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#595486 04/21/11 01:30 AM
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Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Bit of a letdown that NONE of the Legionnaires on the variant cover are actually in the book.
That isn't a variant cover - it's the cover of #13.
Dunno why it was included in the preview.

"Our devotion to each other was unexplainable"
"You were kids"
"No Batman, we were Legion"
#595487 04/21/11 07:14 AM
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I haven't fully absorbed this issue yet, as I fell asleep reading it last night. But it seems ridiculous that the LSV is busy killing off their own applicants and then Saturn Queen passes on the chance to kill Earth Man and Brainy, considering that their whole mission is to kill Legionnaires. And what purpose does that mission serve exactly? Okay, so SQ and LL are crazy, but even if they succeeded in killing off the entire Legion, where does that get them? Will they then be free to take over the universe or something? Seems pretty doubtful with the SPs, the new Green Lantern corps, and countless other super dudes out there.

This kind of simplistic, illogical writing is what really irks me about many of DC's comics. Is anybody reading the Young Avengers' Children's Crusade? It has top notch art and writing about complex characters with understandable motives. Why can't DC come up with a team like that for Legion?

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#595488 04/21/11 08:52 AM
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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I haven't fully absorbed this issue yet, as I fell asleep reading it last night. But it seems ridiculous that the LSV is busy killing off their own applicants and then Saturn Queen passes on the chance to kill Earth Man and Brainy, considering that their whole mission is to kill Legionnaires. And what purpose does that mission serve exactly? Okay, so SQ and LL are crazy, but even if they succeeded in killing off the entire Legion, where does that get them? Will they then be free to take over the universe or something? Seems pretty doubtful with the SPs, the new Green Lantern corps, and countless other super dudes out there.

This kind of simplistic, illogical writing is what really irks me about many of DC's comics. Is anybody reading the Young Avengers' Children's Crusade? It has top notch art and writing about complex characters with understandable motives. Why can't DC come up with a team like that for Legion?
Saturn Queen is being driven by the blue magic baby thing whose purpose has yet to be revealed but I doubt whether 'killing Legionnaires' is its motivation.

The rest of the LSV are in the thrall of SQ.

"Our devotion to each other was unexplainable"
"You were kids"
"No Batman, we were Legion"
#595489 04/21/11 11:27 AM
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Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
OK, I was willing to dismiss prior arguments about Gim's portrayal as an incompetent goof, but even I have to say this is getting ridiculous.
Agreed. I wasn't really buying the theory until now! He should change his name to Cannon Fodder Boy.

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
#595490 04/21/11 12:34 PM
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I like this issue very much.
Tinya and Ayla rules!

But..what about this..

Sensor Girl searches for Karate Kid!
And Saturn Girl seeks Harmonia Li's blood—and the reason why will shock you!

I'll wait for this from the 11 issue....

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#595491 04/21/11 01:16 PM
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Dream Girl seems intended to now be that pale yellow blonde, insted of silver or white-haired. Hm. I liked her better with white hair, like Projectra. C'est la vie. Of all the things they change, I think hair color is probably the least bothersome...

Fun to see the various 'Star Boy's' as the multiversal whateveritis is being expunged from our Star Boy. Boy, that purple and yellow costume was a hoot.

Is it my imagination, or does Timber Wolf still show some frizzy hair damage from the fight with Sun Emperor last issue? Wow. That's... consistent. My world is all askew.

Phantom Girl's really annoying this Atta-girl 'knife artist.' I like that she's pretty much taken her to school twice, but that way lies overconfidence, and I'd hate to see her suffer a reversal of this good fortune in later issues.

Ayla looked gorgeous as well, confronting Mekt.

Jo's invulnerability can heal him? Hmm. I guess that's pretty much how it works with Superman, the Hulk, etc. these days (thanks to that clawed moron on the X-Men necessitating that everyone and their dog has to have regeneration), I just never really thought of Jo's abilities working that way. I guess, on the one hand, it makes sense, as cellular damage doesn't always happen all at once, but can be progressive as stuff fails and electrical 'burn' damage is ongoing. Going invulnerable would mean that the damage would just pretty much 'stop happening' as the cells that were in danger suddenly became invulnerable to further 'aftershocks' or nerve degeneration or heat injury. It makes some sense, both in comic-book logic and in pseudo-sciency-'logic.' I guess it just threw me because I didn't think of it first. smile

I'm probably going to hell for saying this, but Mon-El's new Green Lantern costume is growing on me...

