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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Boy Kid Lad - 01/09/25 01:20 PM
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by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 02:25 AM
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Y'know what I don't get about all the fundamentalists out there? The thing they are being so violent about protecting are their religions, which all have one highest tenant: be nice to one another.

So they are hurting and killing people for not being nice to them in a way they find acceptable.

Obviously they need to spend some time understanding the religions they are so apt to defend before they go on their cruseades.


Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
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"before they go on their crusades"

TCM ran THE CRUSADES the other night. I only caught the first half-hour of it, but I thought it worth mentioning. In this Cecil B. DeMille version of "history" (more DeMille than history, as always), King Richard The Lionheart is shown to have NO belief in God. A prophet who's been going around Europe stirring up every Christian country there is to arm, invade and free The Holyland, makes no impression on England's king. UNTIL the guy mentions that when you swear alliegience to The Crusade, all other oaths are cast aside. SO-- Richard swears alliegience to The Crusade-- in effect plunging ALL OF ENGLAND into a declaration of WAR against the Muslims. Why? To get out of an arranged marriage.

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Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Yep, that Senator is a Republican.

1. He ran the absolutely nastiest innuendo, gay bashing, fear mongering, smear campaign I've ever seen.
2. He's being sued for performing sterilization proceedures on welfare moms without the consent of the patients.
3. He's an asshole of epic proportion.

I just happen to live in Oklahoma and and I haven't the foggiest idea what in hell he was talking about. Nobody does but somehow that didn't matter, he's a Bushie and that was all that mattered to the Bible Belt Fundamentalists. I was physically threatened several times this past year for daring to speak an opposing view.

Really, think about it, if there was actually a gay population that was that strong and that public do you think the anti-gay amendment would have passed here? There hasn't been even ONE gay marriage in this state but these homophobic bigots ran to the polls in a panic to "save" their "traditional" hatreds from the evils of the "liberal agenda".
Yep, he's a nut! His opponent was basically a moderate, I thought he'd have a chance, but no...

The guy who won (I forget his name) also said that abortion doctors should get the death penalty. To be fair, he meant only after it was legislated, but... that doesn't make it any less crazy!

Sometimes I think about freezing myself for 1000 years, but I'm not sure the world will even last 100. I love the Legion because they stand for the rights of all sentients. That's a message that we could use today. I don't think that the comic is really compatable with a conservative/reactionary worldview, even if some fans are. Could you imagine if the Legionnaires were all Republicans? I guess they'd be the Workforce come to think of it.

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"said that abortion doctors should get the death penalty"

That IS crazy. There's ALREADY a serious overpopulation problem that NOBODY wants to address for the last couple decades, and way too many being brought into ther world that nobody wants or wants to take time to bring up right. We need FEWER babies being born, not more.

It's people sending out computer viruses & spyware who should get the death penalty... or at least, be sent on a one-way trip to Iraq.

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Yeah right on guys

But this thread was supposed to be about being sorry for the battered gays, not crazy Oklahomans.

So. Pity. Forthconing. Nay?

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Not pity CK. Empathy for someone standing up one of those crazy bastards. I've been hassled by the redneck wife-beater 'kill a queer for Jesus' crowd myself -guilt by association- As if I could find the smallest reason to give a damn what a moronic bigot might think.

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Pity? not bloody likely CK.

Respect for standing up to vile moronic bastards? yup, I'll do that.

I've asked Keithie to post as he'a had a couple of freaky incidents over the years - he says he'll get around to it, but if that's anything like him "getting around to" helping sort the garden out then we're in for a long wait laugh .

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I don't understand the hatred! When I used to go to church, I never heard anything about attacking people who are different. "Love thy neighbor". So why do those "Christian" rednecks think it's acceptable to attack people who aren't doing them any harm?

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You're friend seems pretty together, hope he gets some t-shirts made in time to cash in!

Bashings are never acceptable. From the article it sounds as if the trogladyte responsible would have taken any excuse, be your friend gay, other-coloured, a punk or a woman. He was looking for a target.

Got bashed once, by a gang of greeks from another suburb looking for 'skips'(white australians, which made it ironic on many levels).
My friend stood by when i asked what they were doing (not much choice there, we were three houses away from where i lived, no WAY was i gonna deal with that). I tried to defend myself and they told him to stay out of it or he'd get it too. He did.

The thing is, and i got this from the article too, was that despite the pain broken stuff i am not sorry that i didn't have the confrontation. I would have felt so much worse if i hadn't done anything. The situation was not in my favour or control, but how i acted was.

This would be less consolation if i was killed like that bartender.

I do understand that it feels worse because in a hate bashing being targeted is impersonal. It makes a nothing of you, it means that the only thing that matters is you're different from the 'norm' and that these people think they can get away with it because most normal people won't care.

That is the most important thing about yourself you have to stand up for. And why it's important to stand up against all types of persecution in all parts of your life.

ahr, sorry for banging on. Have fun and be careful out there, all youse.

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