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Ditto on the good wishes for Anna and Stephen.
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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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Too bad Sookie's powers don't include flashback vision, because otherwise she'd know Eric's message was that
<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Bill's true allegiance is to Vocal Adrenaline!!!!!</span></span>
The clues have been there all along.
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Time Trapper
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I was kinda in and out of this ep (will watch the 11 pm airing undisturbed) but let me say right off I *loved* when Hoyt socked the s#!t out of Tommy.
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A lot happened tonight. Very intense and disturbing episode. Huge developments for just about everybody. Most notable, though, was Ryan Kwanten's performance. Yes, Jason's been our favorite pretty boy for two and a half seasons. He's provided some great comedy relief and lots of beefcake. Tonight, he broke through as a serious dramatic actor. It was something to watch.
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Tonight was good!
Sometimes I wonder if Bill and Eric should be the couple and leave Sookie for Alcide...
Russell really is gullible...
Tara standing up to Sam when no one else would was completely in character. It looks like Tara got closure about Eggs and can move on to whatever she will do in Season 4.
Pam is a hoot as always.
I fear for Hoyt. Is he going to become a vampire now? Jessica will never forgive herself if she hurts him.
I still hate trashy Crystal.
And Lafayette looks to be taking center stage... Bout damn time.
Lastly, I hope Arlene hasn't bitten off more than she can chew. Right now, Holly is looking (story wise) a lot like Maryanne did when she first came on. Hopefully the story will take a different turn.
Touch the magic...
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Whew. Only one episode left. No matter how it ends, this is shaping up to by my favorite season so far.
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I'll go ahead and give it the my fave season so far nod.
UNLESS.... BOTH handcuffed characters die... that would suck, blow and bite all at once.
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in season
in season
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ring ring
Hello, Fangtasia? Do you have Prince Talbot in a jar? No? You're kind of messing up my joke here.
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Lots of twists and turns in the season finale. I don't even know who the bad guys and good guys are any more. Oh well, Sookie kicked some butt and Pam lived. I'll be back for more next season.
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Time Trapper
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I think Season 3 has been the best yet.
We have:
Tara's braids and possibly her character gone byebye.
Jason as king of Inbredville.
Sookie vanished to Fairyland.
Layfayette and Jesus the brujo bois.
Eric and Pam washing cement out of their hair.
Terry hysterical with joy and Arlene still miserably preggers.
Hoyt and Jessica moving in together, but Hoyt's not-right Mama buying a gun.
Sam AKA No More Mr. Niceguy possibly gunning down illiterate Tommy.
The Queen vs. Bill in one of the cheesiest flying effects since 'Plan 9 From Outer Space'.
Lettie Mae cheating with a minister.
Russell wrapped in silver and encased in cement.
Ghostly Godric issuing advice.
A lot went on. I'm officially not a fan of this 'Summers-only' deal. I vote for 6-ep summer and 6-ep winter runs instead. The 9 month wait is cruel.
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in season
in season
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So off to the ten books (and assorted short stories in various places), Lashmere. Think of them as Elseworlds, except since the show came second...well, that doesn't matter because they're all imaginary stories. (Aren't they?)
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I saw a box-set of the books at Wal-mart (think it was like the first 5?), so I may have to look into that.
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I find it interesting that Lafayette saw a "ghost" of Rene with his hands around whats her names throat.
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Man, the season finale has me really yearning for more! I think I'll have to start on the books ASAP to keep my thirst-quenched. And/or finally pick up the 1st 2 seasons on dvd. In other news I've been trying to sing "Bad Things" at karaoke of late, that's a tricky song.
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Has anyone else been watching the Season 3 reruns this week?
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Didn't realize they were on! Therefore, I will hit On Demand this weekend! Thanks for the heads-up!
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Oh great. Now I have to deal with witches!
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It's been a while since I've been attacked by a vampire. Guess what, it still sucks!
Four more days, mortals...
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I just finished season three on HBO Go.
They really ended a lot of characters on a cliffhanger this time!
The plot dumb is strong (characters walking into the same situation over and over and over again, despite it having been explained to them season after season that this never works), but I get that it's easier to write 'plot dumb' protagonists who walk blindly into danger (often completely unarmed / unprepared, and loudly announcing their presence, necessitating some big strong supernatural person to come rescue their fool self, again, and again) than clever antagonists who lure them in or plan ahead.
I like how they've played around with their own supernatural mythology, with the silver chains and the V and the revocation of invitation concepts. That's neat.
