Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Nice song and recording, Hermit. I don't hear Nirvana, though. It sounds like a cross between late '60s psychedelia and early '80s punk to me. (That's a compliment. ) I'll certainly take it as one. Late 60s psych is my "roots" music. I've always felt there was a link between the garage bands of the 60s and the punk bands of the late 70s/early 80s, in attitude if nothing else.
By the late 80s, though, punk had given way to something called "hard core" that just wasn't doing it for me. My main problem wasn't with the instrumental parts. Rather it was the deliberate attempt to abandon melody in favor of yelling and screaming that turned me off. At the same time I felt that mainstream rock (Fleetwood Mac, Journey, etc.) had lost the raw energy that was the essence of true rock music.
My idea was to try to make music that had strong melodic elements without sacrificing raw energy. I soon found out that, at least in the local Albuquerque music scene, there was no room for such a hybrid. The skins wanted their nihilistic punk to thrash to in the mosh pits, the coke heads wanted their mellow stuff to get stoned by and the metal heads wanted technically superior musicianship to play air guitar to; all three groups loved their own music and hated everything else with an equal passion.
I finally said the hell with it all, but at least we got some stuff recorded first.