprised if I end up posting that stuff! I'm actually working on screen capping all the episodes, probably around 1,000 images from each. I'll be adding them to my LegionPics site and posting a link here.
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Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate
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Face it, no one episode is going to give us everything. I'm still waiting to see my favorite, Chameleon Boy, but I remember him being prominent in the New Kids in Town episode of Superman, so I'm not too upset that he hasn't appeared here yet.
I loved this episode, esp. Stone Boy being the one to make the connection between the two cases. I had a feeling that there would be a connection somehow.
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no polarboy or nightgirl great episode anyway love the cameos and remember brek emblem appears in the opening credits so at some point he joins the legion wish ultraboy was in it one of my top 5 legionaires
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I was so delighted by the Subs I had forgotten about E-Lad, Sun Boy, Blok and Tyroc. Didn't Brainy say something like "way to go, Tyroc"? That HAS to be the only positive feedback the character has ever gotten from a fellow Legionnaire. Should have said "Right on, Tyroc!" but the sentiment is appreciated. I'm already envisioning a disco death-match between Starfinger and Tyroc. Why not? Starfinger's got one power for each digit, and Tyroc's voice does all different things, right? It's a perfect match up. Color Kid can DJ and provide a fabulous light show. Someone send this to Tucker. Or Torres, for that matter--they could do it in the comic!
...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Originally posted by Bouncing Boy 61: Was that Colossal Boy at the end making a brief cameo when the league was all together with the subs? Does he appear in any episodes. Haven't seen them all yet It was and he has, before the opening credits last week but he did not use his powers. Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.: I just wonder why Tyroc? I think Tellus or Dawnstar would have been a better pick for a cameo shot. I think both Tellus and Dawnstar have BIG story potential. Tyroc probably won't get any significant part in this version of the Legion so a quick throw away scene gets him into the 'canon' and available for a figure. I REALLY CAN'T WAIT for a story featuring Dawny and Drake. The animated version of Wildfire should be GREAT. There will be plenty of story potential for those two in, I hope, season 2 (or 3).
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