Thinking about STU's request for a new name (at the ever-delightful Mission Monitor Board) brought to mind the clash of civilizations, when poet Marianne Moore was asked by Ford Motor Company to suggest car names:
Moore was almost a cult figure in America during the '50s and
'60s, known as much for her love of baseball (sometimes
throwing the first pitch) and prize fights (sometimes dining with
Cassius Clay), as for her Pulitzer Prize-winning poetry. What
Ford wanted was a car name that "flashes a dramatically
desirable picture in people's minds," from a woman who seemed
to know mainstream America. What they got was "Anticipator,"
"Thunder Crester," "Pastelogram," "Intelligent Whale," "The
Resilient Bullet," "Mongoose Civique," "Andante con Moto,"
"Varsity Stroke" and then, as her very last try for the name
magic, "Utopian Turtletop."
Ford finally named that car the "Edsel" - and the rest is automotive history. I sort of liked Andante con Moto...