Is it just me? Or does anyone else find the headlinds and some of the stories in this weekly farce to be amazingly funny?
Some examples:
1. Aliens Passing Gas Caused Hole In Ozone Layer
2. Osama Recruits Cloned Hitler
3. New Supernatural menance... WEREPOODLES, The Gay Blades of the night... They hump your leg before ripping you to shreds!
4. BUSTED! Preacher proposes mandatory breast reductions. Conservative Evangalist James Michael Penland stunned a radio audience when he suggested in a recent sermon that women with large bussoms are a threat to morality and should be forced to undergo breast reduction surgery to keep men from thinking lustful thoughts about them.
5. Aliens have tried to conquer Earth - but they've bungled it nine times.
How could you not love it!
Truth and Justice shall Prevail!