Jason, Sooki and, previously, Tara, seem to have been in some sort of competition for who could most actively and destructively mess up their own lives, and get people around them hurt (and, more than once, killed) by their impulsive and selfish decisions.
Tara seems to have been pulling her life together, now that she's realized that it was never as bad as she thought it was, until Franklin. On the one hand, she's pretty and fun, and I wouldn't want her to leave the show. On the other hand, if the character of Tara never came back to Bon Temps, I could feel good for her, that she got out before the town ate her up, as it has so many others. If she does return, I would hate for the character growth she's shown to be abandoned to throw her back into the same old self-destructive self-pitying routine she's was trapped in for the first two seasons. (While she certainly wasn't roses and sunshine in season three, she had a much more legitimate reason to be messed up, at this point.)
Jason has turned everything handed to him to utter crap, through his entitled self-interest, and the show has made a point of showing him get this funny smile on his face just before he's about to do something *colossally* stupid. At the Hotspot, with all those people depending on him, he didn't get that wide-eyed twisted smile look of his, which I really hope means that he's finally gotten a clue, and that he isn't going to do something selfish and stupid and get all those people hurt or killed...
Sooki, I've pretty much given up on. Bill, Eric and / or Sam come running whenever she gets herself into yet another steaming mess by doing what she was warned not to do, what any *sane person* wouldn't have done, and it only encourages her to keep doing it. She's been pretty much trained to do the wrong thing, and that *something* will happen to rescue her, at this point. It's like the *character* knows that her actress has more seasons contracted, and can't possibly die, that only other lesser characters will suffer for her actions. I can't blame Sooki at this point, since it's just crap writing that has her make these choices, and some superperson show up to save her, yet again, but, by the same measure, I can't admire the character for being a bonehead.
It's interesting that the most stable 'rocks' of the show, Sam and Bill, are both being deconstructed / dirtied up a bit, in this season. Both have been very dependable, and, of all the characters on the show, have seemed the less 'damaged' or prone to erratic plot-furthering crazyflakes behavior, and now we are finding out stuff about them that throws that into question.
In some ways, I like that the writers are mixing things up. In other ways, I want at least *some* characters on the show to not be raving psychos. If everybody is so 'quirky' and overwrought and eccentric, it looks less like a community and more like a carnival of drug-crazed weirdos...
Part of me prefers villains like Mary Anne, for the reason that they tend to at least be enjoying their time on screen, instead of constantly crying or suffering or being in the middle of some romantic melodrama. Goddrick was also refreshing, because he was so darned calm all the time. Despite being a 2000 year old bringer of death, he was very zen, very centered, and it was nice to see a character who wasn't flipping out or overreacting to every little thing.
I'm kinda hoping that Sam doesn't go so 'dark' that he killed Tommy with that gunshot.
I'm kinda hoping that Jason manages to not screw up this responsibility dumped in his lap.
I'm kinda expecting Hoyt's momma to attempt to kill Jessica, and end up shooting Hoyt instead. Maybe Jessica will turn him. Maybe she won't be able to, and he'll just be dead, and Hoyt's momma will go even further around the bend, having not only driven her husband to suicide, but now having murdered her son, and desperately needing to blame it on the darn vampires, rather than admit that it's all her fault.
I'm really hoping that an extremely rare thing, seen this season, people actually *talking to each other* and *telling each other stuff,* will continue. (Sam telling Tara he's a shifter. Sooki telling Jason how to revoke a vampires invitation. Jason telling Sooki and Tara about shooting Eggs. Tara confronting Andy Bellefleur about Eggs, and him confessing how it really happened. Mostly important things, that saved a lot of drawn out drama that had been strung out over one or more *seasons,* that was making the show hard to watch, since half of the plotlines were utterly stuck within the two or three characters who knew about them, making the it like watching multiple unrelated shows about total strangers who were not friends...)
I hope that, if Hoyt doesn't die, that Jessica chats up Pam (or some other female vampire) about her 'problem.' Jessica *can't* be the first vampire in 3000 years to have been turned before she lost her virginity. There's *got* to be a 'fix' for that...
It might be nice, in future seasons, to meet a single vampire besides Bill Compton, Goddrick and the VRA spokeswoman, who support the 'Great Revelation.' So far, *every* other vampire (a Sherrif, a King, a Queen and the Magister included!) has expressed some combination of contempt and derision for the concept. Who exactly voted for this Great Revelation, if approximately 90% of the vampire population virulently loathes the idea?
