I don't think there's been a thread about how Nura might return to active duty status; if so, I apologize about this one. But here's my shot at it:
1. Nura believes that her visions are never wrong.
2. Nura cannot see past a certain point in the future.
3. Nura interpets this to mean that she dies.
4. Nura is wounded to the point of being comatose.
5. Nura believes that the coma is actually her death.
6. Nura's belief in her vision takes her to the brink of death.
7. Brainiac 5's force field puts her in stasis before this happens.
8. Lemnos makes Nura forget her vision.
9. Nura recovers.
That';s probably a bit too simplistic, but when Brainy pleaded with Lemnos to "Save her," I could only see one way how Lemnos' power could accomplish that.
C'mon, we know she's gonna come back somehow!