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Time Trapper
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I have to admit the Caroline and I love this show. And I would kill to see the original British version. So many of our American shows are ripped off from our cousins across the Atlantic and I've always found their versions to be superior.
Anyway, does it make me gay because I like the show? I, of course, don't think so, but what would the general opinion of everyone else be? We can't even talk about it around here, not allowed to mention the words 'gay' or 'queer' in Utah. If you do they try and send a team of missionaries over to 'straighten' you out.
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Am I straight because I watch "According to Jim"? Nope. What art you imbibe has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
What you and Caroline are, Scott, is diverse in your tastes. That doesn't set too well in theocracies, informal or otherwise.
(I would like to watch "Queer as Folk," but adding Showtime to the other premium channels would be too bloody expensive.)
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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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When WILL & GRACE first came on, I actually felt guilty for laughing at alot of it, and enjoying the show in general. And that's Network-tame-- MUCH tamer by far than QAF! Luckily, I met a bunch of internet queerboys who set me ...err.. straight... 
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"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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Queer as Folk is too gay for me and I like boys. Seriously though, I saw all the British episodes in one sitting before the American one came out and I only enjoyed the U.S. version when it stuck to the British storylines. They quickly veered off after the third or fourth episode of the first season. My BF and I used to watch it every Sunday together the first year or so, but lost interest quickly after that. It seemed to be a fantasy of gay life and not very realistic to us.
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My BF keeps saying that I am Michael Novotny... I'm not really sure how to take that. 
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I guess it does, but only if you are thinking that you want all of the guys to be naked and then sitting on your lap. That would make you gay, I guess. 
Something Filthy!
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Originally posted by Greybird: Am I straight because I watch "According to Jim"? You watch "According to Jim"? EEEeeeewwwww!!! 
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Well, I'm of the notion that the antics of silly homos should be enjoyed by all!
I personally quite enjoy QaF. In fact, QaF is directly responsible for me finally breaking down and purchasing a DVD player a couple years ago. I -do- find much of it to be a little... exaggerated. But -only- a little.
My personal favorite character is Emmett because he is SO funny.
I thought Leda was the hottest dyke ever and I hope she returns.
Ethan is my current heart-throb.
Brian Kinney: the guy you love to hate. Or hate to love. 'Nuff said.
I find Michael's wishy-washiness/wussiness to be almost unbearable sometimes.
Justin gets on my nerves.
Ted's grown over time, though I dislike the whole 'Porn Website' plotline... it seemed to happen a bit TOO quick.
I usually like the dykes pretty much. Lindsay is sweet and the lawyer chick (name has escaped me temporarily!) gets some great 1-liners.
At times, Deb is my favorite and at times I can't stand her.
More Uncle Vic damn it!!!!
Despite any gripes above, I probably wouldn't change a thing about any of the characters.
For the record: I do -NOT- have SHOWTIME. I purchase the seasons on DVD as they are released. Not-so-patiently waiting Season 3....
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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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The way I figure it, if gays can watch Stripperella, then straight folk can watch Queer As Folk. Of course, if I get the urge to get breast implants, then I might start to worry 
Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
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I suppose it would have been better to talk about breast implants logged in with this ID 
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I'm conthiderin' getting a golden TOOTH... It'th TRUE, it'th true... 
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler: Queer as Folk is too gay for me and I like boys.
Seriously though, I saw all the British episodes in one sitting before the American one came out and I only enjoyed the U.S. version when it stuck to the British storylines. They quickly veered off after the third or fourth episode of the first season.
My BF and I used to watch it every Sunday together the first year or so, but lost interest quickly after that. It seemed to be a fantasy of gay life and not very realistic to us. the UK version is set in my city of MANCHESTER !! what did you think of what you saw .... the street that they feature [ Canal Street ] is the main street in the "Gay Village" as it's called !!! i suppose the US version is more like a GAY "Sex in the City" .... don't you think ?? they showed the first season here, a while back, but i missed the last few !! where are you up to in the US, now .... Matthew.
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I think they just finished season 4 but I'm not sure. We just started watching it this season and will probably get the first seasons on DVD when we can.
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[Stu] { You watch "According to Jim"? EEEeeeewwwww!!!  } Yep. Three of my favorite actors -- Jim Belushi (far better than his late, great brother, still another fave), Courtney Thorne-Smith (coming after a great turn in "Ally McBeal"), and Kimberly Williams (of "Relativity," funny film comedies, and a fellow Northwestern alum). Don't believe the critical bladder juice sprayed at it, as detailed in an article in this week's "TV Guide." It, quite simply, keeps me laughing. Any number of "comedies" of recent years haven't done so. "Seinfeld" never did ... I never saw the point in being about "nothing," even with a form as disposable as sitcoms. Oh, and the one preceding it, "Eight Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter," has unexpected wit, Katey Segal (better than the comic harridan on "Married With Children"), John Ritter (improved with age!), two pleasantly contrasting girls, and all despite the most preposterous title in network TV history.