Ha. Brainy punched someone out! Go Brainy. Also, totally disproving the 'best defense is a good offense' rule, since his defense totally trumps Questor's force-field-busting-gun.

Interesting to see Brainy in the background as Saturn Queen smacks down Earth-Man, calling Tellus and Gates. Tellus to read the coordinates, Gates to allow the team to follow Zymyr and crew to their destination? Nice to see Brainy a step ahead of the telepath, if that's the case!

Ah, and that last panel. Element Lad and Invisible Jacques vs. Lightning Lord and Atta.

Element Lad could probably turn the air around them into Inerton, if he felt like it, and Invisble Jacques is... *not* invisible, meaning that he's pretty much once again failed at life, since the only thing he could possibly do is A) sneak up on someone or B) get stabbed in the face by Atta.

Since he forgot to use his super-power, again, my money's on 'stabbed in the face.'

Gosh, they picked a very critical letter for that letter page, didn't they? Interesting choice.

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#595492 04/21/11 08:03 PM
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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
This kind of simplistic, illogical writing is what really irks me about many of DC's comics.
Illogical is exactly what I thought when Brainy ignored Harmonia Li and took off for Colu without her.

He clearly respects her knowledge. After all, he had recently gone hunting for her to get her time-related insight. But when she shows up claiming that the trouble on Colu is all her fault, he dismisses her by saying her explanation will have to wait until he returns from Colu. How does that make any sense?

And how are Legionnaires getting transported these days? Brin is in Okinawa and then a few pages later he's on Colu. Brainy, on Colu, calls for reinforcements and moments later Earth-Man comes "down"...from where?

"Everything about this is going to feel different." (Saturn Girl, Legion of Super-Heroes #1)
#595493 04/22/11 09:38 PM
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Colorist screws up yet again!
Lightning Lord's pants are red in the middle, green on the sides, then they're green in the middle, red on the sides... then back again a page later.
If these little mistakes were just in one issue, I'd shut up, but they occur in every single issue!!
Shouldn't his work be "proof-read" before printing??

#595494 04/23/11 12:18 AM
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Someone said that EM is in a coma?!
Maybe we'll be lucky and he'll wake-up back to his old alien hating self.

Or he'll wake-up groggy and push Tasmia away saying something awful before coming to himself and pretending he's changed again.

One can dream.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
#595495 04/23/11 06:27 PM
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Am I right that this is the first time we have seen Planet Sklar (which the voice-in-my-head insists on rhyming with "lair") in the current continuity?

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
#595496 04/24/11 03:29 AM
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Depends on how you define "current continuity" I guess. The Sklarian raiders go way back to the first appearance of the Infinite Man in Superboy/Legion of Super-Heroes #233 and were an important part of the story a couple issues later that Paul Levitz has called the one story he wishes he never wrote (that established that all the Legionnaires were in fact in their twenties and were being kept young by tech that was being withheld from certain races such as the Sklarians and one Kryptonian in particular).

First comic books ever bought: A DC four-for-47-cents grab bag that included Adventure #331. The rest is history.
#595497 04/24/11 07:25 AM
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Which Kryptonian?
I certainly hope that's not canon any longer!

Perhaps the practice was discontinued do to stupidity (of keeping kids artificially young when everyone else is aging around them.)

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#595498 04/24/11 09:32 AM
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Yes, the existence of the technology was being kept from Superboy so he wouldn't be tempted to take it back to the 20th Century and use it to keep his loved ones (the Kents) alive and young longer.

It wasn't kids specifically who were being kept artificially young. The youth treatments extended the life span everyone. Marla was shown a few issues later saying he had just received one. Since the normal life span was moved well into the 100s for people, it became common to refer to youths in their 20s as boys, girls, lads or lasses.

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#595499 04/24/11 12:42 PM
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That was about the lamest story ever.

