Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I say we pressure Waid to include the Intergalactic Vigilante Squad in the new series so that we can count it!
No fair, that would retroactively render my (and others') LSH collections incomplete!
Seriously, though, the whole "what goes on THE LIST" thing is quite a question... I like the *.1 decimal system by the way, but there are still many levels on the in-between there ... not to mention there's no way I'd consider Action Comics #1 to be on the list (spin-off appearances would begin with the spin-off, not retroactively), though I might feel differently if I was filthy rich and had nothing better to do....
Does eveyone know about/have you seen:
ftp://members.aol.com/outpost2ezine2/lout_s1.exe probably best accessed via the second hyperlink of the 9th bullet point in:
http://members.aol.com/outpost2/otherprojects.htm This thing lists EVERYTHING that could even POSSIBLY be construed as an LSH appearance (except it is in-line with my view on the Superman-Superboy thing, including only comics with at least a mention or image that is LSH-specific ), and is pretty up-to-date even now (goes through WaK LSH #6). There is even a section on 'homages' that includes every appearance by Marvels "Imperial Guard".
I used this to complete my own collection, and made some very arbitary decsions on what "complete" meant to me ... (for example, I did NOT find it necessary to collect every appearance of Booster Gold after he got his LSH Flight Ring, only the issue(s) in which he obtained it.)
Once, when I harbored the unrealisitc illusion that someday I'd have time to do a tenth of what I wanted to do, I had the idea of compiling an LSH list online that was a MATRIX, each cell containing a hyperlink to a sub-list, where the columns represented levels of "how LSH" the appearance was (from several team members, to one team member, to one LSH villain, to an LSH-originated race, to an LSH object, to an homage), while the rows would indicate how pervasive the appearance was in the comic (from 'integral to the story', to 'substantial', to 'several panels', all the way down to 'mentioned in a footnote'. Additional rows could be added for non-comics.)
This would allow a person to decide at the outset which 'cells' they wanted for their collection, IN THEIR MIND, to be complete. (And if anyone wants to take this idea and run with it, feel free - I'll NEVER have time for it.) One could also add a column for Superman (& family) appearances, if one wished...
The only thing I feel I should maybe get but don't have is every LSH trading card...although, I DO have (my most prized possession!) The 1966 Topps triple-foldee with "Pork Chops the Pig, Saturn Girl, and Ulysses S. Grant", truly the ultimate physical manifestation of "non sequitur".
By the way, 'Cobalt Kid', your thread title is just begging for a punchline:
" I just finished rereading the entire preboot Legion,..."
a) and boy, are my eyes tired!
b) and now i REALLY REALLY have to pee!
c) and am now in desperate need of employment.
d) and I suspect it may have been written by MORE THAN ONE PERSON!
e) and have now become "the Infinite Man".
etc, etc....