Originally posted by Iam Legion:
And the rest of the issue? Never thought a 'retro' characterization could be that dreadful. It reminded me of the original, Golden-Age Superman.... and not in any kind of good way. Even the art was icky. The whole thing pretty much stank in my oppinion. Complete waste of time for me, glad you enjoyed it though.
actualy, i liked the rest of the book. of course morrison is building something here, and this golden-agey superman won't last. i believe we'll see him grow into the adult superman we all know and love. i guess to make the character connect more with the readers DC just decided they needed to show him grow into "the" hero by trials and errors, like everybody, instead of just following his parents' guide (who does that in real life?
the only element of the story that didn't convince me very much was (NO spoilers here) the way the subplot which leads to the final scene was handled. i'm afraid recently morrison's way of telling stories has become too much fractured and difficult to follow. i really felt like i missed something and had to reread the book to be sure of why superman did what he did in the end.
and i love rags morales' art, i think he's one of the greatest pencilers currently at DC. and its retro vibe really works with this retro superman, in my opinion.