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Legion Trivia 6
by Korbal - 01/08/25 09:54 PM
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by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:23 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:22 PM
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by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 05:11 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 04:27 PM
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#583712 02/23/04 11:19 AM
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i was gonna talk about this before but said nahhhhhhhh, then i decided what the hall.
First the city i live in was hit hard by hurricane juan, a lot of destruction, no more beautiful trees, all gone, blown away. Then on Feb 19 2004 the city is struck hard by a Nor Easter. FFor those who dont know a nor easter is a very bad storm with high NORTHEAST winds and lots of snow, and i do mean LOTS! by storms end around midnight feb 20, roughly 95cm of snow had fallen, now for those not on the metric system, 30cm is equal to 1ft, so we got over 3 feet of snow in a 24hr period, thats a record for north america so i hear. You should see the city, its literally a winter wonderland. I was off work thursday and friday, i barely did anything except sleep and watch tv and screw around on the computer, you couldnt go anywhere, you couldnt drive though some tried, FOOLS!! I get home with my brother and the landlady asks us to shovel out our car cause they have a backhoe coming, and we roared in laughter.. HE AINT COMING TODAY, HOW THE HELL IS HE GETTING UP THE STREET. A state of emergency is called , a curfew is set, because too many idiots out walking around and or driving around checking out the devestation. They lifted the SOE yesterday and i "try" to go to work this morning only to find out that only a fraction of the buses are running, i get on one of the busesand i sit in traffic not far from where i just got on for AN HOUR, over all it took 2 hrs to get to work and then i had to leave early because of lack of bus service i lucked out with a ride. My boss is cool so being 2 hrs late didnt matter i get paid but the trip, oh my god.
Sorry just had to get it off my chest

i hope fat cramer made out ok.

#583713 02/23/04 11:24 AM
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Hey Lab, at least you are safe. I can't imagine that amount of snow all at once. I would go stir crazy!

Glad to hear you are doing well.

Touch the magic...
#583714 02/23/04 11:31 AM
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thanks DB
i use to live in a place where this amount of snow and more was not uncommon, but not all in one night. I look outside and its just like where i use to live, but we would get 95cm a month and the winters were long and cold so the snow that fell stayed and it looked just like this. Its almost heartwarming lol.

#583715 02/23/04 11:34 AM
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I live in the Cincinnati area and way back in the 70's we got a lot of snow every year. It hasnt been as bad recently.

I really should move to a warmer locale.

Touch the magic...
#583716 02/23/04 11:43 AM
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Time Trapper
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I recall the blizzard of '65 or 66(?). We lived in Brooklyn at the time and NYC closed down completely. My father was unable to make it home that night (buses & subways were not rnning so he and some co-workers found a hotel with rooms available and stayed overnight. Streets were completely closed for days.

Of course as a young kid at the time, it was great. Schools were all closed for 3-4 days and it was a party in the streets for us!

Glad you made it through okay Lab!

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
#583717 02/23/04 12:01 PM
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strange but not a stranger
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Here in Boston it is the Blizzard of '78 that was the storm to end all storms. People were trapped in their cars on the highway for a couple of days.

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#583718 02/23/04 12:09 PM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Glad you're okay, Labby. It's worse in the city because of the traffic and no place to put the snow once it's cleared. At least your boss is being reasonable about it. And no more snow forecast for this week, anyways.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#583719 02/23/04 01:08 PM
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Bold Flavors
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Glad to hear that you're OK Labby, and you too FC! I can only imagine how much that much snow annoys!

And Quis, my parents constantly talk about the Blizzard of '78 whenever it snows too! My Mom's Mom was stuck in her car too and had to walk home from work!

#583720 02/23/04 01:24 PM
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Same for me Quis... The blizzard of 78 in Fort Wayne, Indiana is fairly well remembered too. I remember (vaguely though, as I was still a young'un then) jumping off of very tall snow banks in the GE parking lot, into smaller snow banks.

We, my sisters and I, thought the snow was a big deal, but the rest of the city paid the price when the big thaw came. That was a bad flood that year.

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