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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 02:21 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:14 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/07/25 11:13 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:31 AM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/07/25 10:29 AM
If this were a JLA message board...
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/07/25 08:51 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/06/25 01:54 AM
What I found today at my LCS!
by Ann Hebistand - 01/05/25 05:16 AM
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Okay, it now seems certain that the Legion will appear in the upcoming season of Justice League Unlimited AND that the Legion will be getting its own cartoon some time next year. Most rumors I’ve heard suggest that the Legion will be a replacement for the JLU, as next season will be that series’ last.

To me it seems a logical conclusion is that the Legion cartoon will somehow spin out of JLU.

But *how* will the new cartoon spin out of the JLU?

I’d like to see the spin-off be based on classic Legion tale, myself.

How I would do it:

The final episodes of JLU would be a 3-parter (or maybe a 2-parter) called “The Terra Mosaic”

The original JLers find themselves suddenly teleported out of their headquarters and transported one thousand years into the future, to an Earth that is battered by alien (Dominion) occupation, by centuries of wanton ecological disruption and by the corruption of its own society and government.

The Leaguers soon discover that they were brought to the future by a group of teenaged super-heroes who had formed in response to the sleaze and inertia ravaging their planet. A group of young people inspired by the great heroic age of the 21st century. A group called the Legion of Super-Heroes.

The league finds out they were brought to the 31st century by the Legion to help save an Earth that had long ago forgotten the heroic ideals of the past. After recovering from the initial shock the league helps the Legion in repealing the Dominion and overthrowing the treacherous Earthgov. But the leaguers soon realize that they can’t just save Earth through force. The people of the planet must be inspired to save themselves. (A scene with Superman reminiscent of the Valor/Sade confrontation would work well.)

But as the league and the Legion help Earth save itself they realize that all the years of pollution and warfare has put the planet on an unavoidable path to destruction. The two teams race to save as many people as they can, utilizing a centuries-old evacuation program buried deep within the earth. And as the world ends “New Earth” is born.

The league returns to their time, knowing that they did everything they could. The Legion is left to protect a people that lost their planet but regained their soul.

And the new Legion series is launched set on New Earth.

And the early Bierbaum issues of LEGIONNAIRES would form a solid base for the first season of the new series.

Anyway, that’s how I’d do it.

Any other ideas how the new cartoon could spin out of JLU?

"are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over- an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."

-Tobias Funke
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I love your idea. Don't have much of one myself,
other than a prediction that it'll probably just
be your generic "Super-heroes from the future
show up to help/enlist help/chase down a baddie
who escaped into the past." I hope they make it
consistent with the brief appearance in Superman
a few years back (actually, I guess its been over
5 years now...)

Questions, if you (or anyone who knows) can spare
a moment, I'd appreciate it:

1) What is the source of rumor about the upcoming
JLU appearance, and again about the LSH cartoon?

2) do you have any details as to WHEN the LSH
will be appearing in JLU? I don't always watch
it, but will obviously put a brass monkey on my
calendar for THAT one...

3) I am an avid LSH collector, but have been
busy of late, so I wonder...HAVE there been,
TO DATE, any appearances by the LSH or LSH
characters in either the JLU cartoon OR
the comic? I do have the LSH appearance in
the JL (sans U) Adventures comic, but with all
the extra characters heaped into JLU, I fear I
have missed an LSH appearance in either the
comic or the cartoon.

Thanks. Sorry I don't have a more interesting
idea for a tie-in. Other than something with
Brainiac/Braniac 5 (which could be kind of

"I like stuff that doesn't exist."
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Hi Evolution!

I've gotten my information regarding the upcoming legion cartoon and their apperance in JLU from this MB and the DC MBs.

There was an article on-line (I forget where-sorry) that mentions that the Legion will be guest appearring on JLU at some point next season.

The news about the Legion cartoon has been more or less of the rumor-variety I suppose, but Paul Levitz himself has said that a Legion cartoon is in the works and his hoping for it to air sometime next year. (check out the "I Love Paul Levitz" thread somwhere on this board)

The Legion did show up in the JLU comic a few months ago, but I never got around to picking that one up. They haven't appeared yet on the JLU cartoon. As far as I know the appearance a few years ago on the Superman animated series has been the Legion's only TV appearance thus far.

"are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over- an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist."

-Tobias Funke
Joined: Jul 2004
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Thanks for the info, KidChaos! This is REALLY
exciting news, I am beside myself
(hmm, i think i'm putting on weight..)

I must admit, I hadn't been here in awhile,
I was about to reply to myself and absolve
you of the 'source' question, as I've since
seen it mentioned here in a few other posts,
although the ORIGINAL source is still unclear
(but I've yet to check out the Levitz thread
you have mentioned...)

But yours is the only mention I've seen of an LSH
appearance in the JLU comic...ANYONE ELSE
know which one? (rats, now I must scramble to
acquire...the curse of a complete LSH collection
is the constant fear of missing something)

"I like stuff that doesn't exist."

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