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"True Blood", "True Soft Porn", tomato, potato.
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Set, if you think the tv versions are irresponsible (and I would agree), you should see how the book versions behave. Tara atleast finally seemed to get her act together in the books. Sookie is the same as always (friends and family dropping like flies largely due to her bad choices) and Jason is worse.
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Season four is off to an interesting start. I suppose there is a risk of the show becoming a parody of itself as more and more fantastic fantasy elements are added. It's definitely going places no television series has gone before. I love the characters and the actors, so I'll be along for the ride as long as HBO decides to keep producing new episodes.
Jason is maturing. Tara has made some interesting choices. Bill is king. Eric is hot as ever. Jessica and Hoyt are going to have a bumpy ride this season. My only real complaint is that Pam didn't get enough screen time.
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The Fairyland thing was a little lame, but it was a nice means to soft-boot the series ahead in time.
Looks to be a TON of sex this season!
Plots I am excited/interested about in most to least favorite order:
Vampires winning back the public
Tara's new career... and lifestyle
Eric buying Sookie's house
Love & tensions with Hoyt and Jessica
Tommy and his new Mama-figure
Sam's anger management/orgy meetings
Jason held captive in Inbredville
Bill the King
Layfayette the witch
the whole coven of witches thing
the "evil" baby
I am worried I will grow weary of this whole "Layfayette denying his powers and the coven forcing them upon him" thing they appear to be working on.... and I truly hope this whole "evil baby" silliness ends super-soon.
I'm curious as to the whereabouts of Alcide!
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Also: I thought it was so cruel Sookie lost her Grandfather!!
And I love that the house looks so nice. Let's keep it that way.
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They've really done a 180 on the Bill -> Sookie -> Eric relationship. The 'good vamp' and the 'bad vamp' have totally changed positions, and I kind of like how organically it has been handled.
A part of me sits back cynically and says, 'good chemistry,' and 'smart writing, keeping the couple from getting stale and settled,' and another part of me just likes the mix-up.
Neat to see Barry again, although, I suspect, for the last time. The status of Sookie's nephew or cousin or whatever, Hunter, also becomes important, now that Mab seems to be collecting all of the half-breeds...
I love Jessica, but she really needs to get over herself. Hoyt, as well, seems to have some deeper issues. I'm sad to see them dysfunctional, and the suggestion that they've spend all this time together, and still haven't gotten around to looking into how to make things work. Other characters have moved on, in some cases, dramatically!, but Hoyt and Jessica feel like they've been stuck in a holding pattern, and not developed at all. (She doesn't even know how to use a drop of blood to smear away his fang-mark makeup, which Bill has apparently known how to do since at least the '60s!)
Sam's new friends are interesting. They've really come out of the woodwork, over the last 12 months, it seems. The resolution of his final scene with his brother was a relief. I expected it, but shows like this have a way of doing the unexpected to be shocking, and I was afraid that they might go that route to 'darken Sam up.'
Tara's new life as 'Toni' is shocking, and I love it. Her new romantic friend is way hotter than Eggs, IMO.
Not really loving the witches that much. As with all new critters, I'm not clear on what they can and cannot do, and that leaves me antsy. The writers have come up with a very clear mythology on what the vampires, shifters, weres, etc. can do, but I fear that witches may just be like comic book witches, and do whatever the writers want, until the plot requires them to inexplicably not do that anymore... The fact that the head witch seems to have no freaking idea what she is doing, and is allowing herself to be possessed by Buddha only knows what sort of forces, could mitigate that.
Lafayette as the voice of temperance and prudence? Oh lordy, that's priceless.
Jason seems also to have become the mitigating force over Sheriff Bellefleurs increasing spiral into crazytown. I like the bit where he talks about how Lafayette isn't a suspect, person of interest or confidential informant, and that Andy has no reason to treat him that way, indicating that, at some point in the last 12 months, Jason has learned *something* about police work, even if only from a six month marathon of every Law & Order and CSI ever filmed...
Arlene's totally losing it. Or is she? Hard to tell if she's worrying herself up to a stroke, or if Evil is On Board.
Ah, and poor Sookie, she dithered around being stubborn 'No! Stop and explain everything to me before I'll get myself out of danger!' Sookie until yet another loved one literally had to kill himself to save her.
[sarcasm] My heart bleeds for the poor little lamb. [/sarcasm]
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