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Originally posted by Greybird: Yep. Three of my favorite actors -- Jim Belushi (far better than his late, great brother, still another fave), Courtney Thorne-Smith (coming after a great turn in "Ally McBeal"), and Kimberly Williams (of "Relativity," funny film comedies, and a fellow Northwestern alum).
I've seen the show a couple of times and thought it was OK. However, I *was* amused by a commercial I saw once with Jim Belushi and Courtney Thorne-Smith (ostensibly for their own show), where they're commenting on some "other" show on their TV, and he comments that there's no way in real life that such a beautiful woman would marry a man that looked like that (like Jim Belushi, presumably)... 
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I love Courtney Thorne-Smith and I love Kimberly Williams (I even watched "Relativity" cuz of her -- she's so damn cute!), I even like Jim Belushi, but I cannot watch that show...
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Okay, so I completed my BUFFYs and because I've been Captain Spendsalot last week, I can't yet start on my ANGELs. So I decided to re-watch my QaFs. I had to banish all my pre-concieved notions regarding the characters (I've already watched seasons 1-3 before) to do it, so I went in-- as much as possible-- with a clean slate. re-Watched Season 1 episodes 1-4... some thoughts: LOTS of drug usage, even more than I remembered... (which, sadly, is very realstic). Brian stays pretty much effed up throughout these episodes-- So yeah, I find it difficult to believe he would be able to hold onto his megabucks job while staying out partying and having sex 'til 6am on a work night. But I think this happens less frequently as the series progresses. Guess I'll find out as I continue to watch. The scene with Michael remembering his boyhood encounter with Brian was pretty sexy-- as was the song that played during. "Empty your vessel for me, we travel on Route 43" or whatever. Anyone knows who does that song? I really like Jennifer (Justin's mom) and the way he treats her is insufferable in these first 4 episodes. I also really like Daphne (Justin's friend) but her role shrinks away to near-nothing by Season 3, iirc. Speaking of Moms, I wanted Ted to hug his Mother more than anything when she opened up her heart to him. Cold, cold, cold. Emmett remains adorable. And Sooooooo funny. I found myself relating to both Michael and Ted ...somewhat. I was actually cheering Justin on, when he goes prowling desperately for Brian, only to find him huddled with 2 hotties on the dancefloor. I was all like, "You GO, li'l sister" when he whipped off his shirt and went out and cock-blocked him! He learned Brian's little games very quickly. Yeah, those two deserve each other. Melanie's hatred of Brian really jumps off the screen. She can't STAND him. Justin's "encounter" with the football player was pretty hot... stuff like that happens sometimes... and it sets up some major stuff later. I like Tracey (the girl who works at Michael's store) and feel she totally doesn't deserve what ends up happening to her-- but I'm trying to banish all my preconcieved notions... banish, banish.  I'm getting all sucked in again. Guess I'll end up breaking down and buying Season 4 after I re-watch S's 1-3.
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Finished through episode 11...
The Michael and David thing seemed to happen really quickly. I enjoyed the scene where David confronts Brian on the dancefloor of Babylon and tells him he intends to fight for Michael.
Justin remains annoying, but I really felt for him when he was staying at Brian's and Brian brought home Mr. "Hotlanta". You could actually feel his li'l twinkie heart breaking. Yet still Justin wants this man. You can almost admire his singularity of focus... if it weren't so pathetic.
I can't believe ANYone would have as much lack of couth as Michael showed at David's dinner party (mentioning at the table how one of the guests gave him crabs-- in front of the guy's lover!). Come ON.
The big birthday party... Brian comes off really badly here-- and I definitely think he was a jerk to involve Tracey at all-- but I'm glad Deb realized it was all Brian's way of letting Michael go.
I'll finish Season 1 this weekend.
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Hmmm... maybe Justin's singularity of focus isn't SO pathetic... *dreamy sigh*
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Does it mean that I'm not really gay since I dont like QAF??  My partner and I tried several times to watch the show but could never get into it. I would like to see the original British version of the show but havent had the chance.
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One of my favorite English shows is WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?, but I CAN'T STAND the US version!!!! (This is despite the fact that several of the people involved are on BOTH versions of the show.)
Of course, probably my 3 favorite people were only on the UK version, and some of them for only a short period...
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I don't have cable, therefor I cannot be gay.
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A better question is if am I ant1-gay when I get irritated when QAF location filming disrupts my life by forcing me reroute my traffic patterns.
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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Originally posted by Tamper Lad: A better question is if am I ant1-gay when I get irritated when QAF location filming disrupts my life by forcing me reroute my traffic patterns. Yes, you would be anti-gay. You must embrace everything about gay culture to not be considered anti-gay.
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