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#595500 04/24/11 01:58 PM
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I actually liked it. The explanation worked for me. Something else else similar would be helpful now given that the Legionnaires are even older - late 20s or early 30s and still sport the "boy", "girl", "lad" and "lass" names.

The thing about the original story that didn't work for me was that it lacked a explanation of Superboy's age. If he joined the Legion as a contemporary of the founders why was he still a boy and living in Smallville?

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#595501 04/24/11 02:37 PM
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I like the aging thing, since it made sense that they would have a longer lifespan in the future, but the time travel stuff always seemed terribly kludgey to me, even as a kid.

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#595502 04/25/11 06:51 PM
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I liked this issue but I do have a small gripe. How many times does Saturn Queen need to mention a blue energy in front of Braniac 5 before his 12th level mind figures out a link between Dawnstar being struck by blue energy and Mon-el off tracking some kind of cosmic force...and Saturn Queen?

#595503 04/25/11 08:55 PM
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Originally posted by The Man From Cargg:
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
[b] OK, I was willing to dismiss prior arguments about Gim's portrayal as an incompetent goof, but even I have to say this is getting ridiculous.
Agreed. I wasn't really buying the theory until now! He should change his name to Cannon Fodder Boy.[/b]
He could change his emblem to a target!

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#595504 04/26/11 03:12 PM
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Gim can totally change his name to Blast-Catcher Boy, because that's his new role, catching blasts (usually in the chest, but occasionally in the face...).

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#595505 04/26/11 06:58 PM
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Atta & Mekt are gonna kill each other or fall in love.
Poor Hunter just stands around, doesn't he?
Brin looks hot with singed hair. That sci-cop was all into him.
I liked seeing all the alternate Star Boys.

#595506 04/26/11 07:39 PM
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Originally posted by lil'rhino:
I liked seeing all the alternate Star Boys.
This process with Star Boy could make a great story in itself. For serial stories like the current one, having a second or even third Legion book every month to explore things like this would be a wonderful thing. There are so many rich opportunities with the Legion if they could figure out how to build on its essential mythology.

"Everything about this is going to feel different." (Saturn Girl, Legion of Super-Heroes #1)
#595507 04/29/11 08:27 PM
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I'm a little disappointed that a lot of new characters like Atta, Stegus and Immortus just have powers that are basically "kick plenty of ass because I am a brick wall/ super soldier on steroids/ improbably skilled athlete". I was hoping for a wider variety of powers.

I won't mind so much if their personalities are developed better in the next few issues.

#595508 04/29/11 11:54 PM
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^^^Yeah, I agree. Atta in particular I am really unimpressed with. For a combat specialist she does a lot of stabbing people in the back when they're not ready for it, and every time she's taken someone on in a fair fight she hasn't really stood a chance. So she's not even particularly good at having a boring skill-set.

...and Sun-Killer's already got the slavish devotion to his mistress thing goin' on, so she's not particularly unique with that either.

I am still enjoying this storyline, but there is definitely room for improvement.

#595509 04/30/11 12:19 AM
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The LSV does sort of lack for people with Timber Wolf-y or 'strong guy' power sets, at least in their base membership. Hunter and Tyr were as close as it got, and neither of them really had any significant superhuman fighting ability, as far as I recall.

Lo3W had Silver Slasher and Titania and Validus and Ol-Vir, etc. there as 'heavy lifters,' but those four in particular don't seem to be in this version of the LSV, making characters like Atta and Stegus at least useful for filling combat niches that the team doesn't really have filled.

It is true that Atta, so far, has sucked at everything but stabbing unsuspecting teammates in the back...

And Stegus is deadly dull. If he can do something funky, like turn into a couple of other environment-specific predatory dino-forms, like a winged dactylian hunter or a shark-like aquatic form, *then* he could be cool!

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#595510 05/01/11 05:01 AM
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Good to see Tinya kick Atta's head, she deserves it just for being such a poser smile

Think it should have been Earth Man not TW above Colu...

Looking forward to Quislet tying Immortus up into a pretzel...

Art was good but story and colours were a bit slack, 6 1/2 out of 10 from